You keep accusing me of things that are not true. It is typical procedure for you but rather insane behavior.

We are all mutts. Do you understand? There are no white people. We are all mixed race and can trace our lineage back to the SAME PLACE... We are all human beings. You keep telling me I am racist and see color in everything when I dont. How to convey this to you escapes me as you seem particularly dense like UB.

Regarding immigration, I have a problem with my government and how they are not addressing the problem nor have for decades. I am perfectly happy to have legal immigrants by the millions come here every year just as my ancestors did. But giving benefits to a bunch of people who jumped in line and broke the law seems absolutely unjust to the people who are trying to do it the right way.

For some reason you advocate for the line jumpers while ignoring the honest legal people which confuses me but I guess since you have all these groups somehow the *illegals* have more right to a life in America than the people who are trying to do it the right way. That doesnt preclude the fact that I blame the GOVERNMENT and it's policies for encouraging this behavior.

Maybe you should wonder why you seem to base everything on groups and dont give a shit when one group is treated unfairly. It seems you dont mind being controlled as long as you get to pick the group that gets to do the controlling.
You don't want to fix immigration. You like it the way it is now. With Mexicans waiting almost 20 years to legally immigrate here.
Fact is all your folks did was get off the boat. How about we use the same criteria for the Mexicans. Only fair right?
The worst part is we have migrant children working in our farms and if that was our kids people would be raising hell. Why is it important that one child gets time to grow up while the other picks our food, often working harder and longer than most of us.
No one from any country has a right to immigrate to this country. It doesn't matter if it takes 40 years. Don't like the process? Don't want to wait in line? Fuck off and stay where you are.

If you don't recognize the sovereignty of this country and our right to decide who we allow in and how we allow it, then you aren't welcome here. If you're a citizen and hold the same views, make your case and pass some legislation.

To the thousands who legally immigrate every year, welcome to our great country. Especially the hot, Ukrainian babes.
No one from any country has a right to immigrate to this country. It doesn't matter if it takes 40 years. Don't like the process? Don't want to wait in line? Fuck off and stay where you are.

If you don't recognize the sovereignty of this country and our right to decide who we allow in and how we allow it, then you aren't welcome here. If you're a citizen and hold the same views, make your case and pass some legislation.

To the thousands who legally immigrate every year, welcome to our great country. Especially the hot, Ukrainian babes.

the KKK shares your same racist nativism. so you got that going for you.
No one from any country has a right to immigrate to this country. It doesn't matter if it takes 40 years. Don't like the process? Don't want to wait in line? Fuck off and stay where you are.

If you don't recognize the sovereignty of this country and our right to decide who we allow in and how we allow it, then you aren't welcome here. If you're a citizen and hold the same views, make your case and pass some legislation.

To the thousands who legally immigrate every year, welcome to our great country. Especially the hot, Ukrainian babes.
If you had your way

Boy, you sure got me. Welcoming legal immigrants and wanting illegal immigrants deported sure makes me hate brown people. Of course, that only works if you believe only white folk enter this country illegally. Is that your assertion?
Boy, you sure got me. Welcoming legal immigrants and wanting illegal immigrants deported sure makes me hate brown people. Of course, that only works if you believe only white folk enter this country illegally. Is that your assertion?
how about if we eliminate quotas? And make immigration the same for everyone?
Immigrants have always been a problem since my folks got off the boat
how about if we eliminate quotas? And make immigration the same for everyone?
Immigrants have always been a problem since my folks got off the boat

I agree, it should be near impossible for anyone to immigrate to this country. I think we should allow about a thousand people in a year, total. Political asylum and other exceptions would obviously need to be made.

Once we get our shit in order, then we can talk about 2000...maybe.
I agree, it should be near impossible for anyone to immigrate to this country. I think we should allow about a thousand people in a year, total. Political asylum and other exceptions would obviously need to be made.

Once we get our shit in order, then we can talk about 2000...maybe.
Why? I am really interested in hearing your opinion.
Why do I think we should raise it to 2000 or why do I think exceptions would need to be made? I can expound on either.
I agree, it should be near impossible for anyone to immigrate to this country. I think we should allow about a thousand people in a year, total. Political asylum and other exceptions would obviously need to be made.

Once we get our shit in order, then we can talk about 2000...maybe.

I feel the opposite. I think we should let in all who want with the stipulation that our freebies are for citizens.

Pass a criminal background check, let us know you are coming.

This is a subject I part ways from my conservative friends. Feel free to think I'm crazy for thinking the saying on the Liberty Statue still means anything. Even my family disagrees with me on this one.
I feel the opposite. I think we should let in all who want with the stipulation that our freebies are for citizens.

