Layoffs coming...

Bucky thinks any corn plants over 99 is excess and especially over 1,000 sends you to liberal hell. Everyone should get by on 6 corn plants like he does. Then you get an axe to protect them because a gun is so much more barbaric than bludgeoned.

What kind of vegan advocates eating corn. . .. . . .. . . . Fail for the win
What kind of vegan advocates eating corn. . .. . . .. . . . Fail for the win

I am not versed on vegan, vegetarian or similar lifestyles. Is corn taboo to a vegan? I thought with corn being a vegetable it was on the menu.

I'm not sure I want to ever give up meat but I'm trying to eliminate processed foods and I know corn is a high carb food so I'm not a fan, and if corn subsidies went away with our ethanol boner I wouldn't cry. I am interested to know why it's bad juju for vegans. My diet sucks and I need all the education I can get.
I disagree. His stock at one time was valued at 74 BILLION. Bush made a sizable dent in African aids numbers with "only" 1.5 billion. So 74 billion should have a noticeable affect.

In 2011, America spent $927 billion in welfare and related programs alone. $74 billion towards world wide poverty is only a drop in the pool, IMO.
I disagree. His stock at one time was valued at 74 BILLION. Bush made a sizable dent in African aids numbers with "only" 1.5 billion. So 74 billion should have a noticeable affect.

There are roughly 1.5 billion people in poverty worldwide. Not including the money it would cost to administer the aid, $74 billion would equal a one time payment of roughly $50 per person in poverty. It's more like a drop in the lake...
Prepare for some bad times guys. They are coming fast and hard.

Full time jobs are going to be very very difficult to find.

There may be some initial layoffs as a result of greedy business owners trying to desparately cling to their wealth disparity. Their thought being if I have more of a tax expense and continue to employ a workforce at the same level and wages there will be less of the pie left over for me to gorge my bloated ass on. However, those companies will ultimately be replaced by others who are willing to step into the competitive space and conduct business without the preconceived idea that the top guy needs to be taking home 10X the salary of the next layer of management. The most qualified and attractive workers will provide their services to companies that fall into the latter category with full benefits and a boss who lives well, but perhaps not like a Rockefeller of days gone by.

Do not forget, taxes are levied on what is left over as net income (or profit) after the expenses of a company are paid. Not off the top. A business who is willing to put more of what would have been 'profit' into paying for things like employee benefits and wages will not be impacted to the extent of one who's owner insists on squeezing out every drop for himself.
I am not versed on vegan, vegetarian or similar lifestyles. Is corn taboo to a vegan? I thought with corn being a vegetable it was on the menu.

I'm not sure I want to ever give up meat but I'm trying to eliminate processed foods and I know corn is a high carb food so I'm not a fan, and if corn subsidies went away with our ethanol boner I wouldn't cry. I am interested to know why it's bad juju for vegans. My diet sucks and I need all the education I can get.

most health nuts accept corn as the anti christ, the hybridizd maze aka corn, is not anything natural other than unnatural selection on our part, most people, not originally inhabitants of north/south america, do not metabolize it the same as other carbs . . . . corn is in everything as filler+ vitamins(that your body only absorbs 10% of of max) and hence one of the reason why we and other first world processed food nations are the biggest . . . .. . corn makes the cows fat and it does us too . . . .and all the by products from it fuck us as well

one reason why i think CS is either a Bullshitter or a trend jumper and just does what US weekly says is this weeks health craze
There may be some initial layoffs as a result of greedy business owners trying to desparately cling to their wealth disparity. Their thought being if I have more of a tax expense and continue to employ a workforce at the same level and wages there will be less of the pie left over for me to gorge my bloated ass on. However, those companies will ultimately be replaced by others who are willing to step into the competitive space and conduct business without the preconceived idea that the top guy needs to be taking home 10X the salary of the next layer of management. The most qualified and attractive workers will provide their services to companies that fall into the latter category with full benefits and a boss who lives well, but perhaps not like a Rockefeller of days gone by.

Do not forget, taxes are levied on what is left over as net income (or profit) after the expenses of a company are paid. Not off the top. A business who is willing to put more of what would have been 'profit' into paying for things like employee benefits and wages will not be impacted to the extent of one who's owner insists on squeezing out every drop for himself.

bump to wrangle this thread back to the OT
The only thing worse than the layoffs will be all the "jobs created"
Meter maids
Drone operators
Streetlight camera and microphone watchers and listeners....

