Just placed an order with ATTITUDE SEED CO.


Well-Known Member
Dutch Passion Blueberry
Serious Seeds AK47
White Label Double gum

Should be pretty good, yes ?


Well-Known Member
AII those are high qaIity seeds, they shouId aII ger . i've growed 2 of them exceopt the doubIe gum. good Iookin seIec.hope you make pIenty on them.


Well-Known Member
I got the notice that the beans have arrived into my town at 7 04 am YEAH !!! Should be in the box in a few and pics will be up soon after !!!!:weed:


Well-Known Member
most of use prob traded baseball cards as kids... adult trading, beans! CustomHydro has a great idea.


Well-Known Member
most of use prob traded baseball cards as kids... adult trading, beans! CustomHydro has a great idea.
It is fun collecting them isn't it.

I'll trade you a 1986 Bubblegum for a 1970 Acapulco Gold. lol


Well-Known Member
All is well my beans arrived today and for some reason I ended up with 20 lwlife automatic ak47 instead of 5 ?? I did not get charged for them either BONUS !!! Finally one for the good guy .. Thankyou Attitude !!



Well-Known Member
dk was rite you probabIy just accidentIy cIicked it wen ordering.gIad you got a reaI good deaI, somebody shood


Well-Known Member
All is well my beans arrived today and for some reason I ended up with 20 lwlife automatic ak47 instead of 5 ?? I did not get charged for them either BONUS !!! Finally one for the good guy .. Thankyou Attitude !!

thats sweet! maybe ill be as lucky. I did however have an "installer bonus" today. found a bag in the back of a cop car. niceeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.