It's dangerous being a Christian.

Next week is Easter and I got to thinking about the crucifixion. Then I thought about modern day believers and this is some of what I found. It makes me sick to think about those that believed enough to sacrifice (actually murdered by others) themselves for their beliefs. I believe but I think I would fold like a house of cards.~

Rwanda: 800,000 dead. Armenia: 1 million. The Holocaust: More than 6 million.
World history is littered with exhibits of the utter brutality of mankind toward his fellow man.

But now a new project under way to recount a history that has not received the attention it deserves, the “militant atheist” campaign in the former Soviet Union on people of faith.

The staggering death toll of Christians alone, estimates the documentary, “Martyred in the USSR,” is 12 million.
One and a half times the population of New York. The equivalent of 20 cities the size of Denver. Six times the number of residents of Paris.

I wonder how many people have been killed by... Christians:confused::confused:
isn't communism a religion? you cannot doubt it or question it, therefore you need absolute faith in the system, otherwise it would fail, just like religion. so use the term "atheist" loosely here.
OMG I just keep finding them! I can't believe I was this stupid growing up. I used to believe all this bs.

at first it's funny, but when you realize that our previous president was just like this, it becomes scarey. bush said he heard god tell him to go to war, and that demons were afoot in iraq... wow. our political system is filled with people like this, mostly republicans/tea party.
I really don't think religion should be allowed to be discussed in politics it just ends up being used as a tool to get votes, and look at what happens when a christian republican gets into office, we get a defense budget of world domination proportions and go figure its all being funneled into Islamic country's that have huge surplus of oil...
I really don't think religion should be discussed unless it is under the understanding that each one has the possibility to be wrong, and if everyone will recognize and accept that.

Which only happens in star trek...
I really don't think religion should be discussed unless it is under the understanding that each one has the possibility to be wrong, and if everyone will recognize and accept that.

Which only happens in star trek...

You'll love this Z - At about 35:30 in this video BB posted, Dennett talks about Quebec being the first place to make it mandatory in public school to teach about ALL of the world's major religions in an objective, unbiased manner (they feel it is abusive for parents to keep children ignorant of other religions). That way, the students can see the similarities, differences, and most importantly the irrationalities they all offer. That should turn those kids off ;)
I really don't think religion should be discussed unless it is under the understanding that each one has the possibility to be wrong, and if everyone will recognize and accept that.

Which only happens in star trek...

'Wrong' and 'religion' will never be seen in the same sentence from an American politician.
You'll love this Z - At about 35:30 in this video BB posted, Dennett talks about Quebec being the first place to make it mandatory in public school to teach about ALL of the world major religions in an objective, unbiased manner (they feel it is abusive for parents to keep children ignorant of other religions). That way, the students can see the similarities, differences, and most importantly the irrationalities they all offer. That should turn those kids off ;)

That's an interesting idea of the 'don't teach organized religion in public schools'. Teach all of them! I think I actually support this, the more I was exposed to organized religion growing up the more I realized it was absolute bullshit. The one thought alone that there are more religions than your own is astoundingly detrimental to the success of religion. How could you possibly believe your religion is the one true religion when other people, just as capable and smart as you are are practicing other religions they claim say the same things yours does? Internal conflict arises, speculation begins, questioning follows, and atheism is the eventual consequence to anyone who accepts science as the best way to determine reality.
That's an interesting idea of the 'don't teach organized religion in public schools'. Teach all of them! I think I actually support this, the more I was exposed to organized religion growing up the more I realized it was absolute bullshit. The one thought alone that there are more religions than your own is astoundingly detrimental to the success of religion. How could you possibly believe your religion is the one true religion when other people, just as capable and smart as you are are practicing other religions they claim say the same things yours does? Internal conflict arises, speculation begins, questioning follows, and atheism is the eventual consequence to anyone who accepts science as the best way to determine reality.

That's it exactly, Pad! I can imagine the teacher's voice - 'Here's this goofy blue bitch with six tits stepping on an evil rat. Here's a bearded fuck with a flying horse, going to see his god. And here's is jesus rising from the dead and floating into the sky, going to see the same god as the flying horse dude. They are all equally valid, as they each have the same amount of evidence behind them. Which is zero.' You'd then have a class full of little atheists ;)
That's an interesting idea of the 'don't teach organized religion in public schools'. Teach all of them! I think I actually support this, the more I was exposed to organized religion growing up the more I realized it was absolute bullshit. The one thought alone that there are more religions than your own is astoundingly detrimental to the success of religion. How could you possibly believe your religion is the one true religion when other people, just as capable and smart as you are are practicing other religions they claim say the same things yours does? Internal conflict arises, speculation begins, questioning follows, and atheism is the eventual consequence to anyone who accepts science as the best way to determine reality.

I tend to agree with that.
We should teach our kids all the things we know.
That's it exactly, Pad! I can imagine the teacher's voice - 'Here's this goofy blue bitch with six tits stepping on an evil rat. Here's a bearded fuck with a flying horse, going to see his god. And here's is jesus rising from the dead and floating into the sky, going to see the same god as the flying horse dude. They are all equally valid, as they each have the same amount of evidence behind them. Which is zero.' You'd then have a class full of little atheists ;)

I'd be interested in hearing what Dawkins said about this idea. Can you see any negative side effect?

The only thing I can think of is the obvious undermining of the Constitution, but, much like zoo's, would it be for the greater good? You show people the bullshit, how bad it is, and they decide for themselves..

This religion, this religion, and this religion are all the truth, they're the objective truth according to these people, these people, and these people... this is what's true, based on human history, not science. Science is evil, science can't be trusted, even though science can tell me the truth without me ever speaking a word!..

