I said it should follow productivity. In the same graph you just referenced, according to productivity, the minimum wage should be ~$18.30
I think you made this thread before.
Mr. Piketty was quite clear about the cause of extreme wealth inequality and it had as much or more to do with (lack of) taxation of the rich as it did with minimum wages, although I believe the two numbers are distantly related.
The more distance, the deeper trouble that society is in.
I believe that no matter what the source, to include capital gains, real estate, trust funds or inheritance, if an individual earns over a million dollars in a calendar year, in addition to any tax paid on that portion of income less than the million dollar threshold, that they should pay fifty percent of whatever they make OVER that threshold.
If R > G is the problem, then let's solve it directly.
On to corporate power in politics; we used to keep corporate money separate in this country- and it worked. We even put people in jail who broke this law because we as a country knew they were trying to buy influence unfairly.
Today's situation has the corporations showing out political prices with cash because they bought the politicians and had them legalize it. Again, if this- or the Citizens United Supreme Court decision (which was an unconstitutional overreach of their own power, btw; they don't get to make laws, just decide on their conditionality. With that decision, they made a ruling without an underlying case. That's unconstitutional.) is not enough evidence to convince citizens were in a fight for our very freedom, I fear for this country.
So in essence, you want a society comprised of the semi wealthy and those who rely on government.
No matter how much the government takes from the wealthy , it does not increase your income, unless of course it comes from the government redistrubuting to you.
The people assisted the person?This is incorrect. At this level, the beneficiaries of this largesse aren't doing anything active to build it; they're born into it. Those who earn it themselves I have no quibbles with in the first place, other than the following;
Are you saying that you can't find a way to live within one and a half million dollars' worth of income, as opposed to two?
Absent from your argument is the indisputable fact that the government and The People directly assisted this person in gaining said wealth, so where do they get off not paying their fair share? And why would you let them?
You are way off base my friend.This is incorrect. At this level, the beneficiaries of this largesse aren't doing anything active to build it; they're born into it. Those who earn it themselves I have no quibbles with in the first place, other than the following;
Are you saying that you can't find a way to live within one and a half million dollars' worth of income, as opposed to two?
Absent from your argument is the indisputable fact that the government and The People directly assisted this person in gaining said wealth, so where do they get off not paying their fair share? And why would you let them?
You have no point, you're an angry kid that places value on people based on their income because nobody in your life ever taught you any better
The 28th amendment will get money out of politics, and people like you can kick and scream and naysay all you want. Any good idea worth doing will always come with ignorant opposition, that's where you come in. When people like you dismiss an idea I know I'm on the right track
Nope, they won't take the hit and will simply increase prices."For the increasing wages = automatic layoffs geniuses, there is an economic argument for why this would actually increase aggregate demand and benefit the economy. I've said it before, the poor who earn minimum wage spend most of their income on stuff, so the extra money in their hands will go straight to the businesses they spend it at, and circulate throughout the economy. Add in the money multiplier effect, and you have an economic stimulus.
Also, I think we'll see more "under the table" employment when the official minimum wage goes up. Some of those jobs that might have gone away in the form of official employment, may continue at wages below the new minimum wage in an unreported status at smaller and local businesses. But large companies like Walmart and McDonalds will be forced to increase wages and cut into their profits/CEO pay/dividends to compensate employees more, giving them a bigger slice of the pie. Which is better for the economy as the super rich don't spend the majority of their income on goods and services, instead it goes into investment and savings, while the poor readily spend it on goods, which gives an immediate boost to the economy. It's pretty simple logic: a consumer driven economy requires consumers who can spend money, and broke-ass people don't consume as much."
. But large companies like Walmart and McDonalds will be forced to increase wages and cut into their profits/CEO pay/dividends to compensate employees more, giving them a bigger slice of the pie.
"Forced"? I doubt that...
What do you think the market share is for each of those companies, respectively?
20%? 40%? >50%?
Who is their competition? They will creep prices up if the cost-push (and shareholders) forces it. But unlike what some shit-bag fear-mongers--who compare an economy to heroin addicts--may think, the increases won't be across the board nor directly proportional.
They will be subtle, and coldly calculated by some group of wizard econometricians, factoring in substitutions, consumer surplus, price discrimination, Markov chains, etc.
And you won't notice a difference at the micro level, but perhaps puzzle why your usual bill didn't tally the way you expected. No matter...it's only another 50 cents on $50, who cares, right?
Then there are the other options; cut a benefit plan here, drop a shift there...snip and trim that operating budget until the liabilities match. Done... the dynamics of corporations are not the same as a "small business". It's like the difference between pee-wee hockey and the NHL...similar sport, but completely different game.
If the wizards are in control of the books, why would they make themselves pay?That's right. But it won't be the wizards paying. Like what I said before. Even if it's only a $0.50 increase, the wizards will make sure everything shifts, but what they get.
See, the wizards get a $0.50 bulk discount when they spend twice what the poorest pay. So the rest of us get fucked. The wizards get no increase.
Nail + Hit on the Head = Profit.If the wizards are in control of the books, why would they make themselves pay?
That's basically it. The ultimate controller is profit. It determines all fates.Nail + Hit on the Head = Profit.
That's basically it. The ultimate controller is profit. It determines all fates.
And wizards don't like their lemons squeezed by the proles. By hook or by crook, the sacred profit cow shall be saved.
Mr. Piketty was quite clear about the cause of extreme wealth inequality and it had as much or more to do with (lack of) taxation of the rich as it did with minimum wages, although I believe the two numbers are distantly related.
The more distance, the deeper trouble that society is in.
I believe that no matter what the source, to include capital gains, real estate, trust funds or inheritance, if an individual earns over a million dollars in a calendar year, in addition to any tax paid on that portion of income less than the million dollar threshold, that they should pay fifty percent of whatever they make OVER that threshold.
If R > G is the problem, then let's solve it directly.
On to corporate power in politics; we used to keep corporate money separate in this country- and it worked. We even put people in jail who broke this law because we as a country knew they were trying to buy influence unfairly.
Today's situation has the corporations showing out political prices with cash because they bought the politicians and had them legalize it. Again, if this- or the Citizens United Supreme Court decision (which was an unconstitutional overreach of their own power, btw; they don't get to make laws, just decide on their conditionality. With that decision, they made a ruling without an underlying case. That's unconstitutional.) is not enough evidence to convince citizens were in a fight for our very freedom, I fear for this country.
That's basically it. The ultimate controller is profit. It determines all fates.
And wizards don't like their lemons squeezed by the proles. By hook or by crook, the sacred profit cow shall be saved.