Knock off "62% Boveda"(aka. Integra) packs now @ Walmart

With Amazon I get it Earlier, but the 2 times something got shipped fedex.......days late
Yeah, FedEx is useless right now. I think Amazon stopped using them and I had to tell another vendor to use UPS, instead of FedEx, because FedEx was refusing to deliver my last package.
+1 for integra over boveda, used boveda for years never really noticing the decrease in smell from my jars, after switching to integra.. if i were to open a boveda jar now id be like *sniffsniff* is that even weed?
I use a sealed container to maintain rh.

Someone should post scientific proof that a mason jar leaks moisture.
The don’t leak, for the most part, but using the packs is more so you don’t have to worry about the bud being at the perfect RH when you close it up. Humidity also fluctuates with temperature and these packs help with that.
Are the integra packs the way to go? I’ve heard both brands remove smell from the buds. Could someone enlighten me about these
I have used both extensively, lots of them, the large size ones. I prefer the Integra boost packs, the boveda packs adsorb your terpenes, kills the smell after some time in storage. The integra preserves the terpenes much better IME.

To store them I put them in a ziploc and the crisper drawer of the fridge. I never let them dry out, putting a wet paper towel in the bag with them will re-hydrate them if they are a bit low.
Do the integra packs still steal some of the terps? Also what’s your preferred drying temps and rh?
You can get inexpensive mini hygrometers from Amazon that work well. Some of them can be a little off, so I always check them against a known good one. Then you just put your dried bud into a jar with one of the hygrometers and let it level out. That will tell you where the bud is at. I use THESE but they sell round ones, too. The thing that is nice about thses, and the round ones, is you can cut a hole in the cap to your jar and silicone them into place like this.
I know you asked someone else, but I've never noticed any terpine loss with Integra Boost packs. I keep my temp in the mid to high 60s and RH 55-60% and dry for 7-10 days before I jar them up for curing.
No worries I appreciate the info. Thank you. Also have you used the bovada packs before?
what do you use to measure? that might be a neat toy to have
I use the large 64oz ball jars and my remote sensor for one of my tents is slim enough to fit in and still get 3+ oz. So I just did some measuring over a few days/nights to find the "sweet spot" of when to toss them in.
Use to use Boveda packs alot but I dont think they are that good, have 4 x 8 gram 2 way ( have bigger ones as well)which have been used for 3 years and still liquid, the dak in jars well dry brittle no smell no taste so I dont rate the packs- have started using the old school TP screwed up and soaked squeezed out and put in jar or bags for 3-5 days , also old jail days - lemon rind or potato peel works really well