Is it worth $50 to you?

Would you donate $50 to a legalization effort that might actually work?

  • Yes

    Votes: 232 81.1%
  • No

    Votes: 54 18.9%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Well-Known Member
i dont want to give up on the president yet...he may pull through for state brings mj to the senate on monday...from what i have seen, by the end of the summer it should be to the governor to sign the bill...fingers are crossed...


Active Member
even than its realy not legal you have to go by the rules that go along with it. such as number of plants and amount u can have cured and ready to go. in my county you get to have 8oz and 6 plants 2 countys over they are alod 12 and 16oz.


Active Member
I truly believe weed will be legal in Canada in the text 10 years... after that America will soon follow. We are very close I believe

But to donate $50 for the cause... hmmm now that's a bag I'm missing out on!

NYC Diesel

New Member
. such as number of plants and amount u can have cured and ready to go. in my county you get to have 8oz and 6 plants 2 countys over they are alod 12 and 16oz.
Damn pepper! What country do you live in? Im still waiting for thta to happen in new york. haha


Well-Known Member
even than its realy not legal you have to go by the rules that go along with it. such as number of plants and amount u can have cured and ready to go. in my county you get to have 8oz and 6 plants 2 countys over they are alod 12 and 16oz.
yer lucky, when it passes here, we can only have 1 oz of useable, and 6 plants...but its a start


Active Member
I think this is a great idea. So far. I've personally been researching this for around a year. I've been a smoker for around 6-7yrs. I have decided to dedicate some of my stoned free time to try and hop on the bandwagon and open the first dispensery in my area. It takes alot of work typing boring e-mails to people who already know how screwed up marijuana laws are. I have some great ideas for a mass media frenzie. Hopefully on April 20th of this year. I know its going to happen and I want to be a part of it. I work too f-ing hard. 12 hr shifts. at a major hospital saving other peoples fucked up lives. But I gotta go home and keep 3 weeds in a closet for christs sake. I'm sick of this shit. for real. within the last 3 weeks 3 of my friends have been cited for simple poss. but when one of them got robbed at gun point a week earlier it took 45mins for a cop to show up.

I would donate $50 to have someone do the hard work for me. retiredtoker if you could PM me we can make this happen.


Well-Known Member
just think of how far we have come over the past 15 years...i know not entirely as of yet, but havent we (the tokers) survived and can possibly see an end to the war on pot? the tokers aren't just "long haired stoner hippies" offense to you long haired know what i mean....we are lawyers, judges,governors,teachers,business owners, WE ARE AMERICA..... we have a voice and the voice isnt Tommy Chong....its fking people in suits and shit that are standing up for us and saying "Hey mthr fkrs! leave the smokers alone..." something like that.....but you get my point......a pot friendly America is within our grasp, if we all just did one thing, whether its taking 10 minutes and writing to your congressman, calling someone, just one contribution once a week or month, i promise you we will all smoke that victory :joint: soon


Well-Known Member
I recommend to everyone to donate to MPP, as they are a legitimate organization dedicated to reforming the laws, as well as NORML.

What this anonymous fellow is suggesting is that we give him our money for his super project and it will somehow work better than the existing lobby machines in play.

I'll put my money on the groups that are currently making changes and if anyone is honestly interested in giving to the cause I suggest you go to the two web sites I listed above.

What has this guy done to prove to me that this is not a scam?


Well-Known Member
I think this is a great idea. So far. I've personally been researching this for around a year. I've been a smoker for around 6-7yrs. I have decided to dedicate some of my stoned free time to try and hop on the bandwagon and open the first dispensery in my area. It takes alot of work typing boring e-mails to people who already know how screwed up marijuana laws are. I have some great ideas for a mass media frenzie. Hopefully on April 20th of this year. I know its going to happen and I want to be a part of it. I work too f-ing hard. 12 hr shifts. at a major hospital saving other peoples fucked up lives. But I gotta go home and keep 3 weeds in a closet for christs sake. I'm sick of this shit. for real. within the last 3 weeks 3 of my friends have been cited for simple poss. but when one of them got robbed at gun point a week earlier it took 45mins for a cop to show up.