Pass a criminal background check, let us know you are coming.

This is a subject I part ways from my conservative friends. Feel free to think I'm crazy for thinking the saying on the Liberty Statue still means anything. Even my family disagrees with me on this one.
Ginwilly this is why I say it is hope for you yet.
Now stop hanging with bad people
You don't want to fix immigration. You like it the way it is now. With Mexicans waiting almost 20 years to legally immigrate here.
Fact is all your folks did was get off the boat. How about we use the same criteria for the Mexicans. Only fair right?

You keep telling me my point of view and then arguing with it rather than debating my actual point of view.

Why does any person that does not live here have a right to be here? I want to start with the premise that they dont and until you prove it is in the interest of America for any person to live here they have to go through a process. Just wanting something does not give you the right to jump in line.

If I was king this is what I would do. First I would put the military on the border to stop illegal immigration. I would already have legalized drugs so that wouldnt be a reason for people crossing anymore.

Second, I would tell the illegal immigrants that if they had been caught and charged with crossing the border illegally or staying in this country illegally then they would never become a citizen of the USA. If they were here illegally and had not been charged with anything they could cross back over into whatever country they came from and apply like everyone else.

Next, I would let businesses set up an immigrant worker visa program where they could recruit needed workers and have them come on temporary visas and work. I would also untangle the immigration system and figure out who the best candidates would be for new immigrants with favor ability to those successfully completing one or more temporary work visa's. Those in the system now would be grandfathered and expedited until the system was finished processing them.

The system is broken and I recognize that and I recognize that due to its non-functionality that 20-30 million people are in this country illegally. And I would not deport them. I would allow them to stay and apply for a grandfathered residency status. Criminals would be dealt with on a case by case basis but most crimes should result in deportation possibly after jail time.

When all was said and done people could come here to work, to go to school, to visit, etc. If they respected the laws they would advance their chances of becoming citizens. If they broke the laws then they could lose the chance. And I would want people chosen on merit, not race, and certainly not by ratio or some meaningless burecratic number.

American citizenship should be something special. Right now it seems to be being demanded as a right because people just want it.

Got off the boat, submitted to the regulations, were duly processed and eventually became American citizens. What is wrong with that? Other countries have far more punative immigration laws. Hell you may be killed for crossing the border into Iran. But you are not bitching about any other country... LOL!!!
You keep telling me my point of view and then arguing with it rather than debating my actual point of view.

Why does any person that does not live here have a right to be here? I want to start with the premise that they dont and until you prove it is in the interest of America for any person to live here they have to go through a process. Just wanting something does not give you the right to jump in line.

If I was king this is what I would do. First I would put the military on the border to stop illegal immigration. I would already have legalized drugs so that wouldnt be a reason for people crossing anymore.

Second, I would tell the illegal immigrants that if they had been caught and charged with crossing the border illegally or staying in this country illegally then they would never become a citizen of the USA. If they were here illegally and had not been charged with anything they could cross back over into whatever country they came from and apply like everyone else.

Next, I would let businesses set up an immigrant worker visa program where they could recruit needed workers and have them come on temporary visas and work. I would also untangle the immigration system and figure out who the best candidates would be for new immigrants with favor ability to those successfully completing one or more temporary work visa's. Those in the system now would be grandfathered and expedited until the system was finished processing them.

The system is broken and I recognize that and I recognize that due to its non-functionality that 20-30 million people are in this country illegally. And I would not deport them. I would allow them to stay and apply for a grandfathered residency status. Criminals would be dealt with on a case by case basis but most crimes should result in deportation possibly after jail time.

When all was said and done people could come here to work, to go to school, to visit, etc. If they respected the laws they would advance their chances of becoming citizens. If they broke the laws then they could lose the chance. And I would want people chosen on merit, not race, and certainly not by ratio or some meaningless burecratic number.

American citizenship should be something special. Right now it seems to be being demanded as a right because people just want it.

Got off the boat, submitted to the regulations, were duly processed and eventually became American citizens. What is wrong with that? Other countries have far more punative immigration laws. Hell you may be killed for crossing the border into Iran. But you are not bitching about any other country... LOL!!!
What exactly did your forebears do to get here?

My bet is they just showed up
What exactly did your forebears do to get here?

My bet is they just showed up

I would ask them but they are dead.

Am I still responsible for all the slavery and racism of dead people and a free ride getting into America long before I was born? NM, I already know your answer...
What exactly did your forebears do to get here?

My bet is they just showed up
Learn english, take a test, get a physical, prove they were willing to earn their own way & not burden USA by taking free handouts. How you people get so far off topic Is comical. This had to do w/a thug getting shot attacking a cop. Somehow true racisist make It about race then talk shit