damn that sucks man
...why u gettin kicked out?
Im on this same shit but for alcohol its fuckin gay dude i gotta be real careful now...
probation = drug test?
Ya But its still gay though that ur even getting in trouble for that i blew 0.000 and still got an underage....i thought i was gunna get kicked out but i no longer am(live with my rents and they werent to happy about it). Ya my sister is on probation for alcohol. had to go to aa and what not. waste a money if you ask me. i thought i was gunna be fucked until i heard about conditonal discharge.
Ya But its still gay though that ur even getting in trouble for that i blew 0.000 and still got an underage....
no guilty by associationhey im happy im getting off. did you smell like alcohol? thats strange that theyd bring you in with you didnt show any signs that you were drinking? did they do the whole sobreity test?
I hate to be a smart ass, but ya make ya own luch sometimes. Back in the day, wen |I had to treck from west to nort east london in ma camper van to score sum green, and I always made sure that the bus's lights n shit was all workin A1, and neva broke any speed limits.
I heard tons of stories like yours ma brutha, and each time i ehar the dude sayin how freekin unlucky he was.... but he didnt air tight the package, or was drivin above the speed limit, or sumthin that drew attention to himself.... so I kinda figured, the more carefull ya are, the luckier ya get.
I'm feelin all ritghtious now, sorry man, ya must be on ya ass. u'll bounce bak, with Mary J there to hold ya hand...
no guilty by association
every one else in the car blew and there was a empty bottle and shake on the floor....fuckin got screwed.
Na dude this was ridiculous they had 8 cops after a car with 4 people therethats fucked up. cops are just tryin to make a quick buck and reach there quota. fuckin dirty god damn pigs![]()
Na dude this was ridiculous they had 8 cops after a car with 4 people there
8 of the town cops not to mention the 3 state highway patrolmen
if u wanted to you coulda killed someone that night and uda got away with it
because every cop was after us!
fucking ridiculous
I just acnt get ma head round why sum peoplez r sooooooo fuk'd up, tht they gotta go callin The Man wen sum dudez r just chillin their beanz, mindin their own biz.....
Sum 1 make a Republic Of Ganjaland and lets go do our thing in peace...
haha they pulled 3 of us out at once talked to all of us all the sudden they take my one dude put him in the cruiser (hes very dark black) i stand there for 30 secs they tell me to go stand by my other friend who is standing by the cruiser then a cop comes up to the cruiser and opens up the door like u can get out hahahah they was just fucking wit us and shit11 cops for 4 kids? they probably get a big fat one when they heard "underage drinking, 4 suspects in custody, all available units converge on location".
i can just picture porky pulled on his dick to that
cops get off from the weirdest shit
haha they pulled 3 of us out at once talked to all of us all the sudden they take my one dude put him in the cruiser (hes very dark black) i stand there for 30 secs they tell me to go stand by my other friend who is standing by the cruiser then a cop comes up to the cruiser and opens up the door like u can get out hahahah they was just fucking wit us and shit
haha ya right way to many cops to drunk kids ratio hahayou think they woulda shot ya if you ran? everyone should just booked ass in different directions. jump on a conveniently placed cliff. something. take they guns and give em some![]()