Well-Known Member
What total bullshit ... don't play like Israel was an innocent bystander attacked first ... and making up excuses to overlook war crimes don't fly either ... and there is nothing other than what the US and Israel stated that others what to eliminate them ... that just more bullshit you fell for ...... and you still haven't answered the question ... why is it alright for Israel to violate the UN resolutions ... and let see the violations list of Hamas so we can compare ...
By your postings it seems you don't follow the news, except the crap the "major media" dishes out. Unless of course Al Jazeer is your source .Look deeper. There avowed purpose is to wipe out Israel, as is Iran's. What excuses? Are those rockets imaginary? Israel has gone out of its way to assist the Palestinians.
If you had read any of my posts, which based on your comment you didn't , no where have I said Israel is right for their over reaction. Howecver you fail to admit the Hamas is also Guilty of war crimes so I gather you believe that Hamas is justified in their War crimes. Tell me, why is Israel so guilty of returning fire from where it came, be it school yard, mosque , hospital, you know, from where Hamas fired them, and Hamas isn't guilty of firing at the civilian population. Like the school Hamas hit the other day. Tell us, would you be cheering for Hamas if there had been children there, or don't they count?
as for answering failed to answer any of mine