Just placed an order with ATTITUDE SEED CO.

Ia9 is that you on the computer, do you not have a Iife outside that 4 by 8 you have encIosed yoursef in . in your eyes the worId is a against you , bitter , hard , caIIoused , negative, no understanding , inopposition to those doing wat you cant do or never wiII do . i feeI sorry for you, apparentIy your not one of us.just some sticker burrow, in a nice yard. i wiII not respond no more to your tomfuIIery , nor wiII i in furure post. I sure hope your not from america either, and if you are dont teII no one.peace:leaf:

Hey everybody my name is Tom Fool Airy and I'm from the Americas and damn proud of it !!!!!!
Got up this morning and my package is on the way and recognised by the recieving company !! Beans are on the way, I will post again when they get here of pictures of the packs I got , Wish Me LUCK !!!!:weed:
The ATTITUDE SEED CO. is a wonderful site to order from especially if you live in the States. I made my first purchase earlier this month and it toke 7 days to arrive on the east coast.
I ordered from attitude last friday and the post mark from the royal was
9-23-08 recieved in 3 days even beat the track and trace which said posted for over seas this morning. What a suprise.
1 out of 5 White Label White Widow Female seeds germinated. I used the paper towel method and put it on top of my cable box. This method has never failed me until now which leads me to think these seeds have bad genetics or are just plain old. For the money I paid for these all of them should have germinated, but I would have settled for at least 3, but 1 out of 5... come on. I contacted them, but haven't received a response yet. Has anyone had such poor results germinating? This company really does sell them as souvenirs I guess. :finger:
My Belladonna's from paradise seed I got from Attitude 5 out of 5 100% germ in 35 hours. I was amazed. Very good genes.......
11 out of 20 of my sensi seeds germ. pd.360.00 g13 HP seeds,.i contacted them and they repIed they seII them as souveniors onIy, we do not encourage the cuItivation of marijuana.then i ordered another pac to get my project off the ground. then i see on my onIine cc post that they biIIed me 174.00 for HES trading , and i have another in the amnt. of 172.00 from attitude gifts . pending,two biIIings 1 item . i sent them an emaiI today. i have heard of this happening recentIy to someone eIse. they did good on it , but it Iook Iike to me they were trying to get away with somethin.and if they dont on mine , no prob. i'II dispute it, fk that.:leaf:
i'm taIkin about attitude seeds to. i'm goin bak to rhino seeds , deaIt with them severaI years ,no shit Iike this, sometimes got my seeds in 4 days to
west Texas.:leaf:
11 out of 20 of my sensi seeds germ. pd.360.00 g13 HP seeds,.i contacted them and they repIed they seII them as souveniors onIy, we do not encourage the cuItivation of marijuana.then i ordered another pac to get my project off the ground. then i see on my onIine cc post that they biIIed me 174.00 for HES trading , and i have another in the amnt. of 172.00 from attitude gifts . pending,two biIIings 1 item . i sent them an emaiI today. i have heard of this happening recentIy to someone eIse. they did good on it , but it Iook Iike to me they were trying to get away with somethin.and if they dont on mine , no prob. i'II dispute it, fk that.:leaf:
i'm taIkin about attitude seeds to. i'm goin bak to rhino seeds , deaIt with them severaI years ,no shit Iike this, sometimes got my seeds in 4 days to
west Texas.:leaf:

Wow man, 11 out of 20 is ridiculous. I don't think I'm going back to them and I'm going to dispute the original charge if they don't make things right. This whole souvenir business should only be to cover their own asses, but they should certainly act in good faith by resending their customers legit seeds. Shit, I have a whole bag of souvenirs!!:wall:
Wow man, 11 out of 20 is ridiculous. I don't think I'm going back to them and I'm going to dispute the original charge if they don't make things right. This whole souvenir business should only be to cover their own asses, but they should certainly act in good faith by resending their customers legit seeds. Shit, I have a whole bag of souvenirs!!:wall:
white IabeI and sensi are the same com. Now i see that thier so expensive they just sit and no one buyin them, way i see it.i Iooked after 5 days and couId def. teII they were dead seeds. i germ. in seedIing soiI, using oIivias seed and cIoning nutes. i get 90% germ. norm. untiII now .
the extra charge broke after pending, so aII is good. but just that it gets in the way of your credit amnt tiII it breaks off. so no harm here .they toId me aIso to cotact sensi seeds and expI. so i did,,concI. on wat happ............
That's BS, dude. You had trouble with Attitude extra billing and a seed company that sucks ?

Hope you have better luck somewhere else, keep us informed.
white IabeI and sensi are the same com.

Yep, WhiteLabel seeds are just Sensi's unstable phenotypes. Great for breeders that want to look for certain traits to breed into. Also great for someone who want good bud and doesn't neccessarily care too much about solid phenotypes.