Just 6 People Managed To Sign Up For Obamacare On The First Day

health insurance companies never changed plans from year to year before the PPACA, that's all new stuff just like liberal media and their fake, skewed polls.

you know all about factual websites, judging by your track record.


Yep he "won" two elections - so why is the ACA a failure?

And what do election results have to do with the price of fish besides reaffirming Obamas culpability in this cluster fuck?

I thought the "buck" stopped with him?

right after that delusional, false reality came crashing down for you guys on election night, you guys started screaming about how we all just wanted free shit and we got it.

well, i still haven't gotten my free shit.

in fact, your whole message about how expensive the PPACA is seems to contradict the "free shit" message.

do you guys even bother to coordinate your lies, or just throw shit and hope some of it sticks, which is right on the intellectual level of a great ape?
did it fail already?

if it did, why are you guys STILL whining?

like i said, you need to better coordinate your lies.


I didn't realize how many posts you've made on here.
Over 46,000 posts, dude get off your lazy ass and get a job and a fuckin life. cough cough cough, 46,000 posts, my god.
If auto insurance covered pre-existing, I wouldn't get coverage until I had a wreck. If anyone is signing up for this, its because they probably need coverage immediately. So for the first year(s), most of the people on the Obamacare are going to be drawing off the system, and what little they contribute will be consumed by themselves in a few visits to the doctor. Who the fuck is gonna be paying the bills the first few years until coverage offsets the actual expense of the entire program (if that ever happens)?
We'll just borrow more money.

I didn't realize how many posts you've made on here.
Over 46,000 posts, dude get off your lazy ass and get a job and a fuckin life. cough cough cough, 46,000 posts, my god.

That's why I'm hoping it's really just a few kids having a goof with all of us. It would be a hall of fame troll. The alternative is depressing.

I didn't realize how many posts you've made on here.
Over 46,000 posts, dude get off your lazy ass and get a job and a fuckin life. cough cough cough, 46,000 posts, my god.

Maybe if he can make 49,000 different sock puppets up per day and post just once, he can save Obamas shitty "unaffordable care act"...
That's why I'm hoping it's really just a few kids having a goof with all of us. It would be a hall of fame troll. The alternative is depressing.

He grows nine plants in a greenhouse, sits on his ass all day playing on the internet calling people racists and tells us how to spend our tax dollars!

You just can't make this kind of shit up.

46,000 fucking posts!