what are you saying dumbass?
that congress passed the bill to allow a private bank to control our currency?
thanks for making my point. fucking fool
what are you saying dumbass?
that congress passed the bill to allow a private bank to control our currency?
thanks for making my point. fucking fool
You have no point, you're an angry kid that places value on people based on their income because nobody in your life ever taught you any better
The 28th amendment will get money out of politics, and people like you can kick and scream and naysay all you want. Any good idea worth doing will always come with ignorant opposition, that's where you come in. When people like you dismiss an idea I know I'm on the right track
You have no point, you're an angry kid that places value on people based on their income because nobody in your life ever taught you any better
No it isn'tThat's what capitalism is all about.
No it isn't
If it were there wouldn't be these things called charities where people give away the money they've earned to less fortunate
Oh shit. That's hilarious. People give to charities to pay less in taxes.
It's amazingly arrogant to presume you know the reason why all people everywhere give money to charity
This is also one of those posts that sheds a little light into the person behind the keyboard; you won't give unless you get something in return..
isn't it hilarious how he attacks me for being money-minded and "placing value of people on their income" when he makes a new thread every week about "wealth distribution" or "income equality" ?
still living with mom huh?
you're just a tiny flower sprout attacking the chutes of the "big greedy weeds" around you without acknowledging the roots. And you can't handle the fact that more than our economic system- but everything in this life, is all about competition and position
sensitive kid
You're not "money minded", you're greedy, which exemplifies the very underlying issue of wealth inequality we face in America and many others face around the worldisn't it hilarious how he attacks me for being money-minded and "placing value of people on their income" when he makes a new thread every week about "wealth distribution" or "income equality" ?
Examples of the ways in which you're greedy?lol and you have zero examples
Examples of the ways in which you're greedy?
Greed is such a loaded word. It usually comes from the mouths of commies like yourself who have no clue about the real world.
You place value on people based on their wealth and what they can do for you, and you flaunt your wealth because you think everybody else does the same thingyes, how am i greedy lol