Israel is a racist Nation (it really is)

Should the US continue to support that apartheid nation, Israel

  • Yes, it is the only Democracy in the ME and our best buddy in the World

    Votes: 11 39.3%
  • No, cut funds until the Israelli's get serious about peace.and stops murdering Palestinians

    Votes: 17 60.7%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
That cocksucker and Trump's soul mate Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, in full campaign mode ahead of April 9 polls, this morning said Israel "was not a state of all its citizens" in a reference to the country's Arab population.

The prime minister, in comments on Instagram, went on to say all citizens, including Arabs, had equal rights, but referred to a deeply controversial law passed last year declaring Israel the nation-state of the Jewish people, and fuck the Arab-Israelis, all they are good for is digging ditches and target practice.

"Israel is not a state of all its citizens," Netanyahu wrote in response to comments from an Israeli actress today.

"According to the basic nationality law we passed, Israel is the nation-state of the Jewish people -- and only it"

Fuck the goyim in other words

Well you got to admit he calls a spade a spade and doesn't mince words, and admits to the world that Israel is an nation built on the back of it's Arab population and with the blood of the Palestinian people.

And these are our best friends in the Middle East?

Well, fuck that shit, they been using us for over 60 years and all we have gotten out of the deal is dead Americans and blood shed (9/11 comes to mind), and a depleted Treasury.

Oh, and while I'm at it, no, I'm not anti-Semitic, I just hate the policies of the Israeli government and if that makes me an ant-Semite, so be it.

BDS now and forever until a State of Palestine exists, and fuck Israel, fuck Trump and long live the Palestinian people.
What a shit thread.

The only free Western like country in the entire Middle East is Israel.

The rest are corrupt dictatorships, monarchies or some other countries puppets, fighting a neighbor or in civil war on themselves.

When I think of Palestinians, you know the first bastard I think of?
This dirty fucking vile cocksucker who did more to ruin my country than all the Middle East terrorists who followed.

He shot Bobby Kennedy in the head right at a time when he was surging and on his way to the presidency in 1968.

Instead we got Nixon (who RFK would have literally crushed) and 5 more years of war and turmoil, and darkness that has never let up more than briefly over the last 50 years.

So fuck them, no sympathy from me ever.
I know this born again wacko woman. Another nurse. She and her other born agains went to Israel to help with a new kibbutz. The Israeli government gave them 6 month visas and welcomed them.

Until they discovered at least a couple were “Jews for Jesus “ and they were spreading leaflets about discovering this form of Judaeism.

They were informed they had 24 to pack up and get the hell out. They took their passports and said they would get them back at the airport in Tel Aviv. Great country. So much Western-like freedom.
A friend of mine had a sister who married a NY Jew and business owner.

They moved over to the holy land.

Eventually divorced, he returned to NY, she stayed.

I remember seeing pics of her place on her brother's phone. Beautiful countryside, a lemon tree in the background with 2 loaded AK-47's leaning against it. Just to remind you that it's not as serene as it appears.
I think the comments prove that both israel and people who support israel are racists. Its funny how a group of people can support systematical segragation and killing of another group of people when that said group survived a genocide in the past.

Anti semitism. Fuck jews, fuck christians, fuck muslims, fuck buddhists, fuck any other group which defines themselves thru their religion. Fuck any one who kills for their god too.

Anti semitism? Killing people (and children) with fucking stones in their hands. I must support this terrorist state or i’m anti semitic? Hahahha y’all must be out of your fucking minds!
When will Israel start rounding up Palestinians, locking them away in ghettos, denying them food, medicine and jobs and start taking potshots at them whenever they want, just like the Nazis did to Jews in prewar Nazi Germany?

Oh, wait...

But of course it's 'antisemitic' to point any of this out.

Now a majority of states in America (26) have blatantly antidemocratic BDS bans on the books.

It's fitting that democracy is being thrown away to support crimes against humanity.
Hahah of course it is.
Then can you tell me why the US bankrolls that bunch of vipers, costing us billions of $, which the Jews use to build illegal settlements and subjugate the Arab population.
What's up with that?
South Africa basically pulled the same shit, and we and the World embargoed them into submission, rightfully so.
So, why the double standard?
Oh, I think I know!!
Could it possibly be that no one wants to be accused of anti-Semitism and after all, it is only some Muslim Arabs, and who really gives a shit that they are being shot down every fucking day?
Could it also be that AIPAC buy's off the Congress, and those punks are too scared of being seen as anti-Semitic?.
You tell me how the Jews can espouse racism (they said it themselves), and be accepted by the World community?
They can't, and they wonder why ant-Semitic acts are increasing worldwide.
Stupid fucks bring onto themselves.
Oh, I thought I'd throw some of the the atrocities committed by our best buddy in the ME into the mix.

