Is the World Flat? The Flatlander's theory..

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To the flat-landers who refuse to accept the fact this earth is round.
@Mellowman2112 I have a question for you. Same pickup, same speed(50 mph), but this time you shoot your gun in the same direction the pickup is going. if the average speed of a bullet is about 1,700 mph, how fast is the bullet actually going?

Sorry my internet is very broken tonight. Had started to reply and it died, again!

Could be, but I'd much rather play with a normally-aspirated V12 than the small V8 they turboed to a fare-thee-well in the '40.

Now me, I want the 599GTB "Fiorano" ...
But who would drive it for you?
Does anyone notice the sun's rays pointing out to the left and right? From 93000000 miles away how is we can see those if they arent pointed at us?
Now here's my problem with this. If the earth is flat then the ships just fall off the edge, no horizon, we have a cliff. So how do the ships that went over the horizon return.

That's a thoughtful question. If Antarctica is the southern edge that runs around the world, think of a dinner plate it's not perfectly flat and your gravy does not fall off of it. The gravy being the oceans and the mashed potatoes being the land. 180px-SunAnimation.gif ice3wall1.jpg icewall2.jpg
Now here's my problem with this. If the earth is flat then the ships just fall off the edge, no horizon, we have a cliff. So how do the ships that went over the cliff return? Because the Navy and CG seem to have that part wired. Wonder if @GreatwhiteNorth knows the secret?
@curious2garden The ship returns, back into view just like something that is far away cant be seen until it gets closer, the sun and moon do the same thing. First the top of the object will come into view. perspective.png perspective.png perspective2.png
Ill tell you what show me the edge of the earth and you win.
Now I want to see a sheer drop off into abyss.
Why don't we hear of people falling off of the "flat earth" or ANY pictures of it. Because it is not a flat world.
Why is it if I shoot my gun in the air straight up the bullet will fall down near me and not several hundred yards away if the earth is spinning at up to 1000 mph at the equator?

Just thought of a simple experiment that you can do to explain this. Two actually. The one I'll use is a merry-go-round. If you get on one that's moving a a good clip, let's say 20mph, and you toss a ball into the air, it doesn't go backward and instead drops right back into your hand. Why? Because the ball is moving 20mph just as you are. Same with your bullet scenario. The earth, you, and the bullet are all moving 1000mph. I cannot make it any simpler, and it's an experiment you can try anytime. Would also work in your car moving at 100mph. Please say you get it...

Edit - I see @Gary Goodson already answered this. Nice job, Gary! Did he replay bullshit! I haven't gotten there yet...
Just thought of a simple experiment that you can do to explain this. Two actually. The one I'll use is a merry-go-round. If you get on one that's moving a a good clip, let's say 20mph, and you toss a ball into the air, it doesn't go backward and instead drops right back into your hand. Why? Because the ball is moving 20mph just as you are. Same with your bullet scenario. The earth, you, and the bullet are all moving 1000mph. I cannot make it any simpler, and it's an experiment you can try anytime. Would also work in your car moving at 100mph. Please say you get it...

So if i fling the ball at 20 mph in the direction i am going on the merry go round, how fast does the ball fly?
So if i fling the ball at 20 mph in the direction i am going on the merry go round, how fast does the ball fly?

Approximately 40 when it leaves your hand. Same if you were going 100mph in a car and you threw a ball. The wind resistance would slow the ball down immediately if thrown forward from the car, but for a second the ball would be traveling in excess of 100mph when measured from a stationary perspective, like a radar gun from the side of the road...
Approximately 40 when it leaves your hand. Same if you were going 100mph in a car and you threw a ball. The wind resistance would slow the ball down immediately if thrown forward from the car, but for a second the ball would be traveling in excess of 100mph when measured from a stationary perspective, like a radar gun from the side of the road...

ok, I agree. and if I threw the ball behind me it would travel a lessor distance right, due to my inertia at 20 miles per hour. Am I getting this?
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