It's dangerous being a Christian.

If I left this planet right now, I would die knowing that I did my best to be a good person. I experienced life to it's fullest and sought the true marrow of living.
I have peace knowing what is going to happen to me when i die, and God's Holy Spirit living in me helping me to be the best i can be.
Jesus is Lord, and even if He wasn't i am fully satisfied with my life and the pursuit of Holiness.

I found truth, absolute truth, and found that it was the most meaningful.

So don't feel sorry for me.
Worry about your soul.

All of this would be perfectly fine if you and everyone else who followed or practiced an organized religion didn't insist on having the world your way because God said so, fortunately those types of precedents require evidence, if you expect to show up and run the system based on nothing but something you got from a book written thousands of years before we had any understanding of science or the natural world, you should also expect to have your ideas put in the same realm of Big Bird and the Easter Bunny, fiction.
I understand what you are saying, but you have to remember that spirit science is a new field of understanding and hard to detect with our current range of technology. While tangible, the spirit world remains invisible.
I found this for you, it's pretty neat.

I would call aura spirit

All of this would be perfectly fine if you and everyone else who followed or practiced an organized religion didn't insist on having the world your way because God said so, fortunately those types of precedents require evidence, if you expect to show up and run the system based on nothing but something you got from a book written thousands of years before we had any understanding of science or the natural world, you should also expect to have your ideas put in the same realm of Big Bird and the Easter Bunny, fiction.

We are just trying to keep a moral standard, like no killing babies in the womb.. No murder, rape, same sex marriage.. If gays want to be in union that's their life, but don't desecrate marriage.
I understand what you are saying, but you have to remember that spirit science is a new field of understanding and hard to detect with our current range of technology. While tangible, the spirit world remains invisible.

The very heart of science is test. If you cannot detect and measure it and suss out reproducible pattern, the word "science" has been misused. cn

*"testify" puns studiously avoided
We are just trying to keep a moral standard, like no killing babies in the womb.. No murder, rape, same sex marriage.. If gays want to be in union that's their life, but don't desecrate marriage.

Difficulties with definitions here. They aren't babies until out of the womb (even if only a little bit ... I'm not touching the late-term can o'worms). Somewhere on the seamless progression from zygote to first breath the transition is made from lucky cells to a human, but where? We don't have the science; we need to make that moral decision based on our human instincts.
And how does the union of any two consenting loving adults "desecrate" marriage? There is no way to test and validate this. One needs to rely on Revealed Doctrine, which boils down to "because I say so". There is no non-circular way to establish hat one as true. Jmo. cn
What can i say? Death is easy, Life is hard. People always find a way to hate each other, therefore, kill each other. Because as we all know by example of the child who does not want to share there toy with the other, what happens? One kid eventually hits the other. Violence is in our DNA, it is the way all animals protect there way of life, humans are animals too. Sure there are most that view killing as wrong, and some think it right, but who will write history? The ones who survive, pretty sure that will be the killers. lol
i love how the more intelligent the couple, the less children they are likely to have. for some reason religious families have a higher rate of children, wonder why that is and what is the correlation.
If I left this planet right now, I would die knowing that I did my best to be a good person. I experienced life to it's fullest and sought the true marrow of living.
I have peace knowing what is going to happen to me when i die, and God's Holy Spirit living in me helping me to be the best i can be.
Jesus is Lord, and even if He wasn't i am fully satisfied with my life and the pursuit of Holiness.

As for the bold parts I feel the same. Thinking to know that you experienced life to its fullest makes it impossible already to take the rest seriously. It's obviously all wishful-thinking. There's no loving holy god spirit thingy in you helping you to be the best you can, you can take credit for that yourself. Jesus is not and was never 'lord' of anything. Really, where did you get that nonsense? Whoever told you that is a liar (that's why they keep telling the far opposite, that it's the 'absolute truth') and has been lied to him/herself.

i am fully satisfied with my life and the pursuit of Holiness.
Aim higher.

I found truth, absolute truth,
No, you're a liar. You didn't 'find' anything either. People with dehydration symptoms in the desert 'find' gods and absolute truths, others just swallow it because they can't deal with real life and dead as it is presented to them.

So don't feel sorry for me.
Can't help it. You're like a zombie, I still like to think there is something left of the sane person it once was, which in turn saddens me, and makes me feel sorry for you. It's like in the movie Warm Bodies but instead of your heart I hope your brain starts functioning again. And you know what, your fictional Jesus would feel the same way if he could see what his con has caused and tell you to think for yourself (while gently in an obvious gay manner touching your shoulder - might get lucky and get a kiss too).

We are just trying to keep a moral standard, like no killing babies in the womb.. No murder, rape, same sex marriage.. If gays want to be in union that's their life, but don't desecrate marriage.
Moral standard and refusing marriage to gays does not mix. Morality is highly subjective but moral standards imo do not include denying someone the freedom to choose what they want to do without harming others. Marriage does not belong to Christians. Gays have the right to be free from your madness. You are discriminating on a level as dumb and ignorant as racism. You think you are a good person? :roll: To me you are the far far opposite and should be locked up together with the rest of 'you' murdering, raping, pedophile, homophobic, bat-shit Christians. Last time I heard that crazy shit here is from Muslim imams who try to brainwash little terrorists and get thrown out of the country as a result. And yeah, we love killing them babies over here as well. Those we don't kill we give to married gay couples. :finger:

"Spirit science...." :wall:
i love how the more intelligent the couple, the less children they are likely to have. for some reason religious families have a higher rate of children, wonder why that is and what is the correlation.
Have you seen the movie Idiocracy? That's the entire premise of it

The idea is that smarter people realize and understand the risks of life, stupid people don't because they aren't paying attention beyond what keeps them alive. You end up with a horrible gene pool in a couple hundred years with a world full of retards.

