is this a female?

Is this thread for real or just a joke . cannot believe how bad your plants are dude , never heard as much bullshit in my entire life. MALES ( Honest ) . End the thread . Still think this is a joke ( cant be for real ) . So so bad
lets see your plants.

we all already know trousers died within the first week :finger:

this plant has always been droopy and sad, and i dont know why. it was not like its younger brother. the younger one surpassed it in size, and didnt get burnt from the fish emulsion.

Can you find anything to back up your opinion that humans created hermaphrodites?
Your whole argument hinges on that opinion.
With as many posts on these forums from some very experienced growers, that state leave the nutes alone until the 3rd or 4th node. I am surprised how many new growers feel the need to shove nutes to a plant that is born with its own food supply, enough to get itself to where it can utilize the nutrients that would be found in its natural environment.

I fell prey to the same thing, got to feed'em as soon as they break the surface, I could not have been more wrong. I killed about $65 worth of quality seeds from my lack of knowledge.
As soon as I followed the basics of just water and light, I had excellent results. That was in a soiless mix and distilled water and they grew like a banshee.

Plants are good at what they do, they have been at it longer than we have been on the face of the planet.

Peace and Great Grows

plants.jpg this is a very old pic, dont take them now and only thing i could find not deleted , before i started topping ect. regards. You got very bad plants.


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how many calyexs per node should a female have?

i agree, i did feed a little too soon. espeically since i used a shake and bake soil started, which said it feeds for 8 weeks, which really means 10 when you subtract manufacturing rushing you so you buy more.

check out this neat way i thought to transplant. didnt hurt the roots
Sorry dude , watched your video and didn't know you had special needs. Hope the wanking hand gets better soon. Good luck with everything !. Tomato plant looks neat.
When the plant stresses it will produce a lot of 'hermi' hormone to create 'ball sacks' If the plant is old and almost dying it can also produce 'nanners' in the bud.. though I have read that these seeds are not as strong.. The hermi plant through stress will more than likely run that hormone next time around hence giving more rise to hermi from hermi... (though probably still no male since the 'y' is never the factor, the hormone is). When feminized seeds are produced, they are done so in a caring manner as not over produce the hormone.. not to say that all breeders can get this, the ones that do are making the money from the feminzied seeds. When the 'hormone' factor can remain the same level as a full female, then you will have a 100 percent chance of a 'full' female since the hormones should stay in the range that they need to stay in. You can not compare apples and oranges let alone humans and plants. It makes sense in the hermi world cause if a 'hermi' plant get pollinated by a male that may finally arrive one year it does not care if the seed is produced with it's own or the male's pollen. It just wants to survive. But this is exactly what Trousers is saying.
how many calyexs per node should a female have?

i agree, i did feed a little too soon. espeically since i used a shake and bake soil started, which said it feeds for 8 weeks, which really means 10 when you subtract manufacturing rushing you so you buy more.

check out this neat way i thought to transplant. didnt hurt the roots

You giving anyone advice about anything is scary and funny.
i threw both males out. both my acid seeds just hatched. well see how i do with them.

i put one fat end up, and one pointy end up directly in soil. they both hatched at same speed, but one has shell stuck to its first feed leaves.

sowed 1/4 and they emerged today 1/7, during dark hours, which is weird to me. i thought plants grow out the soil, towards the light, and the roots by gravity?

my first batch of plants were bad, my second were alright (the two male cannabis and the tomato) and i promise my third will be even better.

so i have 1 mutilated flowering nub, that is 6 or 7 weeks into flower on 1/6, one tomato plant (that just entered puberty/stretch) that will be four weeks old on 1/9, and now two feminzed sour grapefruit diesel seedlings.

tomato plant almost doubled it size over night entering stretch.

thank for the wishes and blessings about my hand. i appreciate it. unfortunately it healed subluxed, so i have chronic druj instability :/

/end thread
"cannabis plants have the tendencay to hermie, becuase we have bred into their dna to encourage hermie growth."

