Is Putin finished?

I have two revolvers that were made for me by a most talented smith in Mississippi. The heavy one is in .500 L and has ivory Micarta grips. The .22 has genuine ivory from still available licensed elephant ivory. The natural material is distinctive, especially the cross grain visible on the butt surfaces.

I started out in the jewelry trade in 1979 cutting mastodon ivory so I know exactly what you're talking about

I've also worked with fresh and fossilized walrus ivory, warthog tusks, and whale's teeth, but I've never worked a bit of elephant ivory
I started out in the jewelry trade in 1979 cutting mastodon ivory so I know exactly what you're talking about

I've also worked with fresh and fossilized walrus ivory, warthog tusks, and whale's teeth, but I've never worked a bit of elephant ivory
I passed on a really nice fat sperm whale tooth Boston 1989. I regret that pass.
I'm not wild about the scratch- it's modern, probably done in the '70s

Some of the greatest scrimshanders in the world were working with my cabs

Jesus Arick, Gary Dorning, Bonnie Shulte, and the like- I've seen absolutely mind-blowing work
Favorite substrates? I have a weakness for opal and turquoise.
Boy will he be disappointed, more like Vlad the fool, or Vlad the blunderer or maybe just Bad Vlad. I think this is starting to sink in a bit, but it will take more pounding with some hard blows to drive home the point. Right now he is getting severely bitch slapped by reality and his head must be spinning a bit.
'He Wants To Be Putin The Great': What History Teaches Us About Putin

Favorite substrates? I have a weakness for opal and turquoise.

I use the term "cabochons" loosely when I'm talking about mastodon ivory- I did cut some ovals and rounds and whatnot, but that's not really what I was doing

My finish on ivory and related materials is unmatched- it doesn't even look real when I'm done with it
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