That's some brotier stuff right there.
Okay OP so like you said you flat out admitted in retrospect that you had red flags all around you.
It's a shit event when you get ripped off. You're at a point to where you're wanting to close shop and jump ship. Honestly if you aren't willing to even out the score you should probably do just that. If you're in a large city then you could probably get away with setting up elsewhere. Maybe hop one town over or something? Cut ties with anyone and everyone who is ties to him and you. Go 3 steps away from the person in this.
People like that are more of a danger to you through their shitty actions than anyone else. If shithead gets busted there's the part where he can probably pin you with being his source.
I'm going to give you some rules to ALWAYS follow to the letter. NEVER ever deviate from them period.
1 Always, ALWAYS be in control of any dealings. No going to deliver shit where it's going to put you in a vulnerable position. One on one and private somewhere is still a vulnerable position. Avoid that bullshit. Have them come to you. Alone. At a place you designate. If they can't handle that then you're better off not taking that risk. Your product is a solid asset. It'll stay solid if you sit on it (not to mention cure longer and taste oh so much better) Treat it like a business. If there's money involved it's a business.
2 In any sort of transactions treat it like a business. You put on your business suit and conduct it accordingly. If your friends are clients then treat them as such at that point in time. You can't walk into a car dealership and drive away with a vehicle with "I'll pay you back on Friday man" If you know someone who works at a bank they're not going to throw some cash at you on your word alone. So don't fuck with Wimpy from Popeye. Tell them to come back on Tuesday. They're not getting a hamburger today.
3 ALWAYS assume the worst of people. This particular business area breeds a lot of envy from people. Even the people you've had long term dealings with. In the end you're the one making a profit from them. That's always in the back of their heads. Greed is a powerful thing. So is envy. At the end of the day you have THEIR money. That's money they COULD have kept at YOUR expense.
In a related story once upon a time I had a friend back in the day who went through anywhere from a half ounce to an ounce a week. Got it from the same guy. We're talking over a decade of this. So he was right on the inside of this guys circle of trust. Anyways he called guy up for his usual pickup. Turns out guy was on vacation. But expecting my friend to call him up he had left a hidden cache outside for him. That's a pretty damn solid move from a dealer am I right guys? "Just slip the $ through the mail slot."
Anyways at some point he the idea popped into his head that he had GIVEN him tens of 1000s of dollars throughout their relationship. He goes back. Breaks in through the back door. Makes off with about 2 lbs. Ransacks the place looking for $. Tears it all apart. His exact words were "Man I've given that guy 10s of 1000s of dollars over the years."
In his head his dealer was somehow sucking that money away from him. It's not like he was getting a product for his $ or anything.
Hell I ended up cutting ties with the guy and before I did it made me second guess everything I did with him.
And no I didn't partake in any of said product. That was back when I was a non smoker and on the strait and narrow road as well. With those upper management dreams lol.
4 Never have any dealing with thuggish idiots. If you can see their boxxers or tighty whiteys. Just say screw that. Those sorts of people are usually bottom feeders. Who associate with similar and like minded people to themselves. All it takes is for them to convince or be convinced by that one pal of theirs to come rip your shit off.