Remember when you said that?
funny stuff
and that is still true. the less we make hermie plants, the less tendancy for them to hermie, as a whole species/future generations. did we invent it? who knows. why on earth would the creator a program like that first place? he never expected there to be one plant or one human being left, and if he did foresee this, maybe thats what it was meant to be saved for. if we fucked up and killed everything but one creature and it needed to reproduce to keep the species alive until the sun explodes and restarts it all over again. thats the most extreme case in our galaxy.

he probably invented a perfect ratio of each animal at the start, two, and expected it to multiply accordingly. that would be in an ideal earth, but nothings ideal

i believe hermies are from bad infections that cause birth defects, or chemical poisioning. or maybe he invented this last ditch effort, who knows. but the odds are even less, becuase god doesnt give a fuck what species is alive or not, its survival of the fittest. when dinosaurs were the most evolved, nothing else could evolve. they got killed (the flying ones got away, and deevolved into birds. birds are dinosaurs, all of them. listen to their sound x10000 and imagine a dino lmao) and then for some reason mamalls started to adapt fastest.

maybe thats how the cannabis adapts to the stress. what is it called? what are its genetics? its gotta be out there.

we adapt to the enviornment, whether it be a chemical enviornment, or something else.

im wrong about the plant acquiring a y chromosome, but im no biologist.
besides, it says that a xxy and a xxy is a disease to a male that makes it exhibit female characterists, in mammals at least.

either way, the hermie trait in fact does get passed down through dna. and it gets passed down x10 to a feminized seed, no matter how its cared for. the deed was done as they say

we are both right and wrong. and yes i am lit off painkillers and weak buds
"The most common intersex condition is congenital adrenal hyperplasia, where a person's adrenal glands produce higher than normal masculanising hormone levels, resulting in the partial to complete masculanisation of the genitalia of an XX individual.

However, certain other chromosomal combinations, such as Turner Syndrome (XO) or Klinefelter Syndrome (XXY) can sometimes result in ambiguous genitalia."

i also read that on a human hermie, one of the organs usually doesnt even work. so it couldnt even be an effective saftey net to save life as we know it.

i dont understand a hermie and dont think it was from the start
Can you provide anything that suggests that humans are responsible for hermaphroditism in cannabis?

and that is still true.

It is much easier for me to prove that you are an idiot than for you to prove your lies about hermaphrodites.
Your whole premise is based on one of your lies.
The fact that you think humans are responsible for hermaphroditism in cannabis is beyond dumb.

Can you provide anything that suggests that humans are responsible for hermaphroditism in cannabis?

You can't, so you will just keep on using terrible and unrelated examples to try to prove your lies. It is really weird that you so stubbornly cling to willful ignorance.

the less we make hermie plants, the less tendancy for them to hermie, as a whole species/future generations.

You are wrong again. You are relying on your incredibly stupid idea that humans created hermaphrodites. You can offer no proof for your incredibly stupid lies. Stop lying asshole.

Can you provide anything that suggests that humans are responsible for hermaphroditism in cannabis?

did we invent it? who knows.

Your whole argument hinges on that stupid, untrue opinion. It is opinion in the same way as saying that the world is flat.
Can you provide anything that suggests that humans are responsible for hermaphroditism in cannabis?

why on earth would the creator a program like that first place? he never expected there to be one plant or one human being left, and if he did foresee this, maybe thats what it was meant to be saved for.

Now you are talking fantasy. If I were a religious man I would tell you you are a blaspheming piece of shit.
Can you provide anything that suggests that humans are responsible for hermaphroditism in cannabis?

if we fucked up and killed everything but one creature and it needed to reproduce to keep the species alive until the sun explodes and restarts it all over again. thats the most extreme case in our galaxy.

You are such an idiot. This has nothing to do with feminized seeds and is incredibly stupid.
Can you provide anything that suggests that humans are responsible for hermaphroditism in cannabis?

he probably invented a perfect ratio of each animal at the start, two, and expected it to multiply accordingly. that would be in an ideal earth, but nothings ideal

Your stupidity is oddly entertaining to me.
Can you provide anything that suggests that humans are responsible for hermaphroditism in cannabis?

i believe hermies are from bad infections that cause birth defects, or chemical poisioning. or maybe he invented this last ditch effort, who knows.

