It's a muslim tradition to build a mosque at the site of a great victory.

I don't have a strong opinion on this topic, but I have to wonder how many Muslims, who hate Osama and want to live in America peacefully, also lost loved ones on 911 or how many also died on 911 in the Towers and planes. I have worked in Dearborn MI. many times ( large Muslim population ) and the people I had a chance to meet love this country and would love more than anything to see the Guilty hung.

about 300+ muslim americans perished on 9/11 at the hands of violent extremist terrorists....peaceful hard working folks like you and me who abhor terrorism. yet some folks here insist that the terrorists and the moderates are one in the same.
WOW...pitch forks n shovels....cant believe their doing this..cant believe their doing it and i cant believe the prez spoke out in support of it. he should have said nothing and let them do it or spoken out against it and stopped them.

anyone who becomes president swears an oath to uphold the constitution. he said nothing about the wisdom of building at the site of the former burlington coat factory, surrounded by strip clubs and dive bars....simply that they are protected by the first amendment to the constitution of the united states of america in doing so. that is his presidential duty, and a majority of americans agree with him.

i'm not surprised you would say this, however....just look at my sig
There is already a mosque there and we are a country that promotes "Freedom of Religion", I don't see what the problem is.
i hate to say it but they are asking for it if they do build it. it will be bombed by american fanatics and there will be more terror and more war for the future you can bank on that.

i have only perused a bit of this thread so far, but you are already the third person to suggest terrorism against the people you think are terrorists (they are actually peaceful moderates, for the most part).

congratulations, you win the 'go slap yourself in the face now' award. may i suggest you slap yourself repeatedly?
half of you guys wouldnt even be hear if those bombs were not droped on japan. and possibly an extra million american boys would have died to end that war without those bombs. and all of you who had grandparents in the war or even around that time would have been drafted and killed, allowing your mothers sissters and brothers and father to never have existed including you.

and if they had gone to war defending our freedoms as americans, they'd be rolling over in their graves if they saw how we were playing with the first amendment based on religion.
I dont agree with them building it there,especially since theres another one within walking distance.
There pretty much spitting in are face with this.It will end up being built then someone who had enough will blow it up.


ten characters
Btw Big P the fact that you said the atom bombs saved a million American lives my be true, but it also label's us as big fat pussy's in a way..

i once read a book on the a-bomb...i can't say how i feel about the use of it but the authors were clearly anti a-bomb. the quote they used to describe using the a=bomb to end the pacific theater was that it was akin to 'using God to tidy up the living room'. i used to have a friend who lived in japan for years, he told me most japanese still resent americans for it. i can't say if it's true or not as i have not ever talked to any native japanese about it.
Only if you are a minority. If you are white, forget about it! Just ask Dr. Laura.:o

"dr" Laura still had her first amendment rights...she never got arrested or faced prosecution for her incendiary language, so how were her 1st amendment rights violated. she just loses her ability to make a profit by giving shitty advice to callers while using incendiary language. profitability =/= freedom of speech.

if minorities were the only ones enjoying first amendment rights, this mosque would be a non-issue. nice try though.

like padawan, i am starting to lose a little respect for you lately as well.
GOD DAMN THAT SHIT PISSED ME OFF ALL OVER AGAIN...the poor people jumping out...god damn pussy ass morons that think muslims are people...they are animals, monkeys living in the year 600 bc. fuck them. islam is a disease.

clearly, muslims are not people, but rather animals/monkeys. you can tell by the prehensile tails and feet that work like hands. also, the consumption of bananas and use of feces as a weapon are other dead giveaways
Me too man, It makes by blood boil, and who were the only 2 people in the world that stood up for us


And who will stand up for us now!!!!!

actually, GWB came out very vocally to make sure that crazies like yourself knew the difference between peaceful, moderate muslims as compared to the violent extremist terrorists who perverted islam and attacked us (if you believe the official narrative).

try again....i rather enjoy your litany of fails
i once read a book on the a-bomb...i can't say how i feel about the use of it but the authors were clearly anti a-bomb. the quote they used to describe using the a=bomb to end the pacific theater was that it was akin to 'using God to tidy up the living room'. i used to have a friend who lived in japan for years, he told me most japanese still resent americans for it. i can't say if it's true or not as i have not ever talked to any native japanese about it.

Aaaa i would still resent it too if they did it to me lol doesnt mean they didnt ask for it and didnt get it flying in the face like they did us at pearl harbor 1941 and you dont need to talk to a native jap to know that they resent having atom bombs dropped on them

that one can pretty much be assumed;)
i have only perused a bit of this thread so far, but you are already the third person to suggest terrorism against the people you think are terrorists (they are actually peaceful moderates, for the most part).

congratulations, you win the 'go slap yourself in the face now' award. may i suggest you slap yourself repeatedly?

Congradulations u quoted me then lied about my quote not to hard to see the lies there buddy, i never said people should blow anything up i said there will be fanatics who will try
Aaaa i would still resent it too if they did it to me lol doesnt mean they didnt ask for it and didnt get it flying in the face like they did us at pearl harbor 1941 and you dont need to talk to a native jap to know that they resent having atom bombs dropped on them

that one can pretty much be assumed;)

about the most sensible thing you've uttered in this entire thread
actually, GWB came out very vocally to make sure that crazies like yourself knew the difference between peaceful, moderate muslims as compared to the violent extremist terrorists who perverted islam and attacked us (if you believe the official narrative).

try again....i rather enjoy your litany of fails

Cordoba house
the only other thing i will say for now is this: we live in a round world. what goes around, comes around.

if you think you can deny rights guaranteed to a group of people by the first amendment, it might not be too long before that comes around to you or me.
the only other thing i will say for now is this: we live in a round world. what goes around, comes around.

if you think you can deny rights guaranteed to a group of people by the first amendment, it might not be too long before that comes around to you or me.

No one siad they do not have the right to build the mosque u people dont pay much attention do u read the thread and get back to me