Lace and Frills <3


Pleasepleaseplease don't fight. I don't want to have to take sides.

Hey guys.

I'm a little calmer at the moment.

We had a little family emergency. I especially don't like Crack at this point in time.

Thankyou for the cuddles, support and advice.

Can I respectfully ask you guys to not yell at April for doing her job? She is right, and in an odd way I see her as a mother figure. I love you all, but don't attack her, please.

Pretty face? It seems guys like most ass or boobs, but it's harder to be sure if anyone really is interested in looking at your face. A face is so individua, if you really think your face is amazing out o 6 billion people it looks bad.. Well, over here no one really cares, but I will leave you guys with a smile (re post)


Back on the topic of clothes, I hope you liked the dungarees. I've always been a Steampunk fan, but since 'Hugo' came out, I've been wanting to return to that kind of aesthetic. Suggestions for what else to wear with it would be much appreciated. I have some Steampunk art I will post in Inspired art if you're at all interested.

I'm sorry for all the trouble I've caused..

Arse shots or no... You are beautiful and I love your sense of style...

and arse shots or no... I'd still want eat your pancakes...

and that's no innuendo... I just love pancakes...

No shit man. How do you end a childish game??? Who fucking cares. Who's the mod here cause all I've seen last 2 days is brick head thread hopping to usually make really lame boreing comments. Why can't a mod fix this bs so the rest of us can get back to the tits and ass
Right, as if I have been alone in this.

Tell it to Dribble Piss because I don't want to hear it. He started it and he is the one that needs to end it. Once he does, as far as I am concerned it will be as if nothing ever happened between us.

YOU have 4 trolling posts in a row without any reply from Dizzle. So take it somewhere else. No one cares about this bromance. Knock it off dude, there are hundreds of other thread for you to flame Diz on. Seriously. Do you need attention that bad? Needy whiney troll is not a good look for a 57 year old man.

This thread is for Lace and Frills.

Here is a re-post of Ladder Lace, my favorite.


Stop fucking fighting. Make a thread you can fight in and we can all watch and take sides if it must come to that. Play in the schoolyard or playpen that is a secure thread of it's own, not in my classroom.

I'm extremely depressed with personal/family issues right now. Don't make this bitch get her fangs out.

I don't even have the energy to try and ask in a flirty joking way anymore, I'm just down and pissed off...

This thread is for Lace and Frills.

Here is a re-post of Ladder Lace, my favorite.


Stop fucking fighting. Make a thread you can fight in and we can all watch and take sides if it must come to that. Play in the schoolyard or playpen that is a secure thread of it's own, not in my classroom.

I'm extremely depressed with personal/family issues right now. Don't make this bitch get her fangs out.

I don't even have the energy to try and ask in a flirty joking way anymore, I'm just down and pissed off...

Kuroi you are the best. Now I think I can hopefully go to bed. And I'm sorry to you beautiful for the trolls its not their fault they were not loved enough as children or something.

P.S. those panties are sexy as hell