Israel and the ignored UN Resolutions

What total bullshit ... don't play like Israel was an innocent bystander attacked first ... and making up excuses to overlook war crimes don't fly either ... and there is nothing other than what the US and Israel stated that others what to eliminate them ... that just more bullshit you fell for ... :sleep: ... and you still haven't answered the question ... why is it alright for Israel to violate the UN resolutions ... and let see the violations list of Hamas so we can compare ... :-P

By your postings it seems you don't follow the news, except the crap the "major media" dishes out. Unless of course Al Jazeer is your source .Look deeper. There avowed purpose is to wipe out Israel, as is Iran's. What excuses? Are those rockets imaginary? Israel has gone out of its way to assist the Palestinians.
If you had read any of my posts, which based on your comment you didn't , no where have I said Israel is right for their over reaction. Howecver you fail to admit the Hamas is also Guilty of war crimes so I gather you believe that Hamas is justified in their War crimes. Tell me, why is Israel so guilty of returning fire from where it came, be it school yard, mosque , hospital, you know, from where Hamas fired them, and Hamas isn't guilty of firing at the civilian population. Like the school Hamas hit the other day. Tell us, would you be cheering for Hamas if there had been children there, or don't they count?
as for answering failed to answer any of mine
I'd like to see the proof that Hamas was firing from that UN schoolground, you know the one where Israel killed 40++ women and children. Whenever Israel kills any civilians, they claim there was rocket fire coning from that location, Just for kicks, why don't they submit proof. I'm sure with satellite imagry they could pinpoint the rocket fire. It's kinda like we do in Afghanistan, well there was an insurgent in that village so we took out 50-100 people with a bunker buster, just to make sure we got him, Overkill!
By your postings it seems you don't follow the news, ...
as for answering failed to answer any of mine

I asked first ... and I never said Hamas wasn't guilty of war crimes ...but I have yet to see anything to back your statements ... nothing ...

CNN Confirms Israel Broke Ceasefire First


I'm actually shock that corporate news like CNN is reporting this ... :o:shock:

Here's something you definitely won't see on CNN ... pictures from around the world (not on CNN)

... and here's another little tidbit of interest ... - 'Wiped off the Map' – The Rumor of the Century
So what did Ahmadinejad actually say? To quote his exact words in Farsi:
"Imam ghoft een rezhim-e ishghalgar-e qods bayad az safheh-ye ruzgar mahv shavad."
That passage will mean nothing to most people, but one word might ring a bell: rezhim-e. It is the word "regime." pronounced just like the English word with an extra "eh" sound at the end. Ahmadinejad did not refer to Israel the country or Israel the land mass, but the Israeli regime. This is a vastly significant distinction, as one cannot wipe a regime off the map. Ahmadinejad does not even refer to Israel by name, he instead uses the specific phrase "rezhim-e ishghalgar-e qods" (regime occupying Jerusalem).

The Jews have as much history in that region as the Palestinians do. While i heartily agree that I's response is way over the top. they do have the right to respond. What with the tech they've got a lot more precision is doable.
And those "hobby" rockets will still kill anything around when they hit.
If the people of Gaza want the attacks to stop, then don't you think they can?
The extremists claim that all Americans ands Israelis are fair targets because we/they support the actions of the gov't's through taxes, then bitch when their"supposed " innocent civilians are injured or killed. Now I want to know how we are guilty of supporting the war efforts because we pay taxes, but their civilians, who provide food, hiding places, and security, aren't guilty of supporting their war effort? Now that's a double standard. And as to the Jews have undue influence over western gov't please..that is simply *imo* a fallacy put forth by antisemites and those looking to blame "someone else for their own don't have a high paying job because of them Jews" when quite frequently it's because the complainer doesn't want to put themselves out to better their lt in life.
Most of the Israelis dont have history in that region. The majority are Ashkenazi Jews from Europe. Almost all of the Palestinian Jews (semetic jews) moved away from there a long time ago.
I asked first ... and I never said Hamas wasn't guilty of war crimes ...but I have yet to see anything to back your statements ... nothing ...

CNN Confirms Israel Broke Ceasefire First


I'm actually shock that corporate news like CNN is reporting this ... :o:shock:

Here's something you definitely won't see on CNN ...
Protest pictures from around the world (not on CNN)

... and here's another little tidbit of interest ...
FLASHBACK - 'Wiped off the Map' – The Rumor of the Century
So what did Ahmadinejad actually say? To quote his exact words in Farsi:
"Imam ghoft een rezhim-e ishghalgar-e qods bayad az safheh-ye ruzgar mahv shavad."
That passage will mean nothing to most people, but one word might ring a bell: rezhim-e. It is the word "regime." pronounced just like the English word with an extra "eh" sound at the end. Ahmadinejad did not refer to Israel the country or Israel the land mass, but the Israeli regime. This is a vastly significant distinction, as one cannot wipe a regime off the map. Ahmadinejad does not even refer to Israel by name, he instead uses the specific phrase "rezhim-e ishghalgar-e qods" (regime occupying Jerusalem).

