Is Trump smiling after London?

Three crazy Islamists murder seven civilians in London, Trump calls for more extreme vetting of all people entering the US, in particular from Muslim-majority countries.

One crazy disgruntled former employee murders six civilians in Orlando with a gun, Trump doesn't call for any counter-measures.

Shouldn't he have the travel ban amended to include disgruntled former employees [of anywhere] until we figure out what the hell is going on? Just a thought.
Blah blah blah....! Bullshit!

It's coz of weak pussy ass fuckwits like yourself why they let the terrorists go!

When it was open and they were locking people up just on suspicion, there were hardly any terror attacks!

Like it or lump it bitch!
Factually incorrect.

Most of those illegally incarcerated without trial were innocents.

Your brand of imperialism without regard for human rights will get a lot more Americans killed.

And calm down, snowflake. You're getting way too emotional.
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Snowflake... that's a cute name...

Can I just ask... Which one are you are unclebucks avatar? The guy at the front, or the guy at the back?
It's getting silly now isn't it!

Whatever, I am Not racist, you can twist words however you want. Your life is sad if this is what gives you a kick!

I'm entitled to think we would be better off with Guantanamo Bay open again...!
Just as we're entitled to tell you what a stupid idea it is.

Calm down, you're all emotional. Go swill a Bud Light, watch some wrestling or beat off to the thought of a real man fucking your wife or something.
Three crazy Islamists murder seven civilians in London, Trump calls for more extreme vetting of all people entering the US, in particular from Muslim-majority countries.

One crazy disgruntled former employee murders six civilians in Orlando with a gun, Trump doesn't call for any counter-measures.

Shouldn't he have the travel ban amended to include disgruntled former employees [of anywhere] until we figure out what the hell is going on? Just a thought.
Inciting hatred against co-workers pushed over the brink isn't half as politically expedient as railing about mooooslims terrorizing the wiminfolk.
Just as we're entitled to tell you what a stupid idea it is.

Calm down, you're all emotional. Go swill a Bud Light, watch some wrestling or beat off to the thought of a real man fucking your wife or something.

Really, is that the best you can do...?

Anyway... We are both grown adults... I'm going to leave it like this. I have better things to do with my time than sit here in this thread.

Tah Dah now people! ;)
Three crazy Islamists murder seven civilians in London, Trump calls for more extreme vetting of all people entering the US, in particular from Muslim-majority countries.

One crazy disgruntled former employee murders six civilians in Orlando with a gun, Trump doesn't call for any counter-measures.

Shouldn't he have the travel ban amended to include disgruntled former employees [of anywhere] until we figure out what the hell is going on? Just a thought.

It's almost as if he's an ultra-nationalist, antisemitic, bigoted scumbag monster pushing a fascist agenda.
But that's just CRAZY talk, fake news!
Really, is that the best you can do...?

Anyway... We are both grown adults... I'm going to leave it like this. I have better things to do with my time than sit here in this thread.

Tah Dah now people! ;)
Where do you get the idea that it's acceptable to lock up innocent foreign nationals without charge? That violating the human rights of other peoples doesn't have consequences?

Nice try at deflecting.

By the way- if you keep your word and go away, it worked. Not that I expect you to keep your word.
Blah blah blah....! Bullshit!

It's coz of weak pussy ass fuckwits like yourself why they let the terrorists go!

When it was open and they were locking people up just on suspicion, there were hardly any terror attacks!

Like it or lump it bitch!

Number of ISIS fighters = 25,000
Number of prisoners processed through gitmo = 775
Fevs = illogical fucking moron who loves fake news
Legal Insurrection?

Yes, I neglected to repeat the lie you have accepted. He was a Clinton hater. Period. He supported Trump in the election.

Jeremy the Shithead might as well be your brother, fuckface. a dick dag, you're burns are weak, best to just be silent, cuz lord knows you wouldnt know what color the sky is unless twitter told you

....While the top result for murderer Jeremy Christian is an article from Portland Mercury which paints him as a Donald Trump supporting white supremacist, his Facebook posts are all over the place and show he supported Bernie Sanders....

feel free to show me im wrong with all the articles talking about how he is a trump supporter. good luck finding them..

just for good measure though, here is a link to said facebook posts.

TRUMP 2020!
Three crazy Islamists murder seven civilians in London, Trump calls for more extreme vetting of all people entering the US, in particular from Muslim-majority countries.

One crazy disgruntled former employee murders six civilians in Orlando with a gun, Trump doesn't call for any counter-measures.

Shouldn't he have the travel ban amended to include disgruntled former employees [of anywhere] until we figure out what the hell is going on? Just a thought.

Do disgruntled employees recruit globally, trade illicitly, and kill people in the name of religion?