JWH-018 on the way

All outta herb these days (dealer moved), been on legals for about a week or so and now that's all gone as well! But this gets the job done and it let me ID the effects of just the jwh so s'all good
Hmm...i was thinking about seeing how it does mixed with a drink, but it sounds like you just need to use more for the same effect
That might work, except ebay removed his jwh018 listings, so we had to do it through email and money transfer.

Does anyone have any experience with this asshole? I know some people are slow, so I'm wondering if I'm not totally fucked and he's just the type of moron that takes their sweet time. Waiting around for a god damn week and then not hearing anything is never reassuring, though.

No you're fucked. You can take the two hours time to show up at his door, or you can call it a loss. I just sent an envelope of cash to a foreign country though, so I'm the stupid one. For sending cash in an envelope I mean, the actual guy is legit.
I sure hope I'm not fucked for his sake. I can't afford to just "cut my losses". I really couldn't afford this, but it was supposed to be for News Years with a couple friends.

I might not show up at his door, but guess who will? Is he so stupid that he doesn't realize when you receive Western Union payment, it gets logged into their computer? You have to show ID, and there are camera's where he picked it up. The last time someone scammed me like this was a few years ago (for a legit item), so I went back to WU and filed it for fraud. A few days went by and they arrested the guy - apparently he was doing this same type of shit for months and burned like 20 people. I don't know what his sentence was because he was out of state, but he got fucked good in the end. Plus I got my money back.

That's fucking incredible. Amazing story man.
I might not show up at his door, but guess who will? Is he so stupid that he doesn't realize when you receive Western Union payment, it gets logged into their computer? You have to show ID, and there are camera's where he picked it up. The last time someone scammed me like this was a few years ago (for a legit item), so I went back to WU and filed it for fraud. A few days went by and they arrested the guy - apparently he was doing this same type of shit for months and burned like 20 people. I don't know what his sentence was because he was out of state, but he got fucked good in the end. Plus I got my money back.

Isn't the only problem with this that the police might ask why you were trying to buy jwh?
"Peter Parker", you act like a guy who's never been ripped off, or at least not for anything major. Since this person has $500 from me and has just been sitting around with it, what do you think I should do? Maybe you're wealthy and can afford to lose that much money, but I can't. I've got a kid on the way and can't just be "donating" money to people for nothing.
Peter Parker, you act like you've never been ripped off, and good for you if you haven't. Unfortunately for me, this guy has my $500 and has done nothing. What would you do? I have a son on the way and bills to pay. I'm not in a good place to just be freely donating money to people. I'm sure others that have been screwed understand how I feel.

Anyway I just originally wanted to know if anyone else had experience with him before I decide I made a mistake trusting this person.
Peter Parker, you act like you've never been ripped off, and good for you if you haven't. Unfortunately for me, this guy has my $500 and has done nothing. What would you do? I have a son on the way and bills to pay. I'm not in a good place to just be freely donating money to people. I'm sure others that have been screwed understand how I feel.

Anyway I just originally wanted to know if anyone else had experience with him before I decide I made a mistake trusting this person.
Nobody here has bought from this 'jwh4u' or whatever, where the fuck are your posts going, who are you, WHAT'S GOING ON!!!!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
"Peter Parker", you act like a guy who's never been ripped off, or at least not for anything major. Since this person has $500 from me and has just been sitting around with it, what do you think I should do? Maybe you're wealthy and can afford to lose that much money, but I can't. I've got a kid on the way and can't just be "donating" money to people for nothing.

Maybe you just know nothing about me. Maybe you didn't do your research before giving someone a half grand. Maybe the end of the situation will be that I am sitting pretty and at the same time getting really fucked up, while you're 500 in the hole and sober. But this is all speculation. I sure as hell know what it's like to have no money, and I know what it's like to get jumped, and robbed, had 3 guns in my face with intent to kill, 18 years old. But good luck to ya bro.