Is it worth $50 to you?

Would you donate $50 to a legalization effort that might actually work?

  • Yes

    Votes: 232 81.1%
  • No

    Votes: 54 18.9%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


NO. I wouldn't donate unless its for commercial hemp products, otherwise walmart would rollback prices on my ass. I can't have that income loss. Keep fighting the government though. Anyone willing to donate 50$ to my cause? I need a new boat, or that mercedes would be nice.


Well-Known Member
From what I've heard, the idea sounds solid. I'd donate when the whole thing was revealed, etc.! All you guys who are saying "NO" obviously don't understand the concept or idea. He's not asking for $$ here. He just wants to know, if there were a plan out there, that offered a sure fire way of it working, WOULD you give $$ to the sure fire plan?


Well-Known Member
It would drop the price and make people pay taxes but it would actually increase sales and profits because the customer base would become huge.
I.E. You the "dealer" have 50 customers a week spending 20 dollars each,you pocket all of the money if you grew it yourself.
If you didn't grow it yourself you have to pay your supplier most of that cash back anyway.
If you grew it yourself you have a lot of time and investment,electric etc.. to also pay for and consider in your profit margin.

If it was legal you can always grow it yourself and your customer base will probably increase by a factor of at least 10.
10x the customers,no prison and more profitsbongsmilie
Way off. Everyone would be selling it if it were a legal taxable thing. Every fucking towelheads Bodaga, liquor store and conveinent store would have it for sale. Supply and demand would go down to nothing. Just like Tobacco. Not in our best intrest to legalize it. The only one profiting from it would be the government and who wants that now. Fuck even thinking like that. You people are all insane if you think legalization would be the answer to all our problems. Theres a reason hard drugs cost more to purchase, and thats because of the risk associated with making, selling and the possibility of landing in jail for a really long time.


Well-Known Member
You have successfully proven that your are both ignorant and uneducated.

Clearly its you that has no idea what your talking about.

have you read any of the thread?

He's not a scammer, he's not even asking you for any money :roll:

Do you not understand the difference between asking for something, and asking what people would be WILLING to do?

If he was a scammer he would have been asking for money by now.

He laid out why hes not revealing his plan yet, pretty smart if you ask me.

You keep donating your money to NORML and see how much of a difference thats gonna make. NORML is the real scam, if they wanted to make a difference they would have by now, but they dont want to because if NORML legalizes then they no longer have their very profitable "not for profit" charity.

Im going to wait until he reveals his plan to pass judgement. I dont know why anyone else wouldnt do the same.

Dude lay off the shit. scammers are all the same, they all start out by asking if you would be willing to do something, earning your trust if you will. Next it's a small investment of, lets say $50. Now he's got you. Telling you how well his plans going. From the words you have written about me, I already know your a Gulabull and immature. NORML is a great organization. Only an ignorant and uneducated person like your self would think they are scamming anyone.

I don't care what you do. Send your Fifty bucks, fuck it send $100. Your never gonna get it any return on it. while this guy spends it on his crack and prostitute habit, you can sit back and laugh how you thought I was the uneducated one.

Good luck being fucked over. All of you, who go with this guys scamming plan.

Hey Retired Toker. How bout some names of your so called senators, celebs, Adman. How bout a link to a website with your info in it. How bout a Tax free Certificate. Show me something that will make me beleive this hole bullshit plan. Do, this and i'll send you $1000 money order. And I'll post of a picture of it on this Thread.


Well-Known Member
Should of got this idea of the ground before Super High Me was filmed, that would of got some good publicity lol.

P.S - Personally, it's not worth $50 to me, because this all sounds like it's an American based project, and seen as I don't live in America, it would have little value to me, other than the fact America some how governs our pot laws through the feds, which means if America legalized, maybe my government might reconsider, but that would be a long and slow process I'd probably not live to see, sadly...


