Is the World Flat? The Flatlander's theory..

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Why is it if I shoot my gun in the air straight up the bullet will fall down near me and not several hundred yards away if the earth is spinning at up to 1000 mph at the equator?
This is a very basic physics question and the same reason you can throw a ball up in the back of a pickup traveling at 50 miles per hour and still catch it. The pickup, the ball, and you are all traveling at 50 miles per hour.

What school did you go to?
Space ships are sandwiched between black matter .. simple. Constant pressure being applied by compression.. Golly gosh people simple.
This is a very basic physics question and the same reason you can throw a ball up in the back of a pickup traveling at 50 miles per hour and still catch it. The pickup, the ball, and you are all traveling at 50 miles per hour.

What school did you go to?

So if I understand you, the earth, me and the atomosphere are all traveling at the same speed is that right?
I have crashed 3 cars all of them without a drivers license, no insurance and drunk. 93 mustang, 97 f-50, and a 97 lincoln navigator. I guess I have a thing against the 90s.

Drove a honda 300 fourtrax off a 15ft cliff at a decent speed. I ended up breaking my left collar bone, lower left arm, a couple of ribs and my arm came out of socket. Looking back I am lucky as fuck, I was 12 and a friend said no balls, so naturally I had to prove him wrong.
You ... unspeakable Philistine. You killed this.

To throw a ball while traveling at say 50mph
You would have to match that speed to be able to retrieve is but there is so many factors of resistance and inconsistency that it would fall under luck of the draw. Sorry for the post not stoned enough atm for this thread , but regardless getting people thinking and talking in a civil manner kudos.
You, the earth, and the bullet.

Ok, So if this is the case please explain how an airplane flying from East to west has the same flight times as a plane flying from west to east. The atmosphere is moving in sympathy with the earth according to you, there should be some major drag on the plane flying against this atmosphere and major tailwind flying with this atmosphere. I submit if this were the case a plane taking off with this un noticeable wind would be unable to do so. How would it create enough lift? Turning with the wind should make the plane drop out of the sky for lack of lift.
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