Is Wealth Inequality the Future of Capitalism?

You don't know what the word communist means

Apparently you don't. You change your arguement tactics depending on the
thread. Claiming in one to be a capitalist who doesn't think there should be caps on percentage profit, and in another you say Walmart should be paying their greeters, toilet scrubbers, stockere, etc at least $50K.

You can't be for both. Otherwise you wouldn't make threads about minimum wage. If Walmart did pay $50k that's a limit on percentage profit.

That's just simple logic. You're closer to a commie than a capitalist.
Apparently you don't. You change your arguement tactics depending on the
thread. Claiming in one to be a capitalist who doesn't think there should be caps on percentage profit, and in another you say Walmart should be paying their greeters, toilet scrubbers, stockere, etc at least $50K.

You can't be for both. Otherwise you wouldn't make threads about minimum wage. If Walmart did pay $50k that's a limit on percentage profit.

That's just simple logic. You're closer to a commie than a capitalist.

Supporting a living wage doesn't make somebody communist

Go brush up on your definitions so you're informed enough to join the conversation
my wealth? LOL

I think I said I'm 27 years old and have $!00,000 in savings. you really consider a measely hundred grand WEALTH?

I don't necessarily place peoples values on their "wealth" but I certainly value people for what they can do for me! And I'm not apologetic for it's called human nature!

you're what I'd call a square if I ever seen one...
my wealth? LOL

I think I said I'm 27 years old and have $!00,000 in savings. you really consider a measely hundred grand WEALTH?

I don't necessarily place peoples values on their "wealth" but I certainly value people for what they can do for me! And I'm not apologetic for it's called human nature!

you're what I'd call a square if I ever seen one...

Like I said, greedy
Supporting a living wage doesn't make somebody communist

Go brush up on your definitions so you're informed enough to join the conversation

That's not possible. To have a living wage means you must take from the not as poor to make the really poor even poorer.

By implementing this living wage of yours, it's only making the somewhat poor equally poor.

That's called communism. The communist manifesto is done in stages. The living wage bullshit is just the rising up of the proletariat who eventually put the power in the hand of the state "temporarily," who implement this fair and equal living wage.

You know damn well the state must get involved and force business to do this.

All the while corporations cry, oh no, don't throw me in the briar patch by fooling the disillusioned proles into thinking they got a deal!
You don't know what a living wage is

Go brush up on your definitions so you're informed enough to join the conversation

You don't know it's not possible.

All you do is shift the lowest point to make both equal.

If minimum wage goes to $10.10, will all those already making the new minimum wage get a bump in pay too?
How do you make a living wage? Are you going to implement price ceilings and floors on everything? What about those who already hold half the wealth? You make them pay more?

You're clueless and have no idea how economics works.
A living wage is based on the cost of living where you live, imagine that

Employers pay employees wages, so they would pay the living wage, again, imagine that
A living wage is based on the cost of living where you live, imagine that

Employers pay employees wages, so they would pay the living wage, again, imagine that

You sure have a difficult time coming up with ANY type of direct answer. Ever. You push this agenda and then when it comes down to shell out some answers you come up short. EVERY time.

Living wage =/= Minimum wage
You sure have a difficult time coming up with ANY type of direct answer. Ever. You push this agenda and then when it comes down to shell out some answers you come up short. EVERY time.

Living wage =/= Minimum wage
Which answers are you having trouble with, sweetheart?
Based on the national average ...

What exactly do you consider a living wage?

What do you feel the minimum wage should be?

Two numbers is all I'm asking for.

I consider a living wage to be a wage a single person can work full time and pay the bills in the location they live, which is different depending on where you live

The minimum wage should follow productivity;


I consider a living wage to be a wage a single person can work full time and pay the bills in the location they live, which is different depending on where you live

The minimum wage should follow productivity;



You do realize there is a "national minimum wage" don't you? You showed examples of it right there in your little drawing. What do you feel it should be?

I knew you wouldn't have a straight forward answer. All I asked for was a number. It's a simple question.
You do realize there is a "national minimum wage" don't you? You showed examples of it right there in your little drawing. What do you feel it should be?

I knew you wouldn't have a straight forward answer. All I asked for was a number. It's a simple question.
I said it should follow productivity. In the same graph you just referenced, according to productivity, the minimum wage should be ~$18.30
It is horrifying to imagine you as a substitute teacher

Your use of "only" signifies you felt it wasn't enough compensation for your time, again, imagine that..

Compared to your $18.30.

The teachers, parents, and students loved me. Core curriculum was the problem.

My favorite was 5th grade, despite the commie textbooks. I got in trouble because I spent double my allotment for English grammar. A principal came in pretending she was a student aide. My other strike was sending a student into the office for making racially inciting statements. To not cause a scene, I changed the subject and turned her in after the period. They bitched about not sending her during class!