Well-Known Member
Way off. Everyone would be selling it if it were a legal taxable thing. Every fucking towelheads Bodaga, liquor store and conveinent store would have it for sale. Supply and demand would go down to nothing. Just like Tobacco. Not in our best intrest to legalize it. The only one profiting from it would be the government and who wants that now. Fuck even thinking like that. You people are all insane if you think legalization would be the answer to all our problems. Theres a reason hard drugs cost more to purchase, and thats because of the risk associated with making, selling and the possibility of landing in jail for a really long time.
That hasn't been the case in Amsterdam,why would it be different in America or anywhere else?bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
Dude lay off the shit. scammers are all the same, they all start out by asking if you would be willing to do something, earning your trust if you will. Next it's a small investment of, lets say $50. Now he's got you. Telling you how well his plans going. From the words you have written about me, I already know your a Gulabull and immature. NORML is a great organization. Only an ignorant and uneducated person like your self would think they are scamming anyone.

I don't care what you do. Send your Fifty bucks, fuck it send $100. Your never gonna get it any return on it. while this guy spends it on his crack and prostitute habit, you can sit back and laugh how you thought I was the uneducated one.

Good luck being fucked over. All of you, who go with this guys scamming plan.

Hey Retired Toker. How bout some names of your so called senators, celebs, Adman. How bout a link to a website with your info in it. How bout a Tax free Certificate. Show me something that will make me beleive this hole bullshit plan. Do, this and i'll send you $1000 money order. And I'll post of a picture of it on this Thread.

If you have a problem then stop posting, stop reading the thread. He's not even asking for any money.....:roll:

He's asking what you would do IF someone laid out a real plan that might work.

What are you psychic? Your one of those people who knows it all?

Give the guy a fucking chance. How can you call BS before you even know what the plan is?

Stop wasting your time. You said it once, we understand thats your opinion and your entitled to it, but why are you gonna flame the thread again and again saying its a scam?

You keep donating your money to NORML and see if that makes a difference...



Well-Known Member
Should of got this idea of the ground before Super High Me was filmed, that would of got some good publicity lol.

P.S - Personally, it's not worth $50 to me, because this all sounds like it's an American based project, and seen as I don't live in America, it would have little value to me, other than the fact America some how governs our pot laws through the feds, which means if America legalized, maybe my government might reconsider, but that would be a long and slow process I'd probably not live to see, sadly...

If America legalizes Canada will legalize pretty much the next day. And Im sure many countries would eventually do the same once they see the benefits of legalizing cannabis.

Legalizing Weed will open up a Whole new field of research. Imagine a world where doctors and scientists dont have to be afraid of ruining their reputation by wanting to study the benefits of Marijuana.

If weed was legal, research would open up, and the whole argument of "how can it be medicine if you smoke it" would go out the window.

If you had a choice as a pain reliever in Pill form would you want something that was made synthetically, or would you prefer something that was derived from something natural, like Cannabis?

Legalizing weed in the USA would have a global impact on the perception of Marijuana.



Well-Known Member
That hasn't been the case in Amsterdam,why would it be different in America or anywhere else?bongsmilie
Yes it has. Amsterdam would be a perfect example of what I'm talking about.

Street dealer prices are down to nothing. They can't even support themselves let alone families. As I stated above, the only ones making the money are the shops and Government. Your only Validation my point.

I've been to Amsterdam more then 15 times in 6 years. I have seen this first hand.


Well-Known Member
Yes it has. Amsterdam would be a perfect example of what I'm talking about.

Street dealer prices are down to nothing. They can't even support themselves let alone families. As I stated above, the only ones making the money are the shops and Government. Your only Validation my point.

I've been to Amsterdam more then 15 times in 6 years. I have seen this first hand.
Yeah no one buys from street dealers because they usually only sell shit that the coffee houses wont sell or buy from them:bigjoint:
I know plenty of people there and i am going to live there eventually,i think youll find that 99% of the world couldnt give a shit if some junkie cant sell his scrag on the backstreets.
If you have good weed and your a cool person you will have no trouble at all in selling it.
You talk a lot but i see no real knowledge coming from you just your own fear of loss of your trade:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
For a legitimate plan... Which is would take a lot to convince me since I am a total skeptic on a budget... I would jump on.. Id have to see it working first and I would even drop $100, personally.


Keep trying to legalize it, hold your breath while doing it too..its a new natural selection.


Well-Known Member
If you have a problem then stop posting, stop reading the thread. He's not even asking for any money.....:roll:

He's asking what you would do IF someone laid out a real plan that might work.