Yep I've heard that old saw too, Well he's had more than ample opportunity to correct the discrepancy and to date hasn't. Another fine example of changing definitions to fit your truth. remember Clinton, and now Obama...
I'm not condoning the level of Israels response, but you have yet to condemn Hamas. i gather by your silence that dead Israeli is better than a dead Palistinian.

And medi, you're right, there is no reason that there hasn't been, as far as I know, of video of the school, but I'll look as there are more sources for info than the networks...who only report what they want others to believe.

Zibigniew Brzezinski - National Security Advisor to JIMMY FUCKING CARTER admits that Hamas started this latest bout.

I'm not takin some anchor's view on this.

If you turn left of Zbigy you hit Stalin.......The only thing HE complains about is asymmetry of the response.

Batter Up!

Zibigniew Brzezinski - National Security Advisor to JIMMY FUCKING CARTER admits that Hamas started this latest bout.

I'm not takin some anchor's view on this.

If you turn left of Zbigy you hit Stalin.......The only thing HE complains about is asymmetry of the response.

Batter Up!
Jimmy Carter was and is a great man, his presidency may leave some conservatives pissed off, but hey, us liberals are still pissed off at Reagan.
I haven't noticed anyone discussing on the subject of israeli's use of white phosphorus shells over Gaza cities. These are WMD's being used over streets with no regard of who they kill. I call that MURDER.
Yep I've heard that old saw too, Well he's had more than ample opportunity to correct the discrepancy and to date hasn't. Another fine example of changing definitions to fit your truth. remember Clinton, and now Obama...
I'm not condoning the level of Israels response, but you have yet to condemn Hamas. i gather by your silence that dead Israeli is better than a dead Palistinian.

There was nothing to correct ... people like you are the only ones not getting it right ... And pray tell how I've changed my definition to fit my truth?
I condemn Hamas for it's actions as well as Israel, but I have YET to see you back any of your statements ... why is that?:o
well guys as a smoker and grower and an israeli one at that i feel i have to say a few things here,
first of all i must say that when i look at the pictures on aljazeera and see dead babys
i feel fucking bad ,and it doesnt matter if they r jewish muslims hamish or where the fuck they come from
bcose babys are innocent no matter what,
now about the rest of the population im not sure if i can say the same on all of them
but i do think that most of the people on both sides are the kind that just wants to live peacfully
put food at their tables and go to work in the morning same as all of us and im talking about the people
not their leaders and not the politicians , the common people on both sides want exactley the same thing they just want to live in peace .

now lets look at some facts first:

hamas is a well known terorist organisation that took responsability for the killing of dosens of inocent people in various teror attacks.

hamas had won the 2006 first palestinian elections against their rival party of the fatah.

in 2007 hamas and fatah began fighting between them in gaza and in the west bank,
this fights drove away most of the fatah people out of the gaza strip to the west bank that remaind in the hands of the fatah.

most of the fatah people that remaind in gaza were killed by the hamas. democracy ha...yeah right!

now lets look at the israeli side, for the last 8 years the southern settelments and citys of israel were constantley bombed by short
range missiles and all that time we held back and didnt do a thing.

in 2007 there was the peace agreement with hamas which we honoured and kept
even when the price we paid was the tearing of of israeli settlments, and belive me that was a hard thing for us as people and as a country to do
but we did because that was the hard price of peace.

israel gave back lands and helped building infrastructures and supplied electricity and water for gaza
untill just a few days ago even in times when 30 missiles a day landed in israel.

now how much shit do you think israel can eat before it bursts????
and now that it has what do u think it will all smell like??
it will smell like shit ,all wars do, and down here we r not fighting 4000 miles away from home
for some other countrys "demoilcracy" we are fighting for our homes and our lives.

now let me shade some light on another point here,
hamas is being constantley funded and given weapons by iran and so is hizballa
which is another teror organisation who is apart of the lebanease parliament .

now just imagine a situation that mexican fondementalists would take the lead in mexico and start demanding that you let them have back
california and the intire west coast and one of the most important topics on their ajenda would be the termination of the united states,
what to do they want you dead!!!
and this party will gain force in mexico take down all their rivals in the country and completley takie over tijuana making it their
base of operations and start building an army, funded by cuba and venezuella.

if they will start firing missiles and rockets into san diego and lA what do u think your president will do???
what do you think would happen in america if he would just talk to them for 8 years while civilians are being killed?
and lets say that you would sit down with them to try and bring peace,and you would even give them
parts of san diego for finally having some off this precious peace ,and aday later 50 missiles would land in la again

what would you do then??

anyway you look at it its a crazy situation

so i guess the only bomb we realy need here is a 500 megaton L.S.D bomb over the whole area
with some good old israeli trance music we shall open all borders bring in 2 tonnes of red lebanease hash,
we will invite sheikh nassaralla to the party with ahmadinijad and his friend hugo chaves for the coca

and will have ourselves a rave for a new middle east

Close the UN. The UN is just a crock to make third world dictators feel important.
You could get more done by posting on

Don't get me wrong here I am no Israel fan.

