Just placed an order with ATTITUDE SEED CO.

I must say that Attitude is a good place to buy seeds from, but they too have their issues..
They will never make good on bad seeds. I think that is fucked up considering they sit on some of these seeds for years b4 they sell them... They always refer u to the distributer when infact the seeds may have been good at the point the distributor gave them to Attitude...

Anyways, we all need to stop killing off our males and dedicate a 1x1x4 box lit with CFL's to raising a male from each crop. Then we can all just trade seeds instead of getting fucked backwards from these companies. I would have no prob mailing someone seeds. Prove it was me?
Hey CustomHydro,
As you said, Rachel from The Attitude Seedbank Company contacted me and referred me to White Label Seeds. She also stated "We have forwarded your e-mail onto White Label Seeds who request that all the packaging with the problem souvenirs be returned so that they can first conduct tests with a view to replace any problem souvenir seeds." I contacted whitelabelseeds.com to see if I can deal directly with them. We'll see happens.
I think Attitude is one of the top 3 places to get seeds from. I only by from the top seed producers. Greenhouse, Paradise, Barney's & and last but never least Sensi Seed. I think if you stick to the best genetics, most awarded cannabis cup seed company, you have a higher chance of Germ, and larger yields with quality.

Just my 2cents.
Spending hundreds even thousands is crazy breed and trade !!!!

I must say that Attitude is a good place to buy seeds from, but they too have their issues..
They will never make good on bad seeds. I think that is fucked up considering they sit on some of these seeds for years b4 they sell them... They always refer u to the distributer when infact the seeds may have been good at the point the distributor gave them to Attitude...

Anyways, we all need to stop killing off our males and dedicate a 1x1x4 box lit with CFL's to raising a male from each crop. Then we can all just trade seeds instead of getting fucked backwards from these companies. I would have no prob mailing someone seeds. Prove it was me?
It is in New York now . So hopefully I will get my beans real soon ! My Nirvana wonder woman seed never grew >??? It popped a root and pushed up out of the soil and turned brown and died ?? So I am glad I have a backup !!!
Got my beans from attitude in 9days and 15 of 17 have sprouted so far...hopefully the famale seeds I ordered truely are...We will see within a month...I ordered 12 feminised ak47 x lowrider and got 5 free skunk seeds and 4 out of 5 of those have sprouted
i agree with custmhydro if we all just traded seeds and bread our own stains/seeds we could put everyone out of business and the more important part then everyone could enjoy the great wonders of the cannabis plant, the variations, flavors, highs, truly a gift of god.
anyone on the west coast know how many days it took your order to get from NY customs to your door? my order shows customs Sept. 20th but nothing yet..
i agree with custmhydro if we all just traded seeds and bread our own stains/seeds we could put everyone out of business and the more important part then everyone could enjoy the great wonders of the cannabis plant, the variations, flavors, highs, truly a gift of god.
True, but it's not a game either. It would be nice if everyone was trustworthy, but thats not the case. I wouldn't fret sending them, but receiving is the problem... IMHO
thats aIways the case, hydro knows how it works.We been campin out here at RIU for awiIe now. we know seeds Iike Bo knows footbaII.haha
the 20 th ? they may have been seized bro ?? I sure hope not because mine show in new york customs too ???? What kind of shipping did you get ??

anyone on the west coast know how many days it took your order to get from NY customs to your door? my order shows customs Sept. 20th but nothing yet..
the 20 th ? they may have been seized bro ?? I sure hope not because mine show in new york customs too ???? What kind of shipping did you get ??
He's all the way west. 10 days from NY to the west coast from what ive seen. He will get em tomorrow or the next day 4 sure...
5 days to the midwest from NY...

NY is where u want to be as far as I have seen...
The bigger the city, the less important our seeds are to them.