Lace and Frills <3


Well-Known Member
well speaking about frilly stuff and panties are one of my faves or next to it LOL

and the ladies were talking about caustic toxic leaks this says it all


Shannon Alexander

Well-Known Member
I liked the Australian Immigration Policy one... not the others.. I didn't even see the others... if they were funny I like them too... but IO haven't seen them...


Well-Known Member
I liked the Australian Immigration Policy one... not the others.. I didn't even see the others... if they were funny I like them too... but IO haven't seen them...
It kind of gets your goat don't it ROTFL

How's the goat-a-nator today, OK so what has been seen can not be un-seen fess up you like the 3 little girls, hell even xK likes the one on the left, me I would do any of them, but I would fuck a snake if I could get under it. Great pick the one on the left is #1 in my books but get me drunk enough, put my beer goggles on and some Colombian marching powder and I'd do the top one too just so I can say I did it! Wooowhooooo


Well-Known Member
Too many cakes lead to not enough cock.
Fuck off your kidding tell me your kidding, I'm going to google it "Does eating Cherry Pound cake make your penis shrink"

Boy you had me going there

"It may interest you to know, fräulein, that the carrot and the cucumber are both very powerful sexuality symbols. They represent the masculine phallic member. And you are vishing either to chop it up or to pickle it!" — Sigmund Freud,



Well-Known Member
The truth is that All Men Are Perverts and All Women Are Lustful, only they are too ashamed of it thus they express it in covert sexual symbolism and repressed desire everywhere, every time, with everybody. When any kind of long thin shape is assumed to be a penis, or any hole that is oval is a vagina, you've got Freud Was Right in play. Dr. Sigmund Freud, a Viennese doctor who proposed a theory of human behavior and development based on the idea that all our behaviours are ultimately expressions of instinctual, biological desires. Like, for instance, sex.

"Hamlet: Do you think I meant Country Matters? What, shall I lie my head upon your lap?"


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