Knock off "62% Boveda"(aka. Integra) packs now @ Walmart

I use I think they are cheaper. Plus I try to support anyone but Walmart and Amazon. Even if the cost is a little more. I use the 67g in pound bags and the 4g in my jars at our stores. They really help keep the product in good shape And retaining a great smell and texture.
Have you noticed lost of terps when using the bovada packs?
I haven’t used them long enough to notice anything. As I said earlier, it’s the one brand people claim they’ve noticed terp loss from. I’m pretty sure it’s caused by jarring up the bud, when it’s still a little too wet, but people don’t seem to have the same issue with Integra packs. The only reason I can think of that may be the cause is that Boveda uses salts in their packs and Integra doesn’t.
You can get inexpensive mini hygrometers from Amazon that work well. Some of them can be a little off, so I always check them against a known good one. Then you just put your dried bud into a jar with one of the hygrometers and let it level out. That will tell you where the bud is at. I use THESE but they sell round ones, too. The thing that is nice about thses, and the round ones, is you can cut a hole in the cap to your jar and silicone them into place like this.
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i had this idea ages ago!! have both these rectangles and circle ones, the only reason i didnt go through with it is i prefer to have them somewhere in the middle of the buds so the reading isnt skewed by the top half of the jar being more/less dry than the bottom half. have you tried putting one in the bottom of the jar, filling it with bud, capping it with one of these lids and seeing if they read differently?
I haven’t used them long enough to notice anything. As I said earlier, it’s the one brand people claim they’ve noticed terp loss from. I’m pretty sure it’s caused by jarring up the bud, when it’s still a little too wet, but people don’t seem to have the same issue with Integra packs. The only reason I can think of that may be the cause is that Boveda uses salts in their packs and Integra doesn’t.

Good catch on the salts. I wonder if that is the reason. I've been using Integra packs for years and have never found them to negatively affect the taste or smell.
i had this idea ages ago!! have both these rectangles and circle ones, the only reason i didnt go through with it is i prefer to have them somewhere in the middle of the buds so the reading isnt skewed by the top half of the jar being more/less dry than the bottom half. have you tried putting one in the bottom of the jar, filling it with bud, capping it with one of these lids and seeing if they read differently?
I used to leave them loose in the jar but never noticed it read any differently based on placement.
I used to leave them loose in the jar but never noticed it read any differently based on placement.
i just put one together, after the silicone cures ill throw some week-old product in with a meter at the bottom too and see what i figure out, i would love to have all my jars built like this, just too concerned that its gonna read 60% up top while being 5% +/- on the bottom
hey guys, so the silicone was set before i went to bed so i filled it up to test it out overnight, after appx 11hours in the jar the meter in the bottom is reading 61 whilst the one in the lid is reading 58. not a *huge* difference but enough that i wouldnt want to trust it by itself to monitor fresher product, should be perfectly fine for storing product thats moisture levels have already balanced out though.
Which one is "done" 62 or 55 ? i use 55 and i feel like it could use another 5% loss. just my preference i suppose.
Integra Boost isn't a Boveda "knock-off", the company who makes them (Desiccare) has been around longer than Boveda's parent company (Humidipak), and I actually prefer Integra Boost packs over Boveda. You can get them cheaper on Amazon ($24.65 for 36 of the 62% 8g packs).

I like the fact that each pack is individually wrapped. Not that the Boveda ziplock wasn’t ok, this is just a little easier to keep the shelf life.
what do you use to measure? that might be a neat toy to have

You have GOT to buy the cheap ass humidistats- mine are about 1”x2”, plastic, with a watch battery & LCD display. I bought a dozen on Amazon for little over $20. 1 in each jar. They tell me clearly how the cure is going, and even during longer term storage, a glance tells me temp n RH are good.