I would donate $50 to have someone do the hard work for me. retiredtoker if you could PM me we can make this happen.
You would think a hospital would be drug testing it's employee's.. Not because of weed but because of the prescription drugs given to patents could be stolen and used by workers and nurses.
Did he tell the cops he got robbed for his weed? I think even telling the police was a bad Idea, next time they might kill him. Thats just the game we play.


Well-Known Member
I think this whole thing would cost alot less if we werent paying like 50 cents for a fucking postage stamp. How can anyone do a Mass mailing with prices that.

The interntet only touches those who want to look for it, and whenever theres a rally or march, It looks like a hippie convention (nothing wrong with hippies). What we need is an organized group of professionals to be in the front of this movement. Lets face it, nobody want to support a Drug rug, wearing hippies movement.
They need people who appear to be pillers of thier community. People who are paying thier taxes, people who are wearing suits to work and driving 60 thousand dollars cars, with a wife at home and kid in private school. This is the type of person that people will listen to.

And for godsake, use some fucking Visine, they always look completely fucked out of their element when giving an interview on nation T.V. This only hurts our cause.

What we need is check list of what not to do when speaking about legalization...

Don't wear a dirty old, ripped tee shirt, with legalize on it. (get one with a collar)
Don't smoke 25 joints before an iterview. (only have one or two)
Don't space out and crack jokes that are not funny. (just don't make any jokes)
Don't ever wear Dreads or a Jamician hat onto T.V. (A geeky combover might work)
Don't wear a Bob Marley shirt. (wear a shirt and tie)
Don't and I mean don't wear Hemp sandles. (nobody want to see your feet. dress shoes)
Oh ya, Cypress Hill was like 100 years ago (forget about them)

Here is a start.


Active Member
yes we need someone intelligent, someone who is "successful". don't be like Dee Snider and dress like a punk, but act and speak as he did when he went to defend metal in 85 against the "PMRC"

NYC Diesel

New Member
And for godsake, use some fucking Visine, they always look completely fucked out of their element when giving an interview on nation T.V. This only hurts our cause.
Hahahahaa true that, the people who do the talking always look ripped out of their minds. A little visine would do wonders for their eyes.


Active Member
island green guy...... I'm very greatful for the job I have. Very Very Very greatful. I never wanted to work in a hospital and see some of the sick and twisted stuff. But then I found out that as long as it is not affecting your job you would never get drug tested. I have loved it ever since. By no means is it a bad thing, the lazy non-motivated stoners get weeded out pretty quick. as far as the scripts. I think they are a problem everywhere. I hate them personally. But the same with the herb. If your not performing then you are out of there. I have the ability to see every department on a daily basis. Even if these docs are on scripts I would trust them with my life.
As far as my friends robbery, his possession charge and robbery were two different events. The robbery actually happened first. They stole his T.V. Laptop. And fired a shot at my brother.
But anywho......I see uses for legal marijuana every day.
If NORML had this same idea, to send a couple million "things" at one time, to all representatives and the president would you contribute?


Well-Known Member
I truly believe weed will be legal in Canada in the text 10 years... after that America will soon follow. We are very close I believe

But to donate $50 for the cause... hmmm now that's a bag I'm missing out on!
10 years....thats a long time. Why not get it legalized by next year??

I think this is a great idea. So far. I've personally been researching this for around a year. I've been a smoker for around 6-7yrs. I have decided to dedicate some of my stoned free time to try and hop on the bandwagon and open the first dispensery in my area. It takes alot of work typing boring e-mails to people who already know how screwed up marijuana laws are. I have some great ideas for a mass media frenzie. Hopefully on April 20th of this year. I know its going to happen and I want to be a part of it. I work too f-ing hard. 12 hr shifts. at a major hospital saving other peoples fucked up lives. But I gotta go home and keep 3 weeds in a closet for christs sake. I'm sick of this shit. for real. within the last 3 weeks 3 of my friends have been cited for simple poss. but when one of them got robbed at gun point a week earlier it took 45mins for a cop to show up.