Fuck Israel
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The only free Western like country in the entire Middle East is Israel.
Western like?
Please, all they are is fucking murderers and land grabbers, ever since the day Israel was declared a State in 1948, after the US bribed and threatened all the Nations in the World to do it.
And as far as Sirhan Sirhan is concerned, it's kind of stupid to condemn all Palestinians because of the act of one man, isn't it?
And why not look at it this way, that maybe if Israel seriously worked at establishing a State of Palestine, there would have been no reason for RFK to have been shot, right?
But they didn't then in 1968, and their not doing it now, so expect more bloodshed, but you don't seem to care as long as it's not Jewish blood.
I remember seeing pics of her place on her brother's phone. Beautiful countryside, a lemon tree in the background with 2 loaded AK-47's leaning against it. Just to remind you that it's not as serene as it appears.
Yea, I have a friend from Gaza (I really do), and this is what his backyard looks like.

Western like?
Please, all they are is fucking murderers and land grabbers, ever since the day Israel was declared a State in 1948, after the US bribed and threatened all the Nations in the World to do it.
And as far as Sirhan Sirhan is concerned, it's kind of stupid to condemn all Palestinians because of the act of one man, isn't it?
And why not look at it this way, that maybe if Israel seriously worked at establishing a State of Palestine, there would have been no reason for RFK to have been shot, right?
But they didn't then in 1968, and their not doing it now, so expect more bloodshed, but you don't seem to care as long as it's not Jewish blood.

Yeah, Western like. I know people who live there.

The only one that's even remotely close to Western civilization.

They have a corrupt hardright wingnut in charge over there, just like the USA has.

Is everyone in the USA no good also?

Quit blaming everything on the people. Only a blind fucking idiot would do that.

They've been fighting for 2000 years there. The Nazis tried to exterminate them. Leave the people the fuck alone.

The vast majority of Americans didn't vote for Trump. 62 million out of 350 million did. Same situation over there.

And you sound incredibly antisemitic, probably because you are.

Have a great day. Any other people you'd like to pick on today based on their corrupt governments?

You hate VenezueIans too while they have to eat out of garbage cans? Like it's their fucking fault?
a lemon tree in the background with 2 loaded AK-47's leaning against it
Oh, by the way Israelis never used AK's,(wrong ammo) they mainly used the M-16 until they developed their own rifles like Uzi or the Tavor, which is the standard rifle used in Israel today by both the IDF and the civilian population.

Oh, by the way Israelis never used AK's,(wrong ammo) they mainly used the M-16 until they developed their own rifles like Uzi or the Tavor, which is the standard rifle used in Israel today by both the IDF and the civilian population.

Don't fucking tell me there aren't all kinds of guns over there.

It demonstrates your stupidity.
That cocksucker and Trump's soul mate Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, in full campaign mode ahead of April 9 polls, this morning said Israel "was not a state of all its citizens" in a reference to the country's Arab population.

The prime minister, in comments on Instagram, went on to say all citizens, including Arabs, had equal rights, but referred to a deeply controversial law passed last year declaring Israel the nation-state of the Jewish people, and fuck the Arab-Israelis, all they are good for is digging ditches and target practice.

"Israel is not a state of all its citizens," Netanyahu wrote in response to comments from an Israeli actress today.

"According to the basic nationality law we passed, Israel is the nation-state of the Jewish people -- and only it"

Fuck the goyim in other words

Well you got to admit he calls a spade a spade and doesn't mince words, and admits to the world that Israel is an nation built on the back of it's Arab population and with the blood of the Palestinian people.

And these are our best friends in the Middle East?

Well, fuck that shit, they been using us for over 60 years and all we have gotten out of the deal is dead Americans and blood shed (9/11 comes to mind), and a depleted Treasury.

Oh, and while I'm at it, no, I'm not anti-Semitic, I just hate the policies of the Israeli government and if that makes me an ant-Semite, so be it.

BDS now and forever until a State of Palestine exists, and fuck Israel, fuck Trump and long live the Palestinian people.

Wow that's quite the Anti Semitic rant!!!
I love how you try to say your not but your words speak for themselves.

Hope you get Banned. and your a POS!