Israel and the ignored UN Resolutions

By the way, have you ever seen pictures of Israel before 1950? Compare them to today and be amazed. those people have accomplished a heck of a lot under great adversity and hatred. That is one of the underlying jealousies on the part of the Arabs..... Israel is the shining star of that region.

Yeah I know all my tax money has funded that
hardly Natrone...hardly. If only Europe could stand on its own like Israel.....then you could save some real dough..... talk about a burden on the American taxpayer.... :roll:

out. :blsmoke:
Palestine is a pawn of the surrounding Arab nations. They cannot get at Israel directly so they use Palestine as way to keep the anti semitism alive. It's a useful tool to keep a wedge handy..... otherwise the citizens of the middle east would instead ask why they don't live as well as the Israeli's..... It hides many sins for the of the reasons they will not give it up....

out. :blsmoke:
:lol: have you ever seen our NATO bill per year? If you start that line of thinking we should chainsaw California away from the continent and set them adrift....

out. :blsmoke:
Palestine is a pawn of the surrounding Arab nations. They cannot get at Israel directly so they use Palestine as way to keep the anti semitism alive. It's a useful tool to keep a wedge handy..... otherwise the citizens of the middle east would instead ask why they don't live as well as the Israeli's..... It hides many sins for the of the reasons they will not give it up....

out. :blsmoke:
I agree that Arab governments use the issue to keep their own citizens occupied while they fleece their own people. But I disagree its from anti-semitsm, historicly jews have done well in arab societies and faced very little anti-semitism compared to what happened in Europe since the diaspora left, Arabs didn't have problems with jews until the early 20th century
:lol: If you start that line of thinking we should chainsaw California away from the continent and set them adrift....

out. :blsmoke:
The difference is California is in america, sorry if i want my taxes to go to things that benefit americans. Israel hurts america, could you tell me what Israel has ever done for america?, shit we need some troops in Afghanistan, where is Israel when we need them, What kinda special friendship is that. We give them tons of money and then they don't even do what we asked lol (ex settlements)
Since when does our giving money to foreign lands get us what we want? Usually doesn't.....

Luckily our foreign policy is not decided on net return of money spent.....else we wouldn't have a foreign policy. No, our policies are usually (not always) founded on PRINCIPLES. Principles of law and freedom. Should we abandon the only democratic nation in the Middle east? Should we stand by and let them be exterminated? Is that what you believe?
How do you decide what is right or not...based on cash?

You'll need to swim a bit deeper to see the bottom of the pool my friend....

out. :blsmoke:
Can you name one thing that the Palestinians have done for America?
Why would they do anything for us lol We are bankrolling the occupation of their towns lol...................Still can't name anything that are best buddies in Israel have done for us. You know since we have such a special friendship with the only democracy in the middle east
Not that it's been done for us, but the Israelis have made some wonderful advancements in medicine, and personal weapons designs.
lol A country that has 200 nukes the most powerful military in the middle east. Israels existence is not threatened.

Okay, ur losing me kiddo..... Natrone's foreign policy would be to let Israel twist in conflict until they let loose the nukes....... wow.

out. :blsmoke:
Okay, ur losing me kiddo..... Natrone's foreign policy would be to let Israel twist in conflict until they let loose the nukes....... wow.

out. :blsmoke:
now THAT's scary shit dude.. Hey Natrone, would you please find any video of the blast area of even a small nuke, and also the tremendous damage to every living being..don't even joke about that. When I was on duty, it was nuke security..still shudder about that at times..
Why are you worried about nukes...

I think it has been pretty clearly indicated that the WHOLE region will suffer radiation and fallout in the case of someone useing a nuke over there... I.e. the ultimate suicide attack.
What I do find unacceptable is the blind eye turned to the United States of Israel's nuke stockpile.
now THAT's scary shit dude.. Hey Natrone, would you please find any video of the blast area of even a small nuke, and also the tremendous damage to every living being..don't even joke about that. When I was on duty, it was nuke security..still shudder about that at times..
what your point? Israel has 200 nukes and the most powerful military in the middle east. their existence is not threatened. Since were so concerned about nukes what happens when 1 of those nukes get in the hands of some crazy orthodox jewish settler and he sets it off in Cairo:shock::idea::o
.. Natrone's foreign policy would be to let Israel twist in conflict

out. :blsmoke:
like I said earlier Israel has the most powerful military in the middle east, they arnt going to be hurting on the battlefield anytime soon. Your idea that they are at risk to being pushed into the sea is ridiculous and totally not realistic, and besides if they were at any risk we would step in militarily and you know that