Has the UN been the solution for 1 single problem in 50 years?
I'd like to see the proof that Hamas was firing from that UN schoolground, you know the one where Israel killed 40++ women and children. Whenever Israel kills any civilians, they claim there was rocket fire coning from that location, Just for kicks, why don't they submit proof. I'm sure with satellite imagry they could pinpoint the rocket fire. It's kinda like we do in Afghanistan, well there was an insurgent in that village so we took out 50-100 people with a bunker buster, just to make sure we got him, Overkill!
I've found that video, but this friggin' 'puter is acting up...ASA I can import it, 'I'll post it.
Close the UN. The UN is just a crock to make third world dictators feel important.
You could get more done by posting on

Don't get me wrong here I am no Israel fan.

Has the UN been the solution for 1 single problem in 50 years?

No, seems like membership in the UN has caused more problems than it was worth.

Korea - We went in under UN Mandates (No Decl. of War)
Vietnam - We went in under UN Mandates (No Decl. of War - authorization to use force)
Gulf War I - same thing
Gulf War II - same thing

The US hasn't been involved in a declared war in... well since World War II.

There was nothing to correct ... people like you are the only ones not getting it right ... And pray tell how I've changed my definition to fit my truth?
I condemn Hamas for it's actions as well as Israel, but I have YET to see you back any of your statements ... why is that?:o
Nothing to correct you say? I suppose if you were misquoted on something as serious as Death to Israel you'd keep your mouth shut as well? In that case, you'd get what you deserved. You tout CNN, but I notice that you pick and choose what you repeat, CNN has the school video showing the weapons.
As to the change in definition I never. Clinton tried to change the definition of "is" and "sex" , Obama has tried to change "contact".Those were the definitions I was referring to.. You'd have figured that out if you comprehended my post, instead of "changing" what it said to suit your position.

Her's the video of Hamas using the UN school.
When you research a subject, research ALL of it..but then again, just another case of " I've made up my mind, don't confuse me with facts.. Tell me, have you ever been wrong about anything, or do you 'change' the facts to fit your fiction?
The very FACT that Hamas puts their own civilian population in harms way so they can kick out some vid for sympathy is all the proof I need.

When you fire rockets without warning at civilians and then run and hide in a hospital, it says it all.

Hamas has a yellow streak a mile wide........ they should be treated as the cowards they are. Not propped up by the U.N.

out. :blsmoke:
The very FACT that Hamas puts their own civilian population in harms way so they can kick out some vid for sympathy is all the proof I need.

When you fire rockets without warning at civilians and then run and hide in a hospital, it says it all.

Hamas has a yellow streak a mile wide........ they should be treated as the cowards they are. Not propped up by the U.N.

out. :blsmoke:
I dont think the UN really cares about hamas or palestinians......
Nothing to correct you say? I suppose if you were misquoted on something as serious as Death to Israel you'd keep your mouth shut as well? In that case, you'd get what you deserved. You tout CNN, but I notice that you pick and choose what you repeat, CNN has the school video showing the weapons.
As to the change in definition I never. Clinton tried to change the definition of "is" and "sex" , Obama has tried to change "contact".Those were the definitions I was referring to.. You'd have figured that out if you comprehended my post, instead of "changing" what it said to suit your position.

Her's the video of Hamas using the UN school.
When you research a subject, research ALL of it..but then again, just another case of " I've made up my mind, don't confuse me with facts.. Tell me, have you ever been wrong about anything, or do you 'change' the facts to fit your fiction?
The terrorists then ran away as seen on the film. Why would you then strike a school knowing The terrorists were using it so you'd think they were hanging out there. That's some real convoluted reasoning on Israels part. They knew there were civilians hiding in there, they just didn't care. it seems that to Israelis in general, all palestinians are scum of the earth and deserve to die. It's like, might as well kill the women and children, as the kids will just grow up to be terrorists..........

Captajack says:
now lets look at the israeli side, for the last 8 years the southern settelments and citys of israel were constantley bombed by short
range missiles and all that time we held back and didnt do a thing.
Well I agree, that is fucked up. But I don't think you gave a clear view of The Palestinians dillema. They are boxed in like a concentration camp, borders are patrolled by tanks and helicopter gunships. Supplies are squeezed at the whims of the Israelis, houses are buldozed, They have no rights in the israeli provinces. They are cut off from their fields, their jobs,, and harassed at the border with Israel for hours, sometimes being denied entry at the whim of the guards. In short, they are treated like dogs. I doubt the hatred between Israelis and palestinians can ever be solved, lots of blood feuds going on over there.