What are you psychic? Your one of those people who knows it all?

Give the guy a fucking chance. How can you call BS before you even know what the plan is?

Stop wasting your time. You said it once, we understand thats your opinion and your entitled to it, but why are you gonna flame the thread again and again saying its a scam?

You keep donating your money to NORML and see if that makes a difference...

I did give the guy a chance. I gave many chances to show me he wasn't full of shit.

Show me some proof I asked. Show me some of your so called Senator I asked. Show me your Celebs. I asked...

How about this adman.. What ever the fuck that means. An ad man Makes AD's, He doesn't pay off senators to help with bullshit plans to legalize weed.

I can't stop reading, I can't stop posting. Not untill I disolve this cancer thats poisoning the minds our fellow growers into thinking that Legalization is going to benificial to us.

Believe me, I am all for studying Cannabis for its medical purposed and prescribing it to patients who need it. I thinks it's a wonder drug for cancer, Aids and many many other Awfull sicknesses.

But legalizing it isn't what the majority of us want. Sure it's a great Idea for the average pot smoker. But not the average pot grower.

Hey BCTRIPPIN, I will refrain from calling his plan a scam. All I ask is that some good info about it get posted.

Think about this. During Prohibition the averge man could become a Moonshiner or booze runner to support his family and intern make a boat load of money. After Prohibition, the average man didn't have the Funds to start a liquor store, bar or nightclub, thus not being able to support his family. My point is:
If it's Illegal, at least we have the options to get ahead in life (especially during this shitty ecconomy). We can try to make some money for us and have enough weed that we don't have spend what little money we have on it.
If it were legal, Most of us wouldn't have enough money to be able to open a store and sell Marijuana. And if we did, the government would rape us of almost all our profits.
I'm not gonna go down without a fight. I

Fuck it, I'll start a thread about this shit.


Active Member
I'd donate, If it becomes decriminalized It's not hurting the smoker's and it will not hurt the growers (for personal use only)... but if your going at it to try to make money (mass growing,dealing,I.E. a buisness) well than I would much rather pay some taxes than go to prison, maybe that's just me. Fuck if I was out of weed, I'd rather go to a legit corner store anyday, than try to track down some shady dealer (who know's what your smoking or if it even weighs)


Well-Known Member
If America legalizes Canada will legalize pretty much the next day. And Im sure many countries would eventually do the same once they see the benefits of legalizing cannabis.

Legalizing Weed will open up a Whole new field of research. Imagine a world where doctors and scientists dont have to be afraid of ruining their reputation by wanting to study the benefits of Marijuana.

If weed was legal, research would open up, and the whole argument of "how can it be medicine if you smoke it" would go out the window.

If you had a choice as a pain reliever in Pill form would you want something that was made synthetically, or would you prefer something that was derived from something natural, like Cannabis?

Legalizing weed in the USA would have a global impact on the perception of Marijuana.


Agreed. If all the smokers in the world united in some way to get it legal in america, other countries would follow.

I would donate $50 if I had it.
What's $50 anymore anyway. Really...
It's about what I save every week by growing instead of buying.


Active Member
I dislike our govt' as much as the next guy and I HATE paying taxes to boot, but I have to pay them quarterly for my legit buisness and have had to for the past 25yrs. Why should you be able to operate a buisness and not have to pay? I would be mad also if I had a non-taxable income that was being threatend, but sad reality is that is we are ran by a government and must obide by their regulations (or be punished when/if caught)


Well-Known Member
I did give the guy a chance. I gave many chances to show me he wasn't full of shit.

Show me some proof I asked. Show me some of your so called Senator I asked. Show me your Celebs. I asked...

How about this adman.. What ever the fuck that means. An ad man Makes AD's, He doesn't pay off senators to help with bullshit plans to legalize weed.

I can't stop reading, I can't stop posting. Not untill I disolve this cancer thats poisoning the minds our fellow growers into thinking that Legalization is going to benificial to us.

Believe me, I am all for studying Cannabis for its medical purposed and prescribing it to patients who need it. I thinks it's a wonder drug for cancer, Aids and many many other Awfull sicknesses.

But legalizing it isn't what the majority of us want. Sure it's a great Idea for the average pot smoker. But not the average pot grower.