You are an idiot. Instead of making up fantasies, why not actually try to learn?
Can you provide anything that suggests that humans are responsible for hermaphroditism in cannabis?

but the odds are even less, becuase god doesnt give a fuck what species is alive or not, its survival of the fittest. when dinosaurs were the most evolved, nothing else could evolve. they got killed (the flying ones got away, and deevolved into birds. birds are dinosaurs, all of them. listen to their sound x10000 and imagine a dino lmao) and then for some reason mamalls started to adapt fastest.

You are an incredible idiot. You are making bullshit up.
Can you provide anything that suggests that humans are responsible for hermaphroditism in cannabis?

maybe thats how the cannabis adapts to the stress. what is it called? what are its genetics? its gotta be out there.

While you are out there, look for a clue.

we adapt to the enviornment, whether it be a chemical enviornment, or something else.

We are not plants you idiot.

You made a huge leap there. Wow. I am amazed.

Can you provide anything that suggests that humans are responsible for hermaphroditism in cannabis?

besides, it says that a xxy and a xxy is a disease to a male that makes it exhibit female characterists, in mammals at least.

We are talking about plants.

either way, the hermie trait

Why do you use the term "hermie trait"? You can not explain what it is and do not understand how to explain what it is or if it even exists.

Can you provide anything that suggests that humans are responsible for hermaphroditism in cannabis?

the hermie traitin fact does get passed down through dna. and it gets passed down x10 to a feminized seed, no matter how its cared for. the deed was done as they say

You are a liar. Doesn't the creator want you to learn and to not lie like a child?

Can you provide anything that suggests that humans are responsible for hermaphroditism in cannabis?

we are both right and wrong. and yes i am lit off painkillers and weak buds

Fuck you.
I am not wrong you dumb child. You whole idea about feminized seeds is bullshit. You can not back up any of your garbage with anything but bullshit you made up about animals.

I do not care if you are lit. You are a liar and a dumb piece of shit.

Prove that humans created hermaphroditism, lol.
"The most common intersex condition is congenital adrenal hyperplasia, where a person's adrenal glands produce higher than normal masculanising hormone levels, resulting in the partial to complete masculanisation of the genitalia of an XX individual.

Do plants have adrenal glands? lol
Can you provide anything that suggests that humans are responsible for hermaphroditism in cannabis?

However, certain other chromosomal combinations, such as Turner Syndrome (XO) or Klinefelter Syndrome (XXY) can sometimes result in ambiguous genitalia."

Plants are different than animals big guy.
Can you provide anything that suggests that humans are responsible for hermaphroditism in cannabis?

i also read

It amazes you can read and you find these articles yet you can not get past your own incredible ignorance. You are a miracle of stupidity.
Can you provide anything that suggests that humans are responsible for hermaphroditism in cannabis?

that on a human hermie, one of the organs usually doesnt even work. so it couldnt even be an effective saftey net to save life as we know it.

Can you provide anything that suggests that humans are responsible for hermaphroditism in cannabis?

i dont understand a hermie and dont think it was from the start

You really do not "understand a hermie" and you ar4e unwilling to learn. the sad thing is you are willing to give advice about things that you have no understanding of.

