
reactors 1 through 4 are still uncontrolled.
Japan will decommission reactors.

Sea water at 3000 time the legal limit in the sea.
I foresee a Hari Kari in the near future... today, the head of TepCo checked into a hospital with migraines and high blood pressure....
Hydrogen explosion suspected in reactor core #2 with new high res overhead photos of site. Massive amounts of rod cooling plumbing is totally gone, vaporized... Why did it take so long to get pictures of this quality?
Hydrogen explosion suspected in reactor core #2 with new high res overhead photos of site. Massive amounts of rod cooling plumbing is totally gone, vaporized... Why did it take so long to get pictures of this quality?

It has happened? Link?

I was just watching Democracynow.org and they said it was possible..
Which way did the wind blow it?


I see the first reports from earlier.
What Amy said was that the molten plutonium will react with the cement and could cause a hydrogen bubble that could blast off the containment dome.
If it goes when the winds are blowing over Japan it could put the Island of Japan off limits forever.
Meaning all the Japanese have to move.

Talk about really fucked up.

I guess the American Housing crises will go back to over priced houses if that happens.

So I don't see any reports that a second explosion has happened.

Links ?? Help
Why the Tsunami was so massive.

According to PBS newshour tonight Wednesday, March 30 2011
The reason a 30 foot Tsunami went over the 30 foot sea walls so easy was because the Earthquake had lowered the Coast Line three feet.

So when the Earthquake happened it dropped the wall down 3 feet lower then it had been.

Wow.. No wonder some didn't react to the warnings.
What does the nuclear crisis have to do with the character of the Japanese? The reactors are GE reactors. The same ones we have here AND have less safety measures than Japan. You seem to forget that this was one of the strongest earthquakes in history and THE strongest in Japan. Considering Japan's history of earthquakes, that's saying something. The Tsunami was one of the worst in history and yet out of the 11 reactors at that plant only 4 are critical. I say only four but if this had happened in the U.S.? We would be facing nuclear fallout and the evacuation of entire regions of the U.S.

Considering what the Japanese are up against, they have done an amazing job with a situation that has no precedence in history.

One thing I do know Spleenfarter is that you're a complete (_!_) hole.
If it was our government they would still be telling you that there is no problem, not unlike the Japanese Government. Then they would botch the evacuation and accidentally send everyone into the radiation zone. Thousands would have died already, what makes me think this? Because Obama administration is the same as the Bush admin and we know how well Katrina went.

Ever heard of Chernobyl Carne? Precedent set long ago.
We are about to have some serious shit going down here in the US:
That's just yesterday, and no that isn't normal.

Clearly we aren't just talking about japan. And of course nobody's shutting down our reactors ahead of time, like a smart government would do. We'll just keep rolling along until it gets really ugly.
Lets see what happens...
This may go off topic but Google the deals being made for pumping tar-sand oil from Canada.

At $4 a gallon and higher our shale oil and tar sand oil is do able.
If it was our government they would still be telling you that there is no problem, not unlike the Japanese Government. Then they would botch the evacuation and accidentally send everyone into the radiation zone. Thousands would have died already, what makes me think this? Because Obama administration is the same as the Bush admin and we know how well Katrina went.

Ever heard of Chernobyl Carne? Precedent set long ago.

