Just had a gun pointed at the back of my head


Well-Known Member
So looks like I'm done...lease is just about up, just got ripped off 12 ozs,2250$. I been selling to this guy little sacks for awhile now. He pressed the gun to the back of my head and his friend had a tire iron, and they said get the fuck
out so I did..
I didn't sign up for this shit.. I will be moving back to Texas very soon, defeated, probably sacking groceries for the rest of my miserable life
shoulda called their bluff nd walked away. they are not gonna fuck you up so bad over that little amount.

if they hit you anyway, same result except without the assault.

and how did you come to 187.50 an ounce?


Well-Known Member
shoulda called their bluff nd walked away. they are not gonna fuck you up so bad over that little amount.

if they hit you anyway, same result except without the assault.

and how did you come to 187.50 an ounce?
There's people so fucked up out there they'll put a cap in your ass over goddamn tennis shoes einstein, 12 ounces looks like a million bucks to them.


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
I can't sleep. I'm tired but wide awake. I'm kinda freaking out. I'm thinking what if this guy tryst to come to my house? Something else I didn't mention is he's text me like five times today after the incident. Four of the text were not long after the incident saying sorry he's in a bad spot and will pay me back in two weeks. Then the next few were pretty much the same thing saying don't worry I'll pay you back. Then after a few hours I get one more saying he's already sold half of it. The smartest thing I think I've done today was not reply to any of those texts. The guy is clearly psycho if he can put a gun up to the back of your head, and then text saying sorry, don't worry I'll pay you back. So I'm worried he might try to track me down and Rob me for everything. For the past few years I've gone all in with my grow, and that certainly hasn't helped in my relationship, but now I seriously feel Iike it's not even safe here anymore and can't think of anything else to do, other than pack up and get out.

I do know his full name too but that's pretty much it
Based on what you wrote, above, and your homeowner's insurance thread, I would seriously advise you to stop selling. Just grow for your own use and move, ASAP.

PS change your phone number too
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Well-Known Member
shoulda called their bluff nd walked away. they are not gonna fuck you up so bad over that little amount.

if they hit you anyway, same result except without the assault.

and how did you come to 187.50 an ounce?

it was said but needs stated again. people get shot thinkin they ballin walkin round with j's on they feet and get them hoes snatched. walking away, calling a bluff will only push them further. shit ive seen someone killed just for asking for a few bucks.
ive been in way too many drive bys to fuck with people. never doubt someone you dont know. rule to live by


bud bootlegger
it was said but needs stated again. people get shot thinkin they ballin walkin round with j's on they feet and get them hoes snatched. walking away, calling a bluff will only push them further. shit ive seen someone killed just for asking for a few bucks.
ive been in way too many drive bys to fuck with people. never doubt someone you dont know. rule to live by
i once got in a car near a set, and i relaxed for two seconds, and looked away, and turned back, and dude had a gun pointing right at me...
my first thought was to say, pfft, is that thing even real, as it looks like it's a plastic pos, but then reality set in, and i did exactly what he asked of me... also lived to get robbed another day..

Will Ferrell

Well-Known Member
shoulda called their bluff nd walked away. they are not gonna fuck you up so bad over that little amount.

if they hit you anyway, same result except without the assault.

and how did you come to 187.50 an ounce?
The dude in the driver seat looked like a short skinny little bitch, shirt off, lots of tattoos. Idk if he was trying to look intimidating but I know without a doubt I'd beat his ass even if he had a tire iron, no problem. It happened so fast and was just a weird sick feeling.

3000 per lb anything more than a qp is same price.

Will Ferrell

Well-Known Member
Based on what you wrote, above, and your homeowner's insurance thread, I would seriously advise you to stop selling. Just grow for your own use and move, ASAP.

PS change your phone number too
Yep that's pretty much what I'll be doing more than likely.I've already started taking shit down. I'll be throwing away some nice strains tomorrow.. But if by some chance the landlord says it's ok to grow then I'll probably stay.


Well-Known Member
I have to recommend a better pistol than a Hi Point. You can get a nice Sig Sauer for not too much more.

i think your confused...but both are actually pretty nice, obviously one cant argue the quality of a sig. but no sig is this price. pistol or carbine. i wasnt sure of his situation, and its actually a great gun for the price..but if funds were there of course theres better options
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hellmutt bones

Well-Known Member
I would say just move on and put it behind you. Time spent plotting revenge is time you could be spending improving your situation.
Yes i agree because the only other option is to go and do some horrible shit to this dude and his crew. Belive me where i come from shits real! Just leaving and going somewhere else is one option the other i cant describe in this forum. Also u dont want to have ur girl get hurt and then what. Only 2 options but it must be done.


Well-Known Member
Your best bet is to just fall back. Retaliation not only will risk problems with the law, but also risk getting hurt.

And don't listen to anyone tell you to call his bluff. A cab driver near me got shot and killed over a 7$ fare.... Do you really think it couldnt happen for a couple grand?


Well-Known Member
I have to recommend a better pistol than a Hi Point. You can get a nice Sig Sauer for not too much more.
Why? I have two hipoint pistols. Both have fired thousands of rounds and never jammed. I used to think the same. I ended up with them because of the price. Like $50 used. I got other stuff. More expensive stuff.

Bottom line I've fired enough rounds through them to know I can trust my life to one of them.