Can you provide anything that suggests that humans are responsible for hermaphroditism in cannabis?
exactly, they dont have adrenal glands, but they do have glands that produce hormones. and when you posion them with silver, they change their hormone output, like we both already know. this creates a hermie, that somehow has both functioning parts.

just end the thread already my god stop trolling my stuff please

we created cancer with chemicals.

we created hypersynesitivies (allergies) with chemicals.

we did not create auto immune disease, this is actually a virus, very similar to herpes, which attacks the mucous membranes, has periods of remission and flare, and the virus copies our dna, which makes people think our bodies attacking itself (bullshit)

we created diabetes with stretched/refined (chemical) sugar, which distrupts homeostasis of our pancreas

i bet we also created intersex, BECUASE LIFE NEVER STARTED THIS WAY, THERE WAS 0 NEED, AND THERE IS 0 NEED. there are enough cannabis plants for mates, enough mammals for mates, enough birds to mate enough plants to mate etc.

why on earth would they ever exhibit this mutation so soon, when the enviornment doesnt call for it?

becuase were causing it
It isn't trolling when I am trying to get you to explain your lies about feminized seeds.
You can stop posting your lies anytime you want.

You just sent me this message:

bmeat said:
Trousers said:
Can you provide anything that suggests that humans are responsible for hermaphroditism in cannabis?

no. its speculation.

So you can not find anything to back up your lie?
How surprising.

bmeat said:
just how i speculate that diabetes is a created disease, from stretched or refined sugar, which distrupts homeostatis of the pancreas.

This has nothing to do with feminized seeds.
You are wrong, but hey, who would expect different.

bmeat said:
just how i speculate that auto immune diseases are infection related (which i can prove, becuase ive read some books that also confirmed my suspicion)

You can't prove anything related to your argument that humans created hermaphroditism in cannabis. You can't prove any of your lies about feminized seeds.
bmeat said:
just how we created cancer with chemicals.

Moron. You are wrong, but let's stick with feminized seeds. Try to focus on one of your dumb lies at a time.

bmeat said:
i dont know why im sharing so much info with someone so ungrateful.

You are not sharing anything but lies. Stop lying. I am not ungrateful, I am amazed that you can feed yourself and breath.

bmeat said:
do you have any seeds in your possession?

This is the best part. after talking shit about feminized seeds and lying, you want me to give you some feminized seeds?

You are just precious, just a precious little child adrift in a world that is way too complicated for you to understand.

I want to fix you a bowl of soup, tuck you in then smother you with a pillow so you can not infect any one else with your stupidity.
auto immune.

asthma. inflmmatoin and ulcers of lung membrane.

crohns/colitits. inflmmation of gut membrane.

herpes simplex. inflmmatoin of lip membrane.

multiple sclerosis. inflammation of mmyelin sheath (which is like a mucuous protetive layer for nerves)

rhumetory arthritis (inflmmation of syvonial sheath of joint, which is mucious in structure)

Ocular Cicatricial Pemphigoid

cicatricial pemphigoid, OCP, describes a systemic autoimmune
belongs to a group of disorders known as mucus membrane pemphigoid, or MMP. MMP
disorders cause damage to the mucus membranes lining the mouth, esophagus,
trachea, nose, vagina and rectum, as described by the American Uveitis

Read more:

ok now, try and focus. these are all diseases involving the protective, mucous layer of an organ. i can go on and on but you get the point.

now i thought, no way are peoples bodies attacking themselves.

so i found some literature that suggests what i spectulated, which was hidden deep in a hand surgery book.

"Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is the most common systemic inflammatory disease with a world-wide prevalence of approximately 1% and an incidence rate of 0.03% (1). The majority of patients develop RA between the ages of 30 and 60 years. RA is a chronic, systemic autoimmune disease that is characterized by an immunologically caused chronic inflammatory synovitis. Probably driven by a still unknown antigen response, a cascade of immunologic and inflammatory processes are mediated, which finally lead to destruction of joints and soft tissues. Genetics seem to play an important role in the pathogenesis of RA. In monozygotic twins, there is a 30% to 50% chance of that both persons are affected, compared to a 1% rate in the general population (2,3). Besides the possible genetic background of the disease, bacterial and viral infection have been speculated as trigger agents that cause RA (4,5). Studies suggest that osteoclasts mediate focal bone erosion. This may offer a new approach for the treatment of this disease (6).
The onset of RA shows first an acute inflammatory reaction within the synovial membrane, which becomes congested (7). As shown by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), the degree of synovitis correlates with the edema formation of the periarticular bone (8). Along with this acute inflammation, a complex cell transformation within the synovial cells starts, including cellular and humeral immunologic processes. Becoming chronic, as a process, the inflammation leads to the formation of the so-called rheumatoid pannus, which is a mass of granulation tissue that includes all cell mediators of chronic inflammation surrounded by a matrix of connective tissue (9). This pannus plays an important role in the destruction process of the cartilage of the affected joint and may show tumorlike characteristics.

