It should be legal to kill Democrats


I'd rape that slut, urinate and deficate on her; and leave her for dead. Then I'll take a giant Obama, wipe my ass and take a nap.

your a real piece of work JustAnotherSkinHead, i hope your goal was to make a fool out of yourself, consider it accomplished, in fact, you went above and beyond. im sure plenty of government agencies have their eye on you now too, if this was another goal of yours, once again congratulations on being a dumbass. keep hating democrats, im sure your wife is getting railed by one as we speak ;-)

what am i saying, someone like you would never have a wife! my mistake.
First, I am not defending the guy but does this not bother anybody else? Has this become so taken for granted, we don't give it a second thought?

so our government responding to someone who says they're gonna kill people bothers you? what is there to think twice about?
your a real piece of work JustAnotherSkinHead, i hope your goal was to make a fool out of yourself, consider it accomplished, in fact, you went above and beyond. im sure plenty of government agencies have their eye on you now too, if this was another goal of yours, once again congratulations on being a dumbass. keep hating democrats, im sure your wife is getting railed by one as we speak ;-)

what am i saying, someone like you would never have a wife! my mistake.

wiley coyote (the member behind this sock puppet) said his wife died in the plane that crashed into the WTC.

i asked him if his dead wife had any corpse remaining that i could have sex with. he never replied.

wiley, i'm still interested in having sex with your dead wife. i'll even post it on the internet for you to enjoy.
wiley coyote (the member behind this sock puppet) said his wife died in the plane that crashed into the WTC.

i asked him if his dead wife had any corpse remaining that i could have sex with. he never replied.

wiley, i'm still interested in having sex with your dead wife. i'll even post it on the internet for you to enjoy.

shit for real? i was right on the not having a wife part :lol:
hahaha are you scared they're gonna come all the way to mexico for you? your way out of their jurisdiction buddy, its not like you said anything like that guy said, you have nothing to worry about.

Nobody is beyond the reach of tyranny. I don't know what I find more disturbing, constant surveillance and no privacy or those that think there is nothing wrong with it.
Nobody is beyond the reach of tyranny. I don't know what I find more disturbing, constant surveillance and no privacy or those that think there is nothing wrong with it.

hahahahaha so they're gonna come all the way to mexico and accuse you of nothing? your a funny guy.
and theres plenty wrong with it, but what reason do they have to put you on a watch list? you didnt say im gonna kill democrats and defocate on people wives.
what would be worse, if they didnt keep these lunatics in check, or if they just let them run loose and let some sort of vigilante system take care of it? theres a limit to what you can say before the government sees you as a threat, im sure none of us besides JustAnotherSkinHead said enough to get the list for suspected murders.
hahahahaha so they're gonna come all the way to mexico and accuse you of nothing? your a funny guy.
and theres plenty wrong with it, but what reason do they have to put you on a watch list? you didnt say im gonna kill democrats and defocate on people wives.
what would be worse, if they didnt keep these lunatics in check, or if they just let them run loose and let some sort of vigilante system take care of it? theres a limit to what you can say before the government sees you as a threat, im sure none of us besides JustAnotherSkinHead said enough to get the list for suspected murders.

I don't share your faith in the system. You give that kind of power and somebody is going to abuse it, sooner or later. Today, you draw the line at physical threats, tomorrow, who knows, voting record, party affiliation, types of books I read... where does it end?
I don't share your faith in the system. You give that kind of power and somebody is going to abuse it, sooner or later. Today, you draw the line at physical threats, tomorrow, who knows, voting record, party affiliation, types of books I read... where does it end?

wow, he's scared that they're going to assassinate him because he's reading david sedaris.

moar tin foil pls.
I don't share your faith in the system. You give that kind of power and somebody is going to abuse it, sooner or later. Today, you draw the line at physical threats, tomorrow, who knows, voting record, party affiliation, types of books I read... where does it end?

come on, now your just being straight up paranoid. yes, power will be abused when given too much, but no way in hell would they start a crackdown on people for the types of literature they read, better yet party association. they can only go so far before they would have their funding cut, or better yet if something like that were to happen im sure it wouldnt go on for long before society took action, the patriot act did disappoint me but but voting is a constitutional right, and suspicion due to the types of literature you read or party association is somewhat ridiculous, you cant truthfully tell me the government has time to look after all that shit, maybe if you purchased a book on how to hide a dead body(if a book like this ever existed), then yeah, im sure they would watch you, but theres a good reason for that.
come on, now your just being straight up paranoid. yes, power will be abused when given too much, but no way in hell would they start a crackdown on people for the types of literature they read, better yet party association. they can only go so far before they would have their funding cut, or better yet if something like that were to happen im sure it wouldnt go on for long before society took action, the patriot act did disappoint me but but voting is a constitutional right, and suspicion due to the types of literature you read or party association is somewhat ridiculous, you cant truthfully tell me the government has time to look after all that shit, maybe if you purchased a book on how to hide a dead body(if a book like this ever existed), then yeah, im sure they would watch you, but theres a good reason for that.

but It's my right to learn how to hide dead bodies! lol
Am I safe to say whatever I want then? Or will the Secret Service swoop out of the American Embassy in Dublin and skull fuck me?