I would donate $50 to have someone do the hard work for me. retiredtoker if you could PM me we can make this happen.
He's already making it happen. He is currently meeting with people and putting the balls in motion. He has an ad man, a focus group, and they will be getting a website set up soon.

I recommend to everyone to donate to MPP, as they are a legitimate organization dedicated to reforming the laws, as well as NORML.

What this anonymous fellow is suggesting is that we give him our money for his super project and it will somehow work better than the existing lobby machines in play.

I'll put my money on the groups that are currently making changes and if anyone is honestly interested in giving to the cause I suggest you go to the two web sites I listed above.

What has this guy done to prove to me that this is not a scam?

Well first off he's not asking you for any money. What kinda scam doesnt want money? This is just a poll to see what kind of support an idea that sounds like it would work would get.

The whole $50 is just an estimate, its not set in stone, its just to get an idea of what legalization is worth to people.

Once RT76 gets support from NORML, LEAF and all the other major pot organizations then Im sure you wont be so quick to call it a scam. I can guarantee he won't be asking for a dime untill things are in motion and he was the backing he needs to gain support from skeptics like you or me.

I am NOT donating a Dime to something that I dont strongly believe would work....also Im Canadian and Im willing to donate $50 so you Americans can legalize pot....Its not about it getting legalized for my benefit, its about Change.

We shouldnt be putting people in Jail for WEED!! Its ridiculous...



Oracle of Hallucinogens
I read through about half the pages (granted, every post for about 12 pages)..

I didn't see a link for a website.
I haven't heard supporting senators or anyone of political background.
I haven't seen other websites or any affiliations leading me to believe there is actually a plan that is formed.
I don't understand how you could expect people to follow a plan and donate to a plan, when there is hardly any information supporting there is a well-developed-structured plan.

I can't stand people saying "drug dealers need a good job". Yeah that makes sense, for those of you who smoke, how many of you make over $100,000 (in the united states)? Like, how many of you are stoners, smoke enough to fail a random drug test? Because if you are subject to random drug tests, you will fail. And if you aren't, your job isn't as great as you think it is.

Try having a government job "good job", anything in the nuclear field, law enforcement, military, NSA, FBI, CIA, or any other jobs regulated by the government. You will be subject to random drug tests, and you will not pass them!


Well-Known Member
I read through about half the pages (granted, every post for about 12 pages)..

I didn't see a link for a website.
I haven't heard supporting senators or anyone of political background.
I haven't seen other websites or any affiliations leading me to believe there is actually a plan that is formed.
I don't understand how you could expect people to follow a plan and donate to a plan, when there is hardly any information supporting there is a well-developed-structured plan.

I can't stand people saying "drug dealers need a good job". Yeah that makes sense, for those of you who smoke, how many of you make over $100,000 (in the united states)? Like, how many of you are stoners, smoke enough to fail a random drug test? Because if you are subject to random drug tests, you will fail. And if you aren't, your job isn't as great as you think it is.

Try having a government job "good job", anything in the nuclear field, law enforcement, military, NSA, FBI, CIA, or any other jobs regulated by the government. You will be subject to random drug tests, and you will not pass them!

Read the whole thread.....There is no website yet....This thread is only a few weeks old...:roll:

No one is asking anyone to donate ANYTHING, its a POLL to see what people would be WILLING to do to get pot legalized....why is that so difficult to understand?

RT76 is putting the plan together and gaining the support it needs BEFORE spamming a half ass plan on the internet and asking for money.

He's doing everything right if you ask me. I wouldnt be here supporting it if he came on here with some half ass plan and said he will be back with the rest of the plan and to ask for money..

Would you really want to support some half ass plan with a cheap website thrown together in 5 minutes by some stoner?

These things dont happen overnight. When you actually get out and make things happen it takes time. At least he is out getting things done and not sitting here on the forums every day just talking about his great idea.

I would rather wait 6 months if thats what it takes to hear a real, well thought out plan that is laid out and presented properly and already has backing from the major pot organizations, like NORML, LEAF, or even the NRA.

Sit down, relax, your clearly not planning anything or doing anything to get pot legalized so who are you to judge? :razz:
