Is Trump smiling after London?

I'd also like to add that I am happy for Muslims to be in the UK. A lot of them are British, were born here, have children that were born here...

It's a shame a few give them all such a bad name! The vast, vast, vast majority are really nice people!
You sound like a right cunt. Wishing harm against someone because you don't like their way of thinking. Sounds familiar... And btw, I don't find anything upsetting about this thread, and I live 1 stop from London Bridge. As dispicable as the events are, I'd rather hear people talking in a normal manner and carrying on with life as normal, instead of cowering and letting ISIS know just how effective a small attack like this is. I mean there is now a petition to call off the election ffs.
1st off, let me make this clear.
All my sympathy to the poor soul's that lost their lives and all the wounded in the Manchester and London attacks.
This OP was not made to make light of the attack in London, it was intended to make a point about Trumps continued use of other nations, such as France, Belgium and Sweden plights, to justify his deranged opinion that all Muslims are basically evil.
That's all it was about.
Or just stop bombing their families and defacto radicalising them.

Blame your Govt, not the religion that 95% of ISIS's victims are.

The UK government sucks!

Religion has a big part to play... I don't believe in god myself, but am surprised that half the people in the US believe in make belief!
The UK government sucks!

Religion has a big part to play... I don't believe in god myself, but am surprised that half the people in the US believe in make belief!
To ISIS Islam is an excuse not a reason, they want to divide us.

Don't let Govt use it as a reason to extend security on its own people, we all need to continue on and show they can't break us.
To ISIS Islam is an excuse not a reason, they want to divide us.

Don't let Govt use it as a reason to extend security on its own people, we all need to continue on and show they can't break us.

I agree we all need to continue! Still, reopening Guantanamo Bay would be extremely beneficial to the world! Like it was before!
I agree we all need to continue! Still, reopening Guantanamo Bay would be extremely beneficial to the world! Like it was before!
They problem is Guantanamo Bay was seen as at least partial justification for their actions.
1st off, let me make this clear.
All my sympathy to the poor soul's that lost their lives and all the wounded in the Manchester and London attacks.
This OP was not made to make light of the attack in London, it was intended to make a point about Trumps continued use of other nations, such as France, Belgium and Sweden plights, to justify his deranged opinion that all Muslims are basically evil.
That's all it was about.

Indeed. That seemed perfectly clear in the OP, hence why I responded as I did. I just see it as another case of PC rubbish. Don't you dare try and say anything other than "I'm outraged! My thoughts to the victims family".. someone might get offended. As this thread proved. It's a perfectly reasonable discussion imo, and world leaders try and capitalise on every tragedy to push an agenda. May is already talking about regulating the web because of it. When Manchester happened, I figured there would be a new push to force WhatsApp etc to offer backdoors to their encryption. I still think the debate will come up again soon.

I reckon certain politicians do indeed see these things as a potential gift horse. Fear, no better way to further an irrational personal agenda.
great topic,im sure there wont be any racist terms tossed around at all heres how your tiny pea sized brain works.a bunch of people were killed and injured in london last night,think ill wake up and start a thread on it making fun of what trump thinks ? they know london is an easy target,it will keep happening until they get serious like America is trying to do,no thanks to dems i might add. you should move there :finger:

i'd move to london in a heartbeat.

the number of victims in the last two terror attacks were what, 19 and 6? a total of 25?

americans kill that many people with guns by like 4 pm, every single day, day in and day out.

but you sit there in the middle of nowhere michigan, in some dilapidated, rusted out, one horse town that barely has a gas station, and worry that ISIS is coming to get you like the total pussy that you are.

fucking coward.
I'd bet Trump thinks radical Islamic terrorism is the problem. I'd bet a lot of other people do too.

even kimkardashian has you outsmarted.


when you rest your head on your pillow in that run down hovel you call a home in BFE alaska, are you really worried about "radical islamic terrorism"?

hey, don't forget about those nasty jews who are coming to get you either, you disability check sucking old brokedick.
Op should get slashed up, fucking retard maybe one day it'll happen not far from where you live let's see you take the piss then.

OP is from boston. you remember they had a little marathon incident there not too long ago?

You are fucking stupid bitch what the fuck is wrong with you?

the first thing trump did after hearing about the attack was to push for his muslim ban, which he claims is totally not a ban.

what the fuck is wrong with you for supporting someone who would politicize an attack while it is still happening?