Jethro's Stealth CFL Closet Build and Grow

Some better shots from today. My hands were getting sticky after having to water them today. Things are well. :mrgreen:






Wow your plants look great, I'm tring this same grow box right now. I was going to put 24 skunks in my grow box.
Jethro, everything looks too irresistably great so I have to try for a first time indoor grow. Sorry if this has already been discussed, but I was curious as to how exactly your fans are wired, and which of the 3 (3 of them, right?) are intake and which is/are the exhaust? One last thing, is "mylar" that stuff towards the bottom that looks like textured tin foil? Why use that? If you can help me out with this stuff, I'd be very appreciative. Thanks
Jethro, everything looks too irresistably great so I have to try for a first time indoor grow. Sorry if this has already been discussed, but I was curious as to how exactly your fans are wired, and which of the 3 (3 of them, right?) are intake and which is/are the exhaust?

There are many more than just three.

First, there are two intake fans at the bottoms of the bins. These are 92mm and output 36CFM.
The exhaust is out the side there on the top. It's a 120mm fan with output as 78CFM.

Then, there are four more fans inside blowing air around/cooling lights.

As for wiring, every power-supply has at least 3 or 4 molex connectors. They look like this:

Anycase, wire the fans up to either black (they are grounds), and the red wire (12v). The yellow wire is only a 5v+ supply.

One last thing, is "mylar" that stuff towards the bottom that looks like textured tin foil? Why use that? Thanks

I do have more Mylar, but I didn't feel the bottom was that essential. Since I'm moving the plants towards the lights (rather than lights moving down), the majority of the time the only thing in the bottom half of the bucket is either the pot that the plant is growing in, or, whatever I set the plant on to boost it near the lights.

Also, it's a reflective car-windshield mat, not tin foil. Although, there's not much difference.:cry:
So how are the fans powered? Like on the very first picture of this entire thread, there's wiring coming from the fan: where is it going for power? Do you just have a wiring diagram? Maybe a brief step-by-step on setting the fans up in general. Thanks
Hey do either of you guys know where to get mylar? Hopefully Home Depot or Lowe's? And Jethro, I think I figured out the wiring thing....for now :)
Just playing with the different modes on my crappy little camera. Enjoy. Day 26 of flowering (Week 3.5 of flowering).





Some pictures from this morning. So, June 26 will put this at Day 29 of flowering. I think I'll take a stab and say that they're probably female. :lol:





i just read this thred from start to finish. lookin great. cool setup, when are you planning to harvest? keep up the good work n keep us posted.