Is Trolling a Choice?


Well-Known Member
I think trolling is multifaceted too. And for the types of trolls there are online..the same kind of people exist in real life. There is good natured trolling..where you fuck with people or derail a serious conversation with bullshittery, but that is humor based trolling..and the goal isnt really to hurt or enrage people. To me that kind of stuff can be funny or obnoxious depending on mood and context. But then there is the real deal divisive sociopath trolling. Someone mentioned it earlier that this is about attention,the only way they know how to get it..negatively. The counterpart for this IRL would be the borderline personality disorder. These trolls try to act like they're serious about whatever is going on, but the only goal is to get you as angry as possible and or angry at others.
Well, thanks for this. I had not look for trolls in real life. Maybe I have seen a lot of what you and I call bullshittery, and it all kind of depends on intent and familaririty. Like a puzzle, right? Your buddy can get away with quite a bit in some situations, but in every situation there is a line, even for a close friend. Close friends know better. Strangers get a differnet standard. That's natural. We are cursed and blessed to be here in a free form forum, where it takes the idiot to raise the village. We have no recourse but Idea Village. Different in the Real World.

For example, I've seen a common reaction from the Gals with a drink handy, to random bullshittery from a weirdo. :)


Ursus marijanus
Well, thanks for this. I had not look for trolls in real life. Maybe I have seen a lot of what you and I call bullshittery, and it all kind of depends on intent and familaririty. Like a puzzle, right? Your buddy can get away with quite a bit in some situations, but in every situation there is a line, even for a close friend. Close friends know better. Strangers get a differnet standard. That's natural. We are cursed and blessed to be here in a free form forum, where it takes the idiot to raise the village. We have no recourse but Idea Village. Different in the Real World.

For example, I've seen a common reaction from the Gals with a drink handy, to random bullshittery from a weirdo. :)
That made me lol. Nice phrase! cn


Well-Known Member
I have to admit, I never even heard of this. Been in the biz of websites since the beginning and am on every type of forum.

But, I have not seen this "trolling" before. I didn't even really get it, here. Everyone talks at length and accuses. But, when you find you are being run around in circles, when comments in one thread, contrdicts another, when attitudes are exposed and then blamed on other forum members, that's different! Wow. Here I thought you guys meant the usual potty mouth and petty insults and called that trolling.

But, no. I see now, it is a distinct phenom of the internet. Something new for jaded ole Doer? No, I don't like it. It seems so
anti-social. Like those kids that dropped the shopping cart on a lady from 3 stories up.

Does anyone know the why they do this? Does anyone know why we fight them and not just ignore it? For me it's like participating in train wreak. I want to choke the lights off the one who caused me to be in the wreak.

Bad parenting? Glee in others' discomfort?

Is trolling a choice?
Trolling is most definitely a choice, but I find it to be 2nd nature to me. I troll in person too. It's called "Talkin' shit." Online its a little different. I wait for someone to be an asshole to somebody else and then I'll call them out on it and point out how unrpoductive it is to be an asshole. Knowing damn well in real life, if I'm in a grumpy mood, all the Buddhist/Gnostic/Nondualistic philosophies that I pretend to adhere to completely go out the window!

I dunno, its like I'm trolling on the internet in order to point out short comings that I see in myself to make myself a better person while trying to spread positive energy?

Or thats just a bunch of bull shit reasoning that I tell myself just because I tend to be an ass.


Global Moderator
Staff member
I suppose I am form of troll myself, however I prefer to "Kill-em with kindness" and logic.
I doubt any self respecting "evil" Troll considers my retorts worthy of their dastardly intentions and frankly I like it like that.

However once while drinking (why does all the bad shit in my life revolve around multiple bottles of beer?) I unabashedly trolled Carne and for that I am truly sorry.
(But I was RIGHT !!!) :lol:

For the most part Trolls are immature, self centered, attention seeking whores that if ignored will wander away to target another member less in control of their emotions.

I note that at least several post's of mine are missing - I was being nice, the troll was not so I wonder whom "Edited to fit"?


New Member
It must be involuntary cuz I don't think trolling is actual HUMAN behavior! The Aliens must have created this behavior!



Well-Known Member
Trolling is most definitely a choice, but I find it to be 2nd nature to me. I troll in person too. It's called "Talkin' shit." Online its a little different. I wait for someone to be an asshole to somebody else and then I'll call them out on it and point out how unrpoductive it is to be an asshole. Knowing damn well in real life, if I'm in a grumpy mood, all the Buddhist/Gnostic/Nondualistic philosophies that I pretend to adhere to completely go out the window!

I dunno, its like I'm trolling on the internet in order to point out short comings that I see in myself to make myself a better person while trying to spread positive energy?

Or thats just a bunch of bull shit reasoning that I tell myself just because I tend to be an ass.

A very honest summay. I appreciate that. I think you realized the bullshit in the second to last sentence and then honestly questioned that. Or not, just my read....But, hopefully you saw as you said it, the logic bombs. "positive energy" does not come from being an ass. Of course, you know that. :)

So, to put positive about this, it is very well known of the human fool, we call our mind, that we resent the display in others what we have recognized in ourselves. Look close at your mirror and see this also can cover our jelousies. When we see someone, for example, easily doing what we have recently mastered, but with such effort. No, I don't mean a golf shot or a ski run. I mean like, talking to the ladies, or another social skill. Urbane table manners? We even might burn a bit in inner embarrasment.

