Is the World Flat? The Flatlander's theory..

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You ... unspeakable Philistine. You killed this.


The F40 was a better, purer car. Especially the early ones.
Explain why it would be different on a round, rotating one.

On a rotating earth the bullet going west would be 1000mph the earths speed o f rotation plus 1700 plus the 50 the truck is doing
2750 miles an hour. Because the earth is supposedly moving at 1000 mph, we don't see that.
Could be, but I'd much rather play with a normally-aspirated V12 than the small V8 they turboed to a fare-thee-well in the '40.

Now me, I want the 599GTB "Fiorano" ...

Well see, that's exactly why I think the early version of the F40 is the high water mark of the era; you learned how to deal with that explosive performance on its terms- or it would blow up in your face.

Driven well, nothing could catch it. Driven poorly, it would kill you. Bad drivers should stick to Corvettes.

A new era is dawning even now; the Tesla Model S in top 'ludicrous' trim can already suck the doors off just about anything with an internal combustion engine in the 1/8. Finishing the job in the quarter is all but an afterthought in terms of design; Basically, better cooling for the power controller and a software update.

And to think I used to want a Buick Regal GNX. Remember those pigs? LOL

And that Fiorano looks like a Corvette.
On a rotating earth the bullet going west would be 1000mph the earths speed o f rotation plus 1700 plus the 50 the truck is doing
2750 miles an hour. Because the earth is supposedly moving at 1000 mph, we don't see that.

You failed to explain how it would be any different.
We used to shoot arrows up directly straight as much as possible , along long time ago before even internet and it would very depending on variables but most would land within 15 feet radius depending on wind , but an arrow and a bullet are very different than arrows.
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