Is Trump smiling after London?

Somehow I think Trump woke up this morning, if he ever goes to sleep considering his Tweets at 3 AM, with a big grin on his face feeling vindicated.
The carnage in London was a pat on his back he probably feels in my opinion, showing America and the world, that he was right, and still is right that we should keep all Muslims, except those from Saudi Arabia, out of this country. What do you think? Did London make Trump happy deep down inside?
Somehow, I think it did.
Duper's delight
Fuck you. Don't even start with me.

I live in the UK... I'd like the US to reopen Guantanamo Bay!

All this human rights bollocks! Lock the fuckers up and torture them again! Make these child killers disappear for good!
And this kind of thinking is exactly why we have so many terrorists to contend with in the first place. Or didn't you think of that?

Probably not. It would require the ability to think at all.
cools caps lock, retard.

"if donald trump is the next hitler then i am joining his SS" - jeremy joseph christian, murderer, terrorist, and trump supporter
There's an idea; issue uniforms to trumpeters, then call the entire organization a criminal enterprise and lock them up under RICO. Right wingnuts wrote that law, they can't complain about it being used on them!
Blah blah blah....! Bullshit!

It's coz of weak pussy ass fuckwits like yourself why they let the terrorists go!

When it was open and they were locking people up just on suspicion, there were hardly any terror attacks!

Like it or lump it bitch!

You frail little thing, awwwww. Quick, HIDE --- a brown person!!

I didn't, but you just did.

Not the brightest bulb, eh?

It's getting silly now isn't it!

Whatever, I am Not racist, you can twist words however you want. Your life is sad if this is what gives you a kick!

I'm entitled to think we would be better off with Guantanamo Bay open again...!