But, when we see someone "still fucking up" we want to "help," correct them. It is insidious of the mind to insist that, because we have some hard won, piddly success in controlling ourselves, that now we, in pride alone, can teach what we were barely able to learn.

And then there is the true socio-path that goes to great lengths to just fuck with people. Those, face to face might just find my size 12 heel on their instep, accicentally, of course. And then I will hiss my message in their ear.

Forums are a bit different. We have to come up with other social skills to get across our points.
A very honest summay. I appreciate that. I think you realized the bullshit in the second to last sentence and then honestly questioned that. Or not, just my read....But, hopefully you saw as you said it, the logic bombs. "positive energy" does not come from being an ass. Of course, you know that. :)

So, to put positive about this, it is very well known of the human fool, we call our mind, that we resent the display in others what we have recognized in ourselves. Look close at your mirror and see this also can cover our jelousies. When we see someone, for example, easily doing what we have recently mastered, but with such effort. No, I don't mean a golf shot or a ski run. I mean like, talking to the ladies, or another social skill. Urbane table manners? We even might burn a bit in inner embarrasment.

But, when we see someone "still fucking up" we want to "help," correct them. It is insidious of the mind to insist that, because we have some hard won, piddly success in controlling ourselves, that now we, in pride alone, can teach what we barely was able to learn.

And then there is the true socio-path that goes to great lengths to just fuck with people. Those, face to face might just find my size 12 heel on their instep, accicentally, of course. And then I will hiss my message in their ear.

Forums are a bit different. We have to come up with other social skills to get across our points.
so what, that makes you feel more like a man?solving your internet issues with violence. I think we have some hypocrites in the village.

eye exaggerate

Well-Known Member
But, when we see someone "still fucking up" we want to "help," correct them. It is insidious of the mind to insist tha because we have some hard won, piddly success in controlling ourselves, that now we, in pride alone, can teach what we barely learned ourselves.
...this is true. Mystical Pride. I've read so many times that to claim enlightenment (falsely) is to ask for it to happen. All that bliss stuff comes after the ordeal, if a person can make it. Who would wish that upon themselves? I'm sure you've read up on shamanic initiations.

...however, I do agree that it is good to 'practice' (the idea of alchemy is like a 'practice' to me). When you go too far out, frostbite. Too close to the center, sunburn.


Well-Known Member
so what, that makes you feel more like a man?solving your internet issues with violence. I think we have some hypocrites in the village.

Since you are possibly trolling with this insulting approach, I will only respond this once, unless you can modify your name calling.

I said the virtual village is different than pubilc beause in public you face corporal punsihment whether you like it or not. And whatever names you call or accuse others of your shortcomings, cannot be dealt with via the correction so usual in nature.

So, one can't solve virtual supidity with physical action. That was my, easy to see point, and any reading in, and and these passive agressive insults is Trollish.
Since you are possibly trolling with this insulting approach, I will only respond this once, unless you can modify your name calling.

I said the virtual village is different than pubilc beause in public you face corporal punsihment whether you like it or not. And whatever names you call or accuse others of your shortcomings, cannot be dealt with via the correction so usual in nature.

So, one can't solve virtual supidity with physical action. That was my, easy to see point, and any reading in, and and these passive agressive insults is Trollish.

Oscar Zeta Acosta

Active Member
I've always found ignore lists stupid. Unless you enjoy an 'ignorance is bliss' approach to someone being a dick.

Man up and stand ya ground.


Ursus marijanus
Since you are possibly trolling with this insulting approach, I will only respond this once, unless you can modify your name calling.

I said the virtual village is different than pubilc beause in public you face corporal punsihment whether you like it or not. And whatever names you call or accuse others of your shortcomings, cannot be dealt with via the correction so usual in nature.

So, one can't solve virtual supidity with physical action. That was my, easy to see point, and any reading in, and and these passive agressive insults is Trollish.
Upgrade to probable trolling. He didn't read your post correctly. cn


Well-Known Member
I've always found ignore lists stupid. Unless you enjoy an 'ignorance is bliss' approach to someone being a dick.

Man up and stand ya ground.
Well, we aren't even talking about that are we? There was a jest early on, answered in the same spirit of jest. I'm talking about ignoring posts of probable trolls. No need to be drawn into the marshy ground. (Sun Tsu) As cn pointed out, to respond in an unfriendly tone, with bitting remarks that have nothing to do with the conversation, is trolling.


Well-Known Member
I do just sit back and shake my head about the show of stupidity. I don't respond to it and I'm merely discussing the display and asking if it's a choice or a compunction of some kind. If someone enjoys trollishness they participate in that troll exchange. That's my point. They also encourgage the trolling. And in my mind, they are also trolling, as they are manned up to take on all that wish to fight. The Troll Tango. Probably also, this is the excuse to drop in im-polite language to inflame and increase their enjoyment. All we can do here in Idea Village is talk about it.

So, I am talking about the idea of not manning up or thinking in terms of right-fight, teaching lessons or any other physical atributes that cannot be applied. And of course, I'm not affected by it, it just seems as good a topic as most.