Jacks vs. Advanced vs. Remo

Nice! I don't have a heated stirrer yet, but I need (want) one for labwork. Might try making a DIY 3d printed setup soon, if I get the time. I do got coated bars, and strong neodymium magnets I put on a drill attachment.

When I make up stock solutions, I usually make a gallon of each part, with fresh new jugs and purified water. I keep the epsoms seperate, but some mix it in with part A. Some omit it completely, and run 4:2 like gemtree ^. That way there is enough in the base, without adding more.

The calcium nitrate balls are very soluble & mix really easy. When mixing the part A though, I usually just hold the jug under hot water to warm it up, and shake it up good. Shake it every once in awhile after that.

Then I just pour out some into smaller bottles as needed, and keep the bigger jugs in a cool dark place, after spraying a few shots of bloxygen (argon gas in a spray can) in, so it doesn't ever go bad on the top layer. I actually never had a problem with moldy stock solutions, but some do. I just displace the air with gas anyway, instead of using preservatives or worrying about it.
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^ I've wanted to try this new part A formula out for awhile now, since it came out. I been running regular 3-2-1 Jack's hydro for like 4 years or so now (mostly in DWC, and a few coco runs here and there), and still sitting on more than half the bags. I'm kinda reluctant to buy anything else for the foreseeable future. Really happy with it as is (even though the 5-12-26 always was and still is designed as a "vegetative" formula, it can still work good all the way through), and have continuously had awesome growth and harvests, since going with Jack's.

I do love testing new products though, and sometimes wish I would run out of my current salt horde so I could go back to bouncing around and trying them all.

Finally got some of the 0-12-26 through a different supplier. Without paying more than the small 1kg bag itself costs just to ship it directly from Jack's, which is kinda ridiculous, and totally Jacked up IMO! Like $60 total for a single 2 lb bag of salts?..Psh!!

Anyway, I keep hearing about and seeing extra stellar results from other growers utilizing the 0 nitrogen part A blends during flower, including masterblend's version. The nutrient calculators don't exactly lie either, and the new formula's ratios look better suited for the flower stage for sure. So yeah.. Can't wait to test it out for myself soon, and probably should have just got the 25# sack. Trying to hurry up and get my grow back on, and my rooms all put back together before new years.

I plan on doing a few side by side runs, both with and without the new part A, and then again using different ratios and whatnot with it, to see what blend works best in my new flower setup. I'll always be vegging plants with the original 3-2-1 as is for life though, because it's the best deal I've found so far.

I can start a journal and document it. I got a bunch of other whacky side experiments lined up to try out this coming year as well ;)
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