Some know nothing was spouting off about how correlation equals causation (Dukie), Hey look, the more we spend on fighting poverty the more poverty there is.

I mean really, we are at the exact same poverty level we were at when this whole anti poverty campaign started. Government has PROVEN itself ineffective at helping people get out of poverty.
The only thing worse than the layoffs will be all the "jobs created"
Meter maids
Drone operators
Streetlight camera and microphone watchers and listeners....
Don't forget the 65,000 new IRS agents that ensure people like Dukie and Bucky pay me my tribute.
ACLU filed the lawsuit 2 months after the law officially was implemented. It was stopped 3 months and 23 days after the drug tests started. That's not quite 4 months, but it's close enough. Says most of that in your two links there, plus some math.

Yet, not one person was denied any benefits because of failing a drug test. I would have been satisfied if they could keep the benefits but had to attend drug counseling. At least for hard drugs.

Some know nothing was spouting off about how correlation equals causation (Dukie), Hey look, the more we spend on fighting poverty the more poverty there is.

I mean really, we are at the exact same poverty level we were at when this whole anti poverty campaign started. Government has PROVEN itself ineffective at helping people get out of poverty.
It looks like you suck at reading graphs... take another look...
The only thing worse than the layoffs will be all the "jobs created"
Meter maids
Drone operators
Streetlight camera and microphone watchers and listeners....
I was just telling my wife the solution yesterday. Every single police force in the nation should hire unemployed people to hand out fines and ticket others. You know, start cracking down on all the uninforced laws in this country. If they do it right, the proceeds will outwiegh the salaries and costs. The more cops..the more revenue..the more unemployment.

Everybody has a job...everybody's happy!
It looks like you suck at reading graphs...
LOL, was there an increase in spending over the last 20 years? Yep. Did the poverty rate decrease, nope sure didn't it actually increased.

Point proven, also YOU haven't got any idea how to read a graph do you?

What year did LBJ start the war on poverty again? 1965? Yep and poverty was LESS of an issue then.

HAHAHA I love pointing out stupid people.
It looks like you suck at reading graphs... take another look...


lyndon johnson launched his "war on poverty" in 1964. which on this graph would place the % of population in "poverty" at just under 15% and at the end of the graph's timeline you can clearly see that the rate is just a hair above 15%.

looks like the remedial student be thee, not he.
It really boils down to a few things. What do we do to the poor? Do we let them rot or do we have government programs that help the poor? Myself, I lean towards helping the poor through government. I think most people people who grow up poor want to grow up better then they had it. Yes we are going to have takers breeding takers,haters breeding haters and o'doyles breeding o'doyles. But you have to think that these are a small percentage of people. With the economy the way it is, it seems like the takers are higher. Essentially it is, but I think it is due to a lack of jobs. I strongly believe that most people want to work. Living off the government can't be that extravagant of a lifestyle.

I feel these issues become more of a hot topic when the economy is in the slumps. If everybody is doing good, these issues kind of get put on the back burner. My fear is that jobs won't come back until the global economy is sound. Cause after all we are a global economy now. I don't want to live in a society where everyone is dependent on government , but I don't wan't to live in a society where you can't depend on the government for certain things.


All that seems pretty reasonable. I think that those who abuse the system should face some kind of punishment, though. Most people convicted of welfare fraud face no more of a sanction than losing their benefits, and they can still reapply. We weren't always a global economy, tho. Not too long ago, America was the consumer for much of the worlds production. Our exports were relatively low. Now, China and India are becoming large consumers. Is it possible that we can go back to a largely self-sufficient economy? I don't know. Most of the recent decline in the global economy is related to massive government debt. At some point, unless the global economy can recover, expect to world wide default on these debts. China, that world's leader on holding that debt, would be screaming bloody murder, but do we really care? Unfortunately, privately held retirement investments like your 401k would take the biggest hit of all.
I was just telling my wife the solution yesterday. Every single police force in the nation should hire unemployed people to hand out fines and ticket others. You know, start cracking down on all the uninforced laws in this country. If they do it right, the proceeds will outwiegh the salaries and costs. The more cops..the more revenue..the more unemployment.

Everybody has a job...everybody's happy!

That's one thing the Nazis don't get enough credit for
They were really good at eliminating unemployment