Layoffs coming...

This election must have been hard on the little guy. ;-)

Depictions of Red the moment Romney lost;




Florida’s new drug-tests-for-welfare-applicants program just yielded its first batch of results: 98 percent passed. And it will only cost the state $178 million.

I see I'm still on your ignore list.

ACLU of Florida filed a lawsuit and a federal court blocked the law, saying it was unconstitutional.
I knew the probable outcome long ago. Quit trying to pretend you know how I feel. Now you think you're psychic? You're just another smug, self righteous asshole who blathers on about things you know nothing about. You think much too highly of yourself. When you have the likes of that anti-American terrorist wanna be supporting you, you might want to rethink your position.

We've established, long ago, you are in fact the only anti-American here.

-against personal freedom and individual liberty
-against equal rights
-against religious freedom

You should gtfo of the USA, Iran, Pakistan, North Korea seems right up your alley, your ticket to paradise
awaits you!
Red,What about when a vegan hippy with long hair takes your side?It doesn't matter how you look,it matters what your character is.Even wanna-be terrorist types.Just not in Padwan's case.Conservative leaning libertarian and conservative need to stop labels
We've established, long ago, you are in fact the only anti-American here.

-against personal freedom and individual liberty
-against equal rights
-against religious freedom

You should gtfo of the USA, Iran, Pakistan, North Korea seems right up your alley, your ticket to paradise
awaits you!

Yeah liar? Quote me expressing any of those sentiments. I'll even give you a whole day to do so. Speaking of Iran, is that where you got your headdress? Or are you just wearing your mother's panties on your head?
I found the graph Hank. Notice the trend before our "war" began.


I've seen it plotted back another 50 years but I guess the author of this one thought it was more dramatic since the sharpest decline was all he showed.

you're right.

had we not implemented medicare and shit 50 years ago, we'd have negative poverty by 1985 based on that graph.

all hail reagan!


i mean, duuuuuuude.

It really boils down to a few things. What do we do to the poor? Do we let them rot or do we have government programs that help the poor? Myself, I lean towards helping the poor through government. I think most people people who grow up poor want to grow up better then they had it. Yes we are going to have takers breeding takers,haters breeding haters and o'doyles breeding o'doyles. But you have to think that these are a small percentage of people. With the economy the way it is, it seems like the takers are higher. Essentially it is, but I think it is due to a lack of jobs. I strongly believe that most people want to work. Living off the government can't be that extravagant of a lifestyle.

I feel these issues become more of a hot topic when the economy is in the slumps. If everybody is doing good, these issues kind of get put on the back burner. My fear is that jobs won't come back until the global economy is sound. Cause after all we are a global economy now. I don't want to live in a society where everyone is dependent on government , but I don't wan't to live in a society where you can't depend on the government for certain things.

So it comes down to the avatar..

I guess I'm a terrorist, in the eyes of Tea Party candidates. Oh well..

Your opinion means less than dirt, less than that clear slime snails leave behind.

You're an enemy of the state, an enemy to progress, to reason, to logic, to advancement.

Your own opinions prove it.

Tradition is golden to you. You're stuck in 1950's America, where the white man was king, economic prosperity depended on the military industrial complex, and the non religious were persecuted.

Got new for you, bud, a new era of Americans have grown up, we've realized the bullshit you believe in is unsustainable. "Unsustainable", a word you were never taught and never took the time to learn, it means you're not special, you're not first in line to prosperity. You're not the only one that matters. Get used to it. Compassion, empathy, more words you never knew..

All you know is "I number 1!" "God bless America!", you doofus. (ya like that? I used a euphemism from your era, ya feel special yet!?)

I bask in the thought of you getting angrier and angrier as time moves forward and our country progresses into a more liberal, accepting nation. Where freedoms are had by everyone, not just the stuck up elite fucks who think the white, rich man should enjoy all the benefits this great nation has to offer. Your tears of anguish are delicious! I salt my food with em!

You get older as we get stronger! Enjoy these moments while you still can, because, I assure you, they're receding faster than the Republican party!

See you in 2016, when the Dem's enjoy a fuckin' landslide unless your party gets its shit together!

How is it bullshit when the numbers prove it?

Over 300% increase in corporate profits since '74, compared to 6% on the middle class. Seems fair..

If you don't accept class warfare at this point, you probably don't accept evolution, either, am I right?

Have you noticed the correlation with government spending and Fed action with income disparity? It almost would lead you to the conclusion that printed money filters down from the too big to fail banks slowly to us insignificants. QE3 gives money directly to the banks now, they have even dropped the pretense, but if it helped with the election then a certain population ignores what it actually is.
notice the correlation between the increase in republican red states in the south and income disparity since the 60s?

notice the correlation between...........................................................................
notice the correlation between the increase in republican red states in the south and income disparity since the 60s?

notice the correlation between...........................................................................

lol no

QE3 gives 50B a month to the 1% directly now, much more efficient this way, for infinity. Even red southern states have democrat governors from time to time. Ever heard of Clinton or Carter?

I think my claims makes more sense than yours. Wanna take a vote?
lol no

QE3 gives 50B a month to the 1% directly now, much more efficient this way, for infinity. Even red southern states have democrat governors from time to time. Ever heard of Clinton or Carter?

I think my claims makes more sense than yours. Wanna take a vote?

Sorry I didnt bring my voter ID