same way im applying hermies in humans to plants, you can apply and think for yourself (oh my god!) infection in syvonial membrane, to infection in gut, or nerve, or eye lung membrane.

these diseases are viral in nature. just like herpes simplex, they copy your dna, so they can live in the body for life, they go through flare and remission, they cause inflmmation and even ulcers (mainly in crohns and colitits, becusae the gut is full of bacteria, so the inflmmation gets infected and worse) in the protective barrier of an organ.

i helped cure my friend of crohns with a triple threat of vancomysin (very strong, gram positive antibiotic that works only in the gut, or for a mrsa blood infection via IV) prescription strength probitiocs, and lots of prednisone (synthetic cortisol, which is produces by the pancreas during stress and handles inflmmation) all these things (minus probiotics, unless you take too much, cause too much of anything is no good) are bad for you, but it was required.

before trying this, my friend would be on predisone alone, flagyl (which didnt kill off the bug completly) asacol orally and rectally (mesalamine, shitty shitty drug). he tried entocort, remicade (some rat protein that supresses t-cells) and nothing would do the trick.

you get the point. its a hypersensitivty to a virus. some people have hypersensitivites to fungus. some to pollen. these are normal, natural occuring things, and can change with time AS OUR FLORA CHANGES. FLORA IS ALMOST IDENTICAL TO BIOTA, WHICH IS PLANTS IMMUNE SYSTEM. so you can cure allergies (unless you are having a hypersynsetivity to an infection or a chemical, then its a little harder)

people with allergies to things like peanuts, are allergic becuase they have an allergy to a bacteria/virus/fungus on the peanuts. peanuts are full of microbes. at some point in their lives, for whatever reason they developed a hypersynsetivity to the microbes. now anytime they eat, or get around (depending on severitiy of sensitivity) they get a reaction TO THE MICROBES, NOT THE NUT ITSELF

life is very similar anywhere you look.

i can show you how we created diabetes, or anything else you would like. and i will figure out this herman case
auto immune.

asthma. inflmmatoin and ulcers of lung membrane.

crohns/colitits. inflmmation of gut membrane.

herpes simplex. inflmmatoin of lip membrane.

multiple sclerosis. inflammation of mmyelin sheath (which is like a mucuous protetive layer for nerves)

rhumetory arthritis (inflmmation of syvonial sheath of joint, which is mucious in structure)

Ocular Cicatricial Pemphigoid

I'll take "Stupid Idiot Offers Nothing Relevant" for $100, Alex.

cicatricial pemphigoid, OCP, describes a systemic autoimmune
belongs to a group of disorders known as mucus membrane pemphigoid, or MMP. MMP
disorders cause damage to the mucus membranes lining the mouth, esophagus,
trachea, nose, vagina and rectum, as described by the American Uveitis

Read more:

Stop it. This has nothing to do with feminized seeds, except it shows you are an idiot.

ok now, try and focus.

How ironic is that? You want me to focus? Do you want me to focus on feminized seeds? that is what I am talking about. You are rambling on about nothing. it is weird. Try to focus.

these are all diseases involving the protective, mucous layer of an organ. i can go on and on but you get the point.

The point is you are an idiot.
This has nothing to do with your incredibly stupid and incorrect opinions about feminized seeds.

now i thought, no way are peoples bodies attacking themselves.

Feminized seeds?
Your body should just stop functioning. It may have already and you are just running on stupid.

so i found some literature that suggests what i spectulated, which was hidden deep in a hand surgery book.

"Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is the most common systemic inflammatory disease with a world-wide prevalence of approximately 1% and an incidence rate of 0.03% (1). The majority of patients develop RA between the ages of 30 and 60 years. RA is a chronic, systemic autoimmune disease that is characterized by an immunologically caused chronic inflammatory synovitis. Probably driven by a still unknown antigen response, a cascade of immunologic and inflammatory processes are mediated, which finally lead to destruction of joints and soft tissues. Genetics seem to play an important role in the pathogenesis of RA. In monozygotic twins, there is a 30% to 50% chance of that both persons are affected, compared to a 1% rate in the general population (2,3). Besides the possible genetic background of the disease, bacterial and viral infection have been speculated as trigger agents that cause RA (4,5). Studies suggest that osteoclasts mediate focal bone erosion. This may offer a new approach for the treatment of this disease (6).
The onset of RA shows first an acute inflammatory reaction within the synovial membrane, which becomes congested (7). As shown by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), the degree of synovitis correlates with the edema formation of the periarticular bone (8). Along with this acute inflammation, a complex cell transformation within the synovial cells starts, including cellular and humeral immunologic processes. Becoming chronic, as a process, the inflammation leads to the formation of the so-called rheumatoid pannus, which is a mass of granulation tissue that includes all cell mediators of chronic inflammation surrounded by a matrix of connective tissue (9). This pannus plays an important role in the destruction process of the cartilage of the affected joint and may show tumorlike characteristics.

This has nothing to do with feminized seeds.

same way im applying hermies in humans to plants, you can apply and think for yourself (oh my god!)

You have not offered anything that backs up your moronic opinions.

infection in syvonial membrane, to infection in gut, or nerve, or eye lung membrane.

Drink bleach.

these diseases are viral in nature. just like herpes simplex, they copy your dna, so they can live in the body for life, they go through flare and remission, they cause inflmmation and even ulcers (mainly in crohns and colitits, becusae the gut is full of bacteria, so the inflmmation gets infected and worse) in the protective barrier of an organ.

Nothing from nothing is nothing.

i helped cure my friend of crohns with a triple threat of vancomysin (very strong, gram positive antibiotic that works only in the gut, or for a mrsa blood infection via IV) prescription strength probitiocs, and lots of prednisone (synthetic cortisol, which is produces by the pancreas during stress and handles inflmmation) all these things (minus probiotics, unless you take too much, cause too much of anything is no good) are bad for you, but it was required.

You are an idiot and a liar.

before trying this, my friend would be on predisone alone, flagyl (which didnt kill off the bug completly) asacol orally and rectally (mesalamine, shitty shitty drug). he tried entocort, remicade (some rat protein that supresses t-cells) and nothing would do the trick.

I do not beleive you for a second. You have done nothing but lie in the past. stop lying.

you get the point.

The point is on your head. You are a liar.

its a hypersensitivty to a virus. some people have hypersensitivites to fungus. some to pollen. these are normal, natural occuring things, and can change with time AS OUR FLORA CHANGES. FLORA IS ALMOST IDENTICAL TO BIOTA, WHICH IS PLANTS IMMUNE SYSTEM. so you can cure allergies (unless you are having a hypersynsetivity to an infection or a chemical, then its a little harder)

Some people claim you can cure infections and viral infections with colloidal silver. You are rambling about nothing and doing a terrible job.

people with allergies to things like peanuts, are allergic becuase they have an allergy to a bacteria/virus/fungus on the peanuts. peanuts are full of microbes. at some point in their lives, for whatever reason they developed a hypersynsetivity to the microbes. now anytime they eat, or get around (depending on severitiy of sensitivity) they get a reaction TO THE MICROBES, NOT THE NUT ITSELF

You are allergic to common sense.

life is very similar anywhere you look.

i can show you how we created diabetes, or anything else you would like. and i will figure out this herman case

No you won't. You are too dumb to figure out the simplest ideas.

Until you "figure out this hermna case" you should shut the fuck up.
All you are doing now is distracting from your terrible opinions with garbage about humans.