Jelqing is turkey neck

It is when you haven't stretched the skin on your dick properly when doing the exercises and after much time if you don't do them properly as your shaft increases in length the start of your scrotum travels further up your shaft with the rest of the skin... and from side on with an erection it looks like a turkey neck...
It is when you haven't stretched the skin on your dick properly when doing the exercises and after much time if you don't do them properly as your shaft increases in length the start of your scrotum travels further up your shaft with the rest of the skin... and from side on with an erection it looks like a turkey neck...


why risk damage to your dick? as long as it works who cares?...i am slightly above average and i would trade dicks with a rich guy for a million know what women love more than a 12 inch dick? $$$$$$$$$$$$

why risk damage to your dick? as long as it works who cares?...i am slightly above average and i would trade dicks with a rich guy for a million know what women love more than a 12 inch dick? $$$$$$$$$$$$

There is no risk to your equipment if you exercise correctly... and things like Turkey neck can be treated with specific exercises... some men are born with turkey neck...
LST... that is a fantastic way of looking at it mate... It's light stress training for your junk... That might be perfect way of explaining it in here to growers...
yeah i saw a show on hbo ...the average is like 5.5 and the largest is a nerd from n.y. he gets no pussy and is broke and unemployed living with mom.13.5 inch and turned down porn offers.
[h=1]Jonah Falcon, Man With World's Largest Penis, Unemployed In New York[/h]
First Posted: 03/18/10 06:12 AM ET Updated: 05/25/11 04:05 PM ET



Unemployment , Video , Jonah Falcon , Jonah Falcon New York , Jonah Falcon Penis ,Jonah Falcon Unemployment , Biggest Dick , Biggest Dick In The World , Biggest Penis ,Biggest Penis In The World , Largest Dick , Largest Penis , Penis , World's Biggest Dick ,World's Biggest Penis , World's Largest Penis , Worlds Largest Penis , New York News




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At first glance, Jonah Falcon is just another statistic.
Unemployed and living with his mother, Falcon is but one of the 20% of working-age American men without a job. Yet Falcon has something no other man has: the record for the world's largest penis.
Yes, that's a fact.
Since being profiled in Rolling Stone and appearing in an HBO documentary about his 13.5 inch penis, the 39-year-old Brooklyn native has struggled to find a steady job and is now living at home with his mother.
Falcon had been working as a video game reviewer for a website as well as a small-time actor. But in a recent interview with Sphere, Falcon talks about how he his now "between jobs" due to the "rough economy."
And despite seemingly being tailor-made for the adult industry, Falcon says that he doesn't do porn because if he did, "Nobody would take me seriously. Nobody."

I've been here for like 3 hours and I still dunno wtf it is?

Seriously? Even with everybody talking about making your dick bigger you don't have a clue what they're talking about? I caught on after the first couple of posts. I'm guessing it's some sort of tool that you jerk off with that pulls your penis thus making it bbigger. I'm probably wrong though. Maybe it's like a taffy puller.
I haaaaate big dicks. They just plain hurt. I don't get any pleasure at all from them. I like the average 5-6 inches. Anything over 6 is too big.
Seriously? Even with everybody talking about making your dick bigger you don't have a clue what they're talking about? I caught on after the first couple of posts. I'm guessing it's some sort of tool that you jerk off with that pulls your penis thus making it bbigger. I'm probably wrong though. Maybe it's like a taffy puller.

The OP always starts EPIC threads doesn't he :lol:
Idk what it is. If I guessed i'd just be guessing lol. Why tell me to guess if you know the answer? I am so fucking high right now you have no idea.