I find my truth from the Holy Bible.
I guess we will find out who is right in the end,
I have taken precautions.
If i die and turn into dust then so be it, i am happy with my existence.
If I die and stand before God than I'm covered.

You keep touting your ideas like they are wisdom, but i find your viewpoint to be foolhardy and reckless.

To sativied
Have you seen the movie Idiocracy? That's the entire premise of it

The idea is that smarter people realize and understand the risks of life, stupid people don't because they aren't paying attention beyond what keeps them alive. You end up with a horrible gene pool in a couple hundred years with a world full of retards.

yea, mike judge made it(beavis and butthead/ King of the hill) it's a pretty funny movie. i know this to be true, my parents were/are YEC jews, conservative to the bone when i was growing up, they had 15 children together me included. fucking crazy lifestyle to grow up with but luckily i had my own stuff to keep me busy and older brother who didn't buy into all that nonsense. none of us have had chidren despite the elder bros/sisters being in their 30's already.
I find my truth from the Holy Bible.
I guess we will find out who is right in the end,
I have taken precautions.
If i die and turn into dust then so be it, i am happy with my existence.
If I die and stand before God than I'm covered.

You keep touting your ideas like they are wisdom, but i find your viewpoint to be foolhardy and reckless.

To sativied
1-you find your 'Interpretation' of truth in the bible.
2-no "we" won't. you cannot find out anything if you are dead.
3-Good for you, hope you chose the right god, vishnu might be pissed.
4-Good for you, what kind of god would be so pathetic as to judge you for living that kind of life?(a sociopathic angry child)
5-which god? there are thousands of them.

the bible was written by folks qho believed the earth was flat and had corners, what kind of wisdom do you expect to learn from cavemen?
I find my truth from the Holy Bible.
I guess we will find out who is right in the end,
I have taken precautions.
If i die and turn into dust then so be it, i am happy with my existence.
If I die and stand before God than I'm covered.

You keep touting your ideas like they are wisdom, but i find your viewpoint to be foolhardy and reckless.

To sativied

Jews, Muslims, etc. say the exact same thing. How does it make you feel to know there are billions of people who feel as sure of their god as you do about yours?
I find my truth from the Holy Bible.
How do you know the bible contains the truth?

I guess we will find out who is right in the end,
No. We won't. We'll be dead. Food for nature and some of it wallpaper glue.

I have taken precautions.
If i die and turn into dust then so be it, i am happy with my existence.
If I die and stand before God than I'm covered.
So basically you are afraid of ending up in a bad place after you die, so just in case, you accept an imaginary entity created by people in the desert long ago, and on top of it you try to strengthen your believe by spreading the lies to others. Being happy is one thing, but by both swallowing and parroting lies that can easily be dismissed as anything but the absolute truth you cannot possibly be living up to your full potential. I truly hope you will realize that some day. Life's too short to waste on that nonsense man.

Funny how you claim to have found the absolute truth, so convinced you need to spread the word, yet cover your ass in case your "absolute truth" turns out to be nothing more than lies lies and more lies.

You keep touting your ideas like they are wisdom, but i find your viewpoint to be foolhardy and reckless.
Coming from someone who thinks his ideas are the absolute truth... I can't possibly attach any value to your judgement regarding mine. But "foolhardy and reckless"? I find your viewpoint sickening and nauseating. Contemptible and despicable. Unintelligent and dumb. Above all pitiful and sad.
i love how the more intelligent the couple, the less children they are likely to have. for some reason religious families have a higher rate of children, wonder why that is and what is the correlation.

A lot of deeply religious people also believe that birth control gets in the way of gods plan so they continue to over populate the earth with there closed minded progeny, regardless of whether or not its a good idea for themselves.
For those who believe, get high, i mean really really high, and for the crater of man, you will be tapping into your higher power like those before us, then simply imagine a god, a crater of all beings, one in which rules all , every living thing in the cosmos, then imagine them (i say them because a god is nor a man or a woman), and imagine them seeking worship in order for judgment... ridiculous. A god that requires worship is a pussy fucking asshole who is using mans fears against them, burning, eternally in order to gain control, in the face of this god you speak of, ill shit on his lawn and spit in his face, If i were a god, i would never require worship... I would simply judge and shut the fuck up. A god that is spoke of, does not exist, because the people of fucking earth have not FUCKING MET THEM!

for those who falsely pray to some figment of a childhood dream to cover there basis, and hope they make it to where they want to go in the afterlife, have you ever been under anesthesia? guess what, that nothingness, is as close to god you will ever get.

I fucking hate people who "cover there basis" that just tells me your a pussy that does not believe in shit, just in case some bullshit happens you want to go to heaven... go join the Muslims, blow yourself up, you pray to the same being. fucking retarded.

Sorry btw, to both the people i am speaking to and the people who just had to see me off my rocker, i just hate dumb people.
I really am sorry i did not mean to loose my cool, i love you guys, some of you think differently, that's cool, in mutual interests, please dismiss my previous statement. If anyone on the religious side of the fence wants to flame me, go for it... after and outburst like that of drunken asshole-ness i deserve it. again, sorry.