Chernobyl happened because the Russians were careless and did not have the containment that Japan does. It was one reactor. Japan is dealing with 11 (four of them in partial melt-down) and the aftermath of a major earthquake and tsunami. This has never happened before. Precedent NOT set.
they say that to control panic if people panicked it would paralyze the country and hinder emergency workers and supply
The earthquakes to come in the US are of the magnitude they can wipe out the whole west coast, myself included of course, and we'll be talking a lot of reactors. On top of that, if people want you to die bad enough, they can hit that containment vessel with a sneaky little missile or many. Don't laugh, there's much evidence for this, the pentagon was no plane. If the glove does not fit, you must aquit. Except in this case history is already written down for us to look at in the new denver airport. If you can open your mind and read art you will see they show so too much of the plan ahead of time as if nobody can read it. Take the 4 horsemen of the apocalypse for example, and the horse death at the gates of the concentration camp facility with barbed wire facing in not out.. The 9/11 like mural shows the guy with the sword chopping buildings but it also shows a HAARP insinuating rainbow, the terrorist is masked so you can see if he's actually american or not, his swath also disperses a grey cloud of death like a virus/plague/nerve agent. It was not put there by a terrorist, and the horse statue at the front of the airport didn't just accidentally kill the person who made it either. Notice in the murals how animals are saved in glass containers protected from a danger ahead of time, while people lay dead, and others smile on. You could talk for days on this stuff and it all says one thing, the only people who will be suprised by more death at this point are those of us who don't wake up and wake others up to the danger to come. The writing is on the wall, as they say.

There is a lot of disinformation out there, but our government made that facility with it's miles of underground bunkers to save themselves and chosen elite while we all die and the writing is on the wall right in front of everyone and nobody is seeing it, or not saying anything.

There's a lot of crap about aliens, those pictures prove without a shadow of a doubt it's our governement behind this, many in the world conspiring actually and all giving up sovereignty, turning over their weapons to the UN it looks like after a new larger weapon was formed by the german boy (nazi's anyone?) and put in the hands of what looks like Banke Moon.

Anyone that has an eye for reading art can see it all. It's not going to be a suprise to anyone but those who refuse to listen, and it's sure no suprise to the government.

If they want to say it's the aliens that would be ok, but then they would have prepared more farming over here, and not outsourced it all so we starve. We'd have been stocking up food for more of us, not had the barbed wire facing in, and not had all countries giving up their arms and sovereignty after the massacres.

Google Denver Airport Murals and just look for yourselves, the truth is in plain sight. BTW the 9/11 like photo was painted over.. Big suprise but the pics are on google.

Our government can't do a god damn thing right, and so so arrogant they even suck at information war by thinking nobody will see it...
I can't smoke out now, I'm too busy watching out for you.
It's not paranoia either, haven't done a drug in months. The truth is out there and many who bother to look have found all the info on the web, and it's overwhelming.

Just look at that link, if you dare to take the red pill, and disconnect from the matrix for a second.

How cool would it be if a pot website was responsible for stoppin this shit. :)

Smoke one for me though k?
What does the nuclear crisis have to do with the character of the Japanese? The reactors are GE reactors. The same ones we have here AND have less safety measures than Japan. You seem to forget that this was one of the strongest earthquakes in history and THE strongest in Japan. Considering Japan's history of earthquakes, that's saying something. The Tsunami was one of the worst in history and yet out of the 11 reactors at that plant only 4 are critical. I say only four but if this had happened in the U.S.? We would be facing nuclear fallout and the evacuation of entire regions of the U.S.

Considering what the Japanese are up against, they have done an amazing job with a situation that has no precedence in history.

One thing I do know Spleenfarter is that you're a complete (_!_) hole.

Thank you, weed-smoking Panda, I knew you'd bite. To answer your asinine query (where have you been since I first posted on this topic?) "What does the nuclear crisis have to do with the character of the Japanese?": It is called payback for Nanking, you know...KARMA!
Who can watch the news and not end up feeling offended, or just plain pissed off? We are being lied to by nearly every institution out there! Political, Religious and Corporate. Truth, Free Energy, Disease Prevention, all of this important information has been suppressed and intentionally kept from us by a few who control the majority of wealth and power for feelings of superiority. The information and the lies are more difficult now for them to keep hidden, thanks to all those other people who now share ideas and information all over the world, 1000 years ago, no one in the Americas would have known anything about the disasters that we watched as it happened. Loving Technology!
You can go to you-tube and see pictures and video of what looks like the Russian Bell in the sky over Haiti and Japan just prior to the quakes there.