JohnnyO's Coffeeshop

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Well-Known Member
Excuse me Johnny....where might I find the vaporizer, my lungs hurt from the second hand smoke cloud I inhaled on the way in here. Volcano or Silver Surfer please if u gottem.

Also, what would the fee be to have crystal pack and operate the vape for me while I lay back? I know its greedy and narcissistic but she looks like she knows how to make a guy feel!

Any Super Lemon Haze in stock? That with a slice of the blueberry cheesecake would be divine. Any chance Crystal could feed me the cheesecake? Just asking.


New Member
Johnny, can you sing me a melody? I'm not really sure how it goes.....

The BJ...... errr... the BLACK JACK was great!!!


Well-Known Member
The BJ...... errr... the BLACK JACK was great!!!

*Wikid walks in on the wrong part of THAT conversation*


Can I get a hot chocolate?

And I was just wondering...what are the sizes in JohnnyO's Coffeeshop? Small, medium, and large or tall, grande, venti? First time I went into a Starbucks they pissed me off with that shit.


New Member
I knew a girl named Zirconia once. Her parents wanted to name her Diamond, ... but they didn't have a lot of money.


Well-Known Member
I didn't know you were a comedian!!

I worked with a guy named Rocky Rhodes. His dad wanted too but his mom wouldn't let him name the brother and sister, Dusty and Sandy!


Well-Known Member
Damn it! Every time that troll comes around, the only active threads become his trolling threads! And I'm trying to behave myself and NOT feed the troll....

*Wikid hides out in the coffee shop*


Well-Known Member
It's all good folks. Just a minor kerfuffle. Sit back and enjoy yourselves.

Any sumbitches come in here will have the Posse to deal with. And I have my trusty bat behind the counter.

<Organic pulls a blunt out of his pocket as big around as a "C" cell battery, lights it with with a Zippo lighter, takes a mighty pull, and passes it around.> From my Private Reserve.

Crystal! Music please. <The Beach Boys sing Help Me Rhonda>


Well-Known Member
What up Johny! I'll take a puff of that.

<Takes a mighty puff and feels lungs as full as possible then passes it around>


Well-Known Member
I'll hit that!! What do you call this wonder of nature that you have shared with us?

*fills lungs to maximum capacity and passes it off*


Well-Known Member
A little of the local from my most secretive and eccentric grower. I only get it once a year and he won't tell me what it is beyond "A little side project I'm working on." At this stage, I can't get enough to put on the menu and it is very expensive.

<Organic glances around at the little reefer men cavorting around his coffeeshop, darting from couch to table to counter>

Did'ya see that? They look like barefooted, green, smurfs!
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