Well-Known Member
Or you could just buy a brick house, you cheap cunt.
(Edited your post for accuracy)
Love Brick houses
Had one in mind
Wife didnt like the neighborhood
Or you could just buy a brick house, you cheap cunt.
(Edited your post for accuracy)
No playgrounds to keep him entertained?Love Brick houses
Had one in mind
Wife didnt like the neighborhood
No playgrounds to keep him entertained?
If you have ever worked in retail you would realize the workers are underpaid. They are trained just as other companies trained. According to many rightwingers on the forum Hostess employees just push a button and the Twinkies bake themselves. Wouldn't that be unskilled labor then? Profits are not dependent upon making employment is one theory, but all profit is squeezed from labor is what Marx argued. It will always be the workers who make the company a profit.Why would a huge company like that, with unskilled labour offer any more than the absolute legal minimum?Employment is made as a result of a company making a profit, however profits are not dependent on making employment. In short, companies are there to make money for their owners and make jobs as a by-product, they're not there for any other reason.
Does he own a lot of ice cream parlors? And does his milk come in large glass bottles? I believe he ran for political office as a Republican in IL if it is who I am thinking of.Thats a good question, The business was started by a dairy farmer that sold his milk 125 miles away, and started delivering goods on the way there and back. So the old man was a working man with values and knows what is needed for a man to make a living, and living near and around your employees and can see the impact his business has on the town. If he sells out, the town will suffer. The new owner would have no "skin" in the community and would not be able to justify the high wage.
How the fuck is a retail worker underpaid?If you have ever worked in retail you would realize the workers are underpaid. They are trained just as other companies trained. According to many rightwingers on the forum Hostess employees just push a button and the Twinkies bake themselves. Wouldn't that be unskilled labor then? Profits are not dependent upon making employment is one theory, but all profit is squeezed from labor is what Marx argued. It will always be the workers who make the company a profit.
The interface is faulty, it lacks product knowledge, and tells me the company could give a shit about me, my time or the employee.How the fuck is a retail worker underpaid? They're the human interface between the customer and the till, that is all.
Well why then do they fold clothing, stock the shelves, assist customers in finding items, order items, prepare the items, move heavy items for the customers, explain things to the customers about items, and numerous other tasks. You are just trying the childish trick of reducing their jobs to a minimal task. That is like saying a fireman only sprays water on fires. You are forgetting all of the other things they do in order to make your point stronger.How the fuck is a retail worker underpaid? They're the human interface between the customer and the till, that is all.
Is it the same when they say that a company can't just dump toxic waste into the local water supply? Now the damned EPA is regulating the Freedom and it will cost them more? What about the human cost? Walmart being the obvious scapegoat which encourages their employees to seek government assistance and apply for food-stamps and other government entitlements? Isn't that just as bad since we are now being forced to subsidize their corporation and pay for their employees healthcare?
Why would a huge company like that, with unskilled labour offer any more than the absolute legal minimum?
Employment is made as a result of a company making a profit, however profits are not dependent on making employment.
In short, companies are there to make money for their owners and make jobs as a by-product, they're not there for any other reason.
Which is why they should pay a tax for draining our social resources, or pay a living wage.
If unions didn't exist and you owned a company would you automatically fuck people over?You obviously never will tho, you can't even paint your house until the city gets involved.
Would you paint your house, if you have the intentions and the permits to cover it with vinyl siding? BTW when they sent the notice to paint the house. It was last october. I took the dog out for a walk this morning and it's fucking snowing. Know any low temperature house paints?
And since you are tweaking me.
They didnt send notice to paint the whole house. We did that on our own. They wanted a 4 foot section of trim up near the roof peak painted.
If you have ever worked in retail you would realize the workers are underpaid. They are trained just as other companies trained. According to many rightwingers on the forum Hostess employees just push a button and the Twinkies bake themselves. Wouldn't that be unskilled labor then? Profits are not dependent upon making employment is one theory, but all profit is squeezed from labor is what Marx argued. It will always be the workers who make the company a profit.
The interface is faulty, it lacks product knowledge, and tells me the company could give a shit about me, my time or the employee.
You are making up a world that doesn't exist and then drawing comparisons.
Dumping poison into the public water supply is an outright attack and punishable. The water isn't owned by them and thus it is illegal except where the government gives them permission. In unfettered capitalism, if you did this, you would be sued and punished as you attacked someone else.
Or maybe, just maybe, they should just stop using the social resources to pay people to be irresponsible.
Define living wage - isn't that what they decided minimum wage was? The issue here is that people making minimum wage have $600 iphones and tablets, drive nice cars, and live above their means. Your life should directly reflect the amount of effort you put into it. How much effort does your average Wal-mart cashier put into their life? Not very much, that is why they are doing a remedial job for remedial pay. I really don't understand the tendency of people like you to punish those who do well in favor of those who on average really couldn't give a crap about themselves.
I am willing to compromise. Since the government already subsidizes laziness, how about we trade EIC credits for universal 100% government payed health care for those who receive EIC? Both are really shitty things to do, but at least one has some benefit.
Koch-funded organizationsAccording to the 2010 report by Greenpeace, Koch Industries: Secretly Funding the Climate Denial Machine, Koch has out-spent ExxonMobil in funding climate change denial. From 2005 to 2008, ExxonMobil spent $8.9 million, while the Koch Industries-controlled foundations contributed $24.9 million in funding to organizations of climate change skeptics. Efforts include:
The reports says such contributions are only part of the picture, because the full scope of direct contributions to organizations is not disclosed by individual Koch family members, executives, or from the company itself.
- More than $5 million to Americans for Prosperity Foundation (AFP) for its nationwide “Hot Air Tour” campaign opposing clean energy and climate legislation.
- More than $1 million to the Heritage Foundation, which writes about climate and environmental policy issues.
- Over $1 million to the Cato Institute, which disputes the scientific evidence behind global warming, questions the rationale for taking climate action, and has been heavily involved in spinning the recent ClimateGate story.
- $800,000 to the Manhattan Institute, which has hosted Bjorn Lomborg twice in the last two years, a prominent media spokesperson who challenges and attacks policy measures to address climate change.
- $365,000 to Foundation for Research on Economics and the Environment (FREE), which advocates against taking action on climate change because warming is “inevitable” and expensive to address.
- $360,000 to Pacific Research Institute for Public Policy (PRIPP) which supported and funded An Inconvenient Truth...or Convenient Fiction, a film attacking the science of global warming and intended as a rebuttal to former Vice-President Al Gore’s documentary An Inconvenient Truth (PRIPP also threatened to sue the U.S. Government for listing the polar bear as an endangered species.)
- $325,000 to the Tax Foundation, which issued a misleading study on the costs of proposed climate legislation.