Just 6 People Managed To Sign Up For Obamacare On The First Day

the funny thing is that i can do this tonight, just like any other night, after having driven a 26 foot truck with all my stuff in it for 8 hours. and i am still bored by confronting you guys with the reality of your failed and temporary talking points. goes to show that it doesn't matter how many signed up on day one.
or miles elapsed there is not a single new idea or thought to be had here from the right. guess those pics of uninsured in long lines wrapping around like rides at disney (without the speed pass) would be for the "death spiral" that is the Affordable Care Act. Mr. President, job well done!..thanks, Obama!:wink: :clap:
Excellent! So, how many of those 30 million un-insured are now insured? That's what this was for.

How many were insured, that got dropped in the middle of their heath trauma?

How many now have no insurance, as a result?

How many spouses of workers were dropped from spouse coverage? (and the employer mandate is still uncertain?

How many ended up in new Cadillac plans, besides Congress, and Union top Cadre?

How much premium has been paid into this program?

Has anyone who liked their Doctor been able to keep their Doctor and if they liked their plan they kept their plan?

How many of the healthy, right age, demographic people have signed up?

Why do think this is not a death spiral?

How many people died, by the way, as Medicare was modified in the process? (or do you even know about that?)

It is April 1st. And there are a bunch of silly people around, but the numbers don't add up.

The only ones happy are the ones with the loop holes.

And I wonder what some folks here would think if they didn't find the loop hole.

What if you had to decide between $800 month or $400 a month and a $25,000 deductible?

What if people cared they are being lied to?

The numbers don't add up.
I can't speak for anyone else, but my premium went from $1,000 a month (family of 5) with a $5,000 deductible and $10,000 max out of pocket per year to $565 a month with a $1,500 deductible and $3,000 max out of pocket per year. Same provider (Blue Cross) as before, same primary physician.

The only downside to me was the website and getting enrolled. We had to go through the enrollment 5 different times before it worked. Aside from that we will be saving a lot of money, so I'm pretty happy with it.
Right. But, how many of the 30 million uninsured are now insured?

How many that were needed to sign up, actually did sign up?

How many uninsured are there now, after this effort?
Right. But, how many of the 30 million uninsured are now insured?

How many that were needed to sign up, actually did sign up?

How many uninsured are there now, after this effort?

I don't know those numbers off hand, but people having access to more affordable coverage and people with pre-existing conditions not being denied now is a good thing, no?
I don't know those numbers off hand, but people having access to more affordable coverage and people with pre-existing conditions not being denied now is a good thing, no?

Same answer. I am not into good or bad. I am not into the ends justify some of the means, when we don't know the ends.

How many people have died because of this?

How many of "this helps," has this hurt?

How many people are now insured vs those that are not, now, insured, because of this?

How can anyone say, this is not just another unfunded mandate, that is a waste of money to pander to a few?

How do we know this is not already in an un-recoverable death spiral?

How do we know what this even costs America?
Right. But, how many of the 30 million uninsured are now insured? How many that were needed to sign up, actually did sign up? How many uninsured are there now, after this effort?
stop being a debbie downer..and raining on everyone's parade. part of the 30M should be coming from those 4 state who's governors refuse to expand medicaid and refuse to allow others in (navigators) help us..which is why they won't be governors come november. which plan did you select? when you have no coverage..come and talk to me..in the mean time stop! doer, you appear to have sour grapes which is unbecoming to someone as smart as you..
I don't know those numbers off hand, but people having access to more affordable coverage and people with pre-existing conditions not being denied now is a good thing, no?
Your numbers, if actually true, are far from what others are getting. I suppose you are being subsudised. But then I suspect you wouldn't have been able to afford $1000 a month you claimed you were paying before. I call bullshit.
Your numbers, if actually true, are far from what others are getting. I suppose you are being subsudised. But then I suspect you wouldn't have been able to afford $1000 a month you claimed you were paying before. I call bullshit.
winner, winner, chicken dinner..say "hello" to the new welfare queen: insurance companies:mrgreen:
Your numbers, if actually true, are far from what others are getting. I suppose you are being subsudised. But then I suspect you wouldn't have been able to afford $1000 a month you claimed you were paying before. I call bullshit.

Call bullshit all you want. Those are the numbers. I have no reason to lie. I am not a fan of Obama or the affordable healthcare act, but it will save me a nice chunk of change. I own my house and cars free and clear, so while my income is a fraction of what it used to be playing hockey, I can comfortably afford a $1,0000 a month insurance premium. Now it's almost half that, with a much lower deductible. Good stuff
In all honesty ( which is rare these days from DC ) really only about 1 million previously uninsured signed up for Obamacare. More than that were newly enrolled in Medicaid. They can cook the books all they want, but there is a reason why they won't release transparent numbers regarding all: who signed up, who was uninsured and is now insured, who went to Medicaid, who is being supplemented, who lost their insurance they liked, etc etc etc. It doesn't take a genius to know why they won't release the BIG PICTURE. This law is a turd, and everyone knows you can't polish a turd. Well, except for maybe Bucky and Cheesytoes.
In all honesty ( which is rare these days from DC ) really only about 1 million previously uninsured signed up for Obamacare. More than that were newly enrolled in Medicaid. They can cook the books all they want, but there is a reason why they won't release transparent numbers regarding all: who signed up, who was uninsured and is now insured, who went to Medicaid, who is being supplemented, who lost their insurance they liked, etc etc etc. It doesn't take a genius to know why they won't release the BIG PICTURE. This law is a turd, and everyone knows you can't polish a turd. Well, except for maybe Bucky and Cheesytoes.
stop being a debbie downer..and raining on everyone's parade. part of the 30M should be coming from those 4 state who's governors refuse to expand medicaid and refuse to allow others in (navigators) help us..which is why they won't be governors come november. which plan did you select? when you have no coverage..come and talk to me..in the mean time stop! doer, you appear to have sour grapes which is unbecoming to someone as smart as you..

You are descending into election season. I don't take sides. I look for answers.

Sour grapes and bitter and debbie downer name calling, just shows how un-becoming the Libras can become.

I am smart. So are you, This is a mutual stipulation not a passive agressive putdown.

Sincerity is the difference.
You are descending into election season. I don't take sides. I look for answers.

Sour grapes and bitter and debbie downer name calling, just shows how un-becoming the Libras can become.

I am smart. So are you, This is a mutual stipulation not a passive agressive putdown.

Sincerity is the difference.

sincerity is the difference:

winner, winner, chicken dinner..say "hello" to the new welfare queen: insurance companies:mrgreen:

There's no such thing as free. To get your "free" someone needs to pay for it. That someone is those like me who now pay 58% more so you can have your free lunch. You're welcome.
You are descending into election season. I don't take sides. I look for answers.

Sour grapes and bitter and debbie downer name calling, just shows how un-becoming the Libras can become.

I am smart. So are you, This is a mutual stipulation not a passive agressive putdown.

Sincerity is the difference.
You're shocked by "Debbie Downer"?