Hey BCTRIPPIN, I will refrain from calling his plan a scam. All I ask is that some good info about it get posted.

Think about this. During Prohibition the averge man could become a Moonshiner or booze runner to support his family and intern make a boat load of money. After Prohibition, the average man didn't have the Funds to start a liquor store, bar or nightclub, thus not being able to support his family. My point is:
If it's Illegal, at least we have the options to get ahead in life (especially during this shitty ecconomy). We can try to make some money for us and have enough weed that we don't have spend what little money we have on it.
If it were legal, Most of us wouldn't have enough money to be able to open a store and sell Marijuana. And if we did, the government would rape us of almost all our profits.
I'm not gonna go down without a fight. I

Fuck it, I'll start a thread about this shit.
You sir, are comparing apples to oranges. And you also seem to be pretty confused. Marijuana is illegal, we CAN make money at it, but (most of us who are doing so) are doing so against the rule of law. Legitimizing marijuana would not make you unable to do so, it would simply create more competition, in my mind there is nothing wrong with that. If it is being taxed that bothers you, simple. Dont pay taxes! Noone seems to have any qualms about growing dope illegally, but god forbid you grow it legally and then neglect to claim it on your income tax. Seriously, if these are your problems with legalizing this, then you need to open your eyes and put things in perspective.
If, one day magically marijuana was suddenly legalized and sold in 7-11 next to the pallmalls sure it would be heavily taxed, homoginised and potancy regulated. So to me, there would be no question, i would much rather smoke some quality grown sensi whos origins i know from seed to joint then this shite the governmment is putting on me, if you've got the right product at the right price, there will allways be a customer base for you..
Long story short, i dont really think this dude and his plan are worth giving any creedence to, but if by some crazyness dope was suddenly legal, we'd all be better off. If it ruins your business, i'm sorry, but you need a better product at better prices. Don't go asking for a bailout if the times get tough, that my friend, is life.
You're fooling yourself if you think the current state of prohibition is good for us.
Seriously, for every person who goes to jail for a non-violent, harmless "crime" FUCK YOU!!!


Well-Known Member
You sir, are comparing apples to oranges. And you also seem to be pretty confused. Marijuana is illegal, we CAN make money at it, but (most of us who are doing so) are doing so against the rule of law. Legitimizing marijuana would not make you unable to do so, it would simply create more competition, in my mind there is nothing wrong with that. If it is being taxed that bothers you, simple. Dont pay taxes! Noone seems to have any qualms about growing dope illegally, but god forbid you grow it legally and then neglect to claim it on your income tax. Seriously, if these are your problems with legalizing this, then you need to open your eyes and put things in perspective.
If, one day magically marijuana was suddenly legalized and sold in 7-11 next to the pallmalls sure it would be heavily taxed, homoginised and potancy regulated. So to me, there would be no question, i would much rather smoke some quality grown sensi whos origins i know from seed to joint then this shite the governmment is putting on me, if you've got the right product at the right price, there will allways be a customer base for you..
Long story short, i dont really think this dude and his plan are worth giving any creedence to, but if by some crazyness dope was suddenly legal, we'd all be better off. If it ruins your business, i'm sorry, but you need a better product at better prices. Don't go asking for a bailout if the times get tough, that my friend, is life.
You're fooling yourself if you think the current state of prohibition is good for us.
Seriously, for every person who goes to jail for a non-violent, harmless "crime" FUCK YOU!!!
I think California is a good model for what we are talking about. The prices at dispensaries are not so cheap that non-medical growers can't compete and still make a decent profit.
There should be absolutely no government regulation or taxes regarding growing for personal use. It should be treated like any other plant or crop provided by nature for anyone to use as they see fit.
Now the produce itself, hash, buds, tinctures, etc. could be taxed and regulated like any other product produced for commerce.

IslandGreenGuy, just because something is legal doesn't mean everyone will be growing it and you will go out of business. Do you grow your own tomatoes and lettuce too? Many people don't want the hassle and invest in the expense and would rather just buy a ready-made quality product. Some people will stay growers because it can be a fun hobby, but for many it is too much like work and they are only doing it because they have compared the risk of obtaining it from street dealers vs. growing their own and decided the second option is safer in the long run.