
we didnt have shit it was 1979 iran hostage time and dad had to get involved in that
so we went to germany from calif
wish we had computers then
The only real option then would have been a Tandy TS-80 I believe, and they were not cheap..

we didnt have shit it was 1979 iran hostage time and dad had to get involved in that
so we went to germany from calif
wish we had computers then
I had a Commodore Vic-20, I bought a 4k RAM chip for $317 in 1984 so I could write a chess program. Taught myself BASIC programming.
LOL, we weren't rich, but we were pretty well off. My father owns a Oil Consulting company and a drill stem tool company. the Higher the Oil prices the more he makes. I think he said he contracts for $1200 a day right now. He was making 6 figures back in the late 70's.
Looks like reactor #2 went into full meltdown yesterday. Plutonium is being released. Containment vessel has been breached.
"Wow.. The karma of it. Earlier this year friends were so mad at the Dolphin kills and I too had negative energy for that. Id never wish this on Japan but there is the Karma aspect to consider. "

WHA...WHA...WHATT!!! You mean I get BF'd for suggesting this might be payback for Nanking but Ernest get props for dolphin-Karma!?
What happened to all the accolades and praise of the Japanese peeps!?

What does the nuclear crisis have to do with the character of the Japanese? The reactors are GE reactors. The same ones we have here AND have less safety measures than Japan. You seem to forget that this was one of the strongest earthquakes in history and THE strongest in Japan. Considering Japan's history of earthquakes, that's saying something. The Tsunami was one of the worst in history and yet out of the 11 reactors at that plant only 4 are critical. I say only four but if this had happened in the U.S.? We would be facing nuclear fallout and the evacuation of entire regions of the U.S.

Considering what the Japanese are up against, they have done an amazing job with a situation that has no precedence in history.

One thing I do know Spleenfarter is that you're a complete (_!_) hole.
radiation 20 times normal detected in milk in Washington state....

Ah go figure when I look this up it says the contaminated milk was found in my city..good thing I don't drink milk! They are saying it is well below health concerns however..still I'm not drinking it!