So, just an update. Had to work last couple days, and didn't get around to my infestation and nutrient issues. I ended up spraying Doktor Doom, and then using a fogger today. I received my beneficial nematodes and cucumeris mites are on the way. So.., just wondering. Someone told me not to introduce the the beneficial nematodes or mites for about 5 to 6 days after spraying the pyrethrin. They said the spray will negatively affect the beneficial insects if they are introduced too soon. Anyone have knowledge of this? Of course i know, its not organic, but had some advice to use it so i have. In the future, I will absolutely take IPM more seriously and take more steps to curb pests. Being I had left this problem for so long due to being inexperienced and stoned half the time, I'm sure i'll do better in my next grows. I hope there is no recurrance but realize i may have to do more in the near future.
I ph'd my water and comes in about 7.0 using drops which is all i have now, my ph pen is fubarred. I am in a SIP, so I am using activated EM diluted with my de-chlorinated tap water. I mix the activated em into a 2 cup measuring cup, add that into the reservoir. Then I just add enough to fill the rest of the reservoir. I have no site glass or anything, so basically just use a dipstick down the fill tube to know when i am out of water again in the reservoir. The ph of the activated em is near 4.0, fairly acidic.
I ph'd my soil, and it seems to come out about 6.0, also acidic. So..., being in a SIP, what should I do? I can lower the amount of EM i mix into the reservoir, which will probably help. I've heard people using dolomite lime to bring their ph up. Is that a good idea in a SIP? I have oyster shell flour I could add. What should I do? I assume I need to bring my ph up a bit to help facilitate nutrient uptake. Right? Or am I still within the proper ph range?