Well-Known Member
Buncha damn liberals in here, I tell ya.
you obviously take it for gospel, or we wouldn't be having an argument about what a fuckbag douche trump and 99% of republicans are...if you have the faintest inkling of the truth, you'd realize that while democrats aren't angels who never lie, republicans are lying pieces of shit that hardly ever tell the truth, and trump was the worst of them ... republicans want to move society back at least a century to a time when they (white christian males) were firmly in charge, when women had no reproductive rights, and it was an actual crime to be anything but a heterosexual...i have NO use for the entire party anymore, with the possible exception of Cheney and Kinzinger, who seem to be telling the truth about trump and his attempted I said I do like to view as many angles as possible: from which I form my own opinions. My saying PBS and NPR are full of left leaning people doesn’t mean I hate them or they should be cancelled.
But consider my point of view for a moment, you link a video and insinuate I’m wrong about bias in media; but then have to clarify “oh that one part is opinion, but yea everything else is totally cream of the crop over on PBS.”
It’s right in front of you but you couldn’t even see it. It’s all great to you because it aligns with your views. How they speak and what they speak about. In my opinion in those other segments I see just as much…….personality from the guests.
I just don’t need any one commentator or a hive mind to tell me what is and isn’t controversial, or how they feel, or what they think is really going on. They are welcome to do it, but I don’t have to buy it.
The personalities in news are why we think we know anything about any public figure. So if more news/media personalities are left leaning in their own politics, naturally that opinion is elevated as superior and righteous.
All that said I like to listen to NPR and read Washington post along with politico. At the same time I’ll turn on talk radio or read through breitbart or the dailymail another day. I take it for what it is, not gospel.
I love you. But you're wasting your obviously take it for gospel, or we wouldn't be having an argument about what a fuckbag douche trump and 99% of republicans are...if you have the faintest inkling of the truth, you'd realize that while democrats aren't angels who never lie, republicans are lying pieces of shit that hardly ever tell the truth, and trump was the worst of them ... republicans want to move society back at least a century to a time when they (white christian males) were firmly in charge, when women had no reproductive rights, and it was an actual crime to be anything but a heterosexual...i have NO use for the entire party anymore, with the possible exception of Cheney and Kinzinger, who seem to be telling the truth about trump and his attempted coup...
the republicans don't even have a platform...unless you consider restricting voting rights, restricting reproductive rights, restricting the right to your own sexual identity, restricting the right to teach children the truth about American history, while expanding the right to own and carry a handgun with no training, no controls, no certifications, and no background checks, a platform...
they're all for banning abortion, but once the child is born, they don't want to give that child medical care, they don't want to help parents with affordable daycare, they don't want to help parents with child tax credits, and they only want to fund schools that follow their archaic plan to brainwash children into being good little drones who will vote republican to perpetuate their empire of hate....
fuck republicans, and fuck the media that tries to cast them in a good light
I come here for that purpose.I love you. But you're wasting your time.
We should start a forum or somethingI come here for that purpose.
Let's be real, it is more the Tulsi love, dismissing the Russian attack on our democracy, and using the GQP talking point of Biden being some kind of pedophile that screams 'radicalized by right wing propaganda (even the shit cat fishing as left)'.right - my consuming information form multiple points of view and not being a fan of Biden = Qanon
brb gonna go text all my Russian and Insurrectionist friends. Tuesday is the meet up, I’ve gotta go get more tin foil
.32 is a cool bullet.
Did you happen to notice the revolver that Doc Holiday (Van Kimer) carried under his jacket in Tombstone that he killed Ringo with?
It was a .32 with a pearl handled dove tail grip like this one.
Fucking beautiful
View attachment 5109806
i got nothing better to do, and there's a one in a hundred thousand chance that i will provide the information to change one republican mind, to wake one republican up so they leave the cult....I love you. But you're wasting your time.
Honorable, man. Inspires me to try to be a little less of a dick, but holy shit they are retarded.i got nothing better to do, and there's a one in a hundred thousand chance that i will provide the information to change one republican mind, to wake one republican up so they leave the cult....
and it's fun to fuck with them
I don’t hold that hope. Unless the new user shows some sort of willingness to listen, anyone who comes here and spouts the familiar GQP crappadocia I treat as a pure troll.i got nothing better to do, and there's a one in a hundred thousand chance that i will provide the information to change one republican mind, to wake one republican up so they leave the cult....
and it's fun to fuck with them
I have two revolvers that were made for me by a most talented smith in Mississippi. The heavy one is in .500 L and has ivory Micarta grips. The .22 has genuine ivory from still available licensed elephant ivory. The natural material is distinctive, especially the cross grain visible on the butt surfaces.I'm afraid you are mistaken, sir </Doc Holliday voice>
Those are supposed to be ivory grips, but they're probably micarta
Why don't you leave and go to GC..........the politics section is filled with nothing but magats like you.Buncha damn liberals in here, I tell ya.
Older study so I can't find it right now. Which news source, self reported by respondents, had the best grip of the facts. The only question I remember from the study was something like, 'Is Obama a Muslim'.like I said I do like to view as many angles as possible: from which I form my own opinions. My saying PBS and NPR are full of left leaning people doesn’t mean I hate them or they should be cancelled.
I'd heard early on it would take 3 weeks for the average Russian to start feeling the weight of the sanctions. Guess they were right.Deficit of goods, currency restrictions, fights in stores. Ordinary Russians are paying for the war