Don't trust science!! Trust tradition, trust religion, trust... me!
That's an interesting idea of the 'don't teach organized religion in public schools'. Teach all of them! I think I actually support this, the more I was exposed to organized religion growing up the more I realized it was absolute bullshit. The one thought alone that there are more religions than your own is astoundingly detrimental to the success of religion. How could you possibly believe your religion is the one true religion when other people, just as capable and smart as you are are practicing other religions they claim say the same things yours does? Internal conflict arises, speculation begins, questioning follows, and atheism is the eventual consequence to anyone who accepts science as the best way to determine reality.

I couldn't agree more, i wish an idea like this was being implemented in American schools, the idea of creationism being taught in school to children is quite disturbing to me, and im not sure if you are aware but the constitution has already been undermined in this aspect because creationism is being taught in some American public schools... I can deal with creationism being taught to school children as long as all perspectives are being taught but the idea that one of them is being taught as the correct one over all others is disgusting to me...
It breaks my heart to hear from so many individuals who deny Christ and are on the path to destruction.
What can I say?
What can I do?

At least try and choose to believe in Christ for the salvation of your own soul.

John 3:16-21
[SUP]16 [/SUP]For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. [SUP]17 [/SUP]For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him. [SUP]18 [/SUP]Whoever believes in him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe stands condemned already because they have not believed in the name of God’s one and only Son. [SUP]19 [/SUP]This is the verdict: Light has come into the world, but people loved darkness instead of light because their deeds were evil. [SUP]20 [/SUP]Everyone who does evil hates the light, and will not come into the light for fear that their deeds will be exposed. [SUP]21 [/SUP]But whoever lives by the truth comes into the light, so that it may be seen plainly that what they have done has been done in the sight of God.

My heart breaks for each and every one of you.
There is still time to change the road you are on.
Its ok OG your afraid of death,its normal, You believe in that draconian rubbish to give your self comfort and you attempt to assert that faith unto others that already see that internal nonesense for what it is,dont you see the bigger picture yet?You could be mentaly ill afterall,because you are so convinced that your faith and what you believe in actualy dwells in the confines of reality. your beliefs are not apart of reality, you still dont seem to get it,God is not real or let me say most likely not real.And before you decide on a parable to reproach my message to you,think about doing some actual research of your own into the history of the world and start learning about the beginnings of civilization,and do so without consulting your God and bible first.
May you learn to question what you believe.
Its ok OG your afraid of death,its normal, You believe in that draconian rubbish to give your self comfort and you attempt to assert that faith unto others that already see that internal nonesense for what it is,dont you see the bigger picture yet?You could be mentaly ill afterall,because you are so convinced that your faith and what you believe in actualy dwells in the confines of reality. your beliefs are not apart of reality, you still dont seem to get it,God is not real or let me say most likely not real.And before you decide on a parable to reproach my message to you,think about doing some actual research of your own into the history of the world and start learning about the beginnings of civilization,and do so without consulting your God and bible first.
May you learn to question what you believe.

He won't because it's easier to just believe in the fairy tales. It takes work to be an atheist, hard fucking work and an honest approach toward reality. These kinds of people don't have that in them. I can almost guarantee you he will come back with mindless robotic bible quotes again instead of considering what was said and responding accordingly in his own words, he doesn't have his own words because he doesn't have original thoughts, only what was regurgitated back to him from other robotic bible thumpers with unoriginal thoughts themselves.

"I'll pray for you is Christin for go fuck yourself!"
Its ok OG your afraid of death,its normal, You believe in that draconian rubbish to give your self comfort and you attempt to assert that faith unto others that already see that internal nonesense for what it is,dont you see the bigger picture yet?You could be mentaly ill afterall,because you are so convinced that your faith and what you believe in actualy dwells in the confines of reality. your beliefs are not apart of reality, you still dont seem to get it,God is not real or let me say most likely not real.And before you decide on a parable to reproach my message to you,think about doing some actual research of your own into the history of the world and start learning about the beginnings of civilization,and do so without consulting your God and bible first.
May you learn to question what you believe.

He won't because it's easier to just believe in the fairy tales. It takes work to be an atheist, hard fucking work and an honest approach toward reality. These kinds of people don't have that in them. I can almost guarantee you he will come back with mindless robotic bible quotes again instead of considering what was said and responding accordingly in his own words, he doesn't have his own words because he doesn't have original thoughts, only what was regurgitated back to him from other robotic bible thumpers with unoriginal thoughts themselves.

"I'll pray for you is Christin for go fuck yourself!"

Quoted for truth...
My heart breaks for each and every one of you.
There is still time to change the road you are on.
I feel similar about you, I truly do. It makes me sad to think so many people waste their lives on this beautiful planet taking the road you are on.

“The Christian does not think God will love us because we are good, but that God will make us good because He loves us.”
Why do you need some imaginary entity to make you good?

Reminds me of a quote someone (I think Tyler) posted recently:

“With or without religion, you would have good people doing good things and evil people doing evil things. But for good people to do evil things, that takes religion.”
― Steven Weinberg
If I left this planet right now, I would die knowing that I did my best to be a good person. I experienced life to it's fullest and sought the true marrow of living.
I have peace knowing what is going to happen to me when i die, and God's Holy Spirit living in me helping me to be the best i can be.
Jesus is Lord, and even if He wasn't i am fully satisfied with my life and the pursuit of Holiness.

I found truth, absolute truth, and found that it was the most meaningful.

So don't feel sorry for me.
Worry about your soul.