Well-Known Member
I was surprised he didn't send me a message immediatelyThe only person who mentioned it was Uncle Buck.
actually I was busy getting my free stuff

I was surprised he didn't send me a message immediatelyThe only person who mentioned it was Uncle Buck.
Longterm disability costs me a couple dollars a month and short term a couple more. When all is said and done, I pay less than $100 a month for all of my insurance including health, dental, vision, short and long term disability, advanced disease benefit replacement(or something like that), life insurance, and one or two other things that I pay for but never really think about because they are 50 cents or so.
and you also have some stuff in "my sig for 90 days" that I did not ask for..please remove
6051409]you got it... if Ron paul does not get the put what I want in your sig for 90 days ..if he does..I put what you want....If Obama wins the election you put what I want in you sig another 90 days..if he loses then I will...Thank you...I will make a special sig for you my friend
Truly a business that knows what it takes to be responsible for a healthy and profitable community.
You don't recall where I said I work, do you?
actually I was busy getting my free stuff![]()
No sorry I missed that.
I guess I didn't say it outright:
Wal-Mart did not kill Hostess. They died from a mixture of no one eating their products and high labor cost. Companies go bankrupt dealing with Wal-Mart because they put all their eggs in one basket. There are many companies that supply Wal-Mart and never go bankrupt. I am going to tell you right now that I know more about Wal-Mart buying practices than everyone on this forum combined because I have actually worked with one of the regional buyers and dealt with snack cakes in particular.
I actually work for Wal-Mart and the benefits I get, besides bonus, are exactly the same from the people greeter to the district managers (the people in charge of 20 stores or so). All those things I listed are standard Wal-Mart benefits. I stop at the district level because I don't know what the regional people get, but I suspect it is the same.
Ran out of Obamaphone minutes already? rofl
Dude you signed on to thisThat wasn't our agreement.
I agreed by saying thisSince you're going to win the bet against the Ron Paul fellas, your sig should be open to another bet. I'd like to bet on whether Obama is reelected. My sig for your sig (90 days) that the Republican candidate prevails over Obama. I already have your new sig picked out.
then you jumped in sayingok I will definitely take your bet if you take mine..and that is more then fair...
edit: and who says the Ron Paul fellas will lose...hell Ron winning on every oneline poll..How could he
you agreed to take the bet of my sig for your sig..well I own your sig my friend and you do have things in it that I did not request..come on make this easier ..a bet is a bet..Sync0 had zero problems honoring the bet. Wow I just realized that you agreed to the Ron Paul bet and the Obama bet..thats 180 days of sig ownageIll take that same bet
Dude you signed on to this
I agreed by saying thisthen you jumped in saying you agreed to take the bet of my sig for your sig..well I own your sig my friend and you do have things in it that I did not request..come on make this easier ..a bet is a bet..Sync0 had zero problems honoring the bet. Wow I just realized that you agreed to the Ron Paul bet and the Obama bet..thats 180 days of sig ownage![]()
He is Ron Paul supporter?
How do I get back the Reputation I gave him?
I guess I didn't say it outright:
Wal-Mart did not kill Hostess. They died from a mixture of no one eating their products and high labor cost. Companies go bankrupt dealing with Wal-Mart because they put all their eggs in one basket. There are many companies that supply Wal-Mart and never go bankrupt. I am going to tell you right now that I know more about Wal-Mart buying practices than everyone on this forum combined because I have actually worked with one of the regional buyers and dealt with snack cakes in particular.
I actually work for Wal-Mart and the benefits I get, besides bonus, are exactly the same from the people greeter to the district managers (the people in charge of 20 stores or so). All those things I listed are standard Wal-Mart benefits. I stop at the district level because I don't know what the regional people get, but I suspect it is the same.
So why wont you let the unions talk to your employees since your company is so benevolent?
Who said the unions can't talk to the employees? That being said, there is no legal obligation to let people walk around in the store and do sales pitches to the employees. Management has been given orders to not bother employees who try to convince others to join unions and that they can be in the break room promoting them. What would the benefit of letting random people walk around the store and badmouth Wal-Mart be? It would definitely disrupt business people walking around the store trying to get people to join unions.
No shit? Well here is one way where they are irresponsible, and perhaps you can tell me why because I have no idea why anybody would sell X-mas lights/cord coated with lead (it's great for productivity in manufacturing) to young families with small kids? This is only one product that will affect you and me in the long run, but not in Sams eyes. But it is going to cost someone to diagnose lead poisoning, This is where Wall-Mart and other's are leaching from society. Along with working employees in a manner which keeps them from gaining any steady part time job elsewhere.
Walmart is facing accusations that the company is engaged in a bold and illegal campaign to stamp out union activity after firing five employees in recent months who were involved in a group organizing the company’s workers.
Starting the first Wal-Mart employees' union in North America seemed a good
idea at the time to Sylvie Lavoie. The American retailing giant, with its $10bn
�5.3bn) annual profit, had set up shop in Jonquiere, a pretty little Canadian
town in northern Quebec.
Ms Lavoie believed the 190 employees needed a voice because "there was
injustice at the company and it did not respect its workforce". Now, after a
battle which has inspired and appalled the rest of Canada, she and her
colleagues are out of work, the store closed last week, union organizers said
they were threatened with violence, and Wal-Mart has moved out of town for good.
I’m here to tell you that Walmart actively violates its associates’ legal right to form a union. The company stops at nothing to prevent its associates from organizing—including repeatedly violating the law, firing workers, shutting down stores, and even discontinuing a company-wide meat-cutting service after the workers voted for a union.. For this reason, I urge the City Council to deny Walmart the opportunity to open stores in New York City.
Wal-Mart settles charges of anti-union activity at Hastings store![]()
Posted: 1:00 am Fri, January 8, 2010
By Scott Carlson
Yesterday, Human Rights Watch issued a new report, titled "Discounting Human
Rights: Wal-Mart’s Violation of US Workers’ Right to Freedom of Association,"
outlining the various ways the company works to keep labor unions from taking
hold among its employees.
“Wal-Mart workers have virtually no chance to organize because they’re
against unfair US labor laws and a giant company that will do just
anything to keep unions out,” said Carol Pier, senior researcher
on labor
rights and trade for Human Rights Watch. “That one-two punch
workers’ right to form and join unions.”
It is a California warning label that says that and it is pretty much on all wires of that nature, not just those ones, and not just the ones sold at Wal-Mart. This is also on lead fishing weights, car batteries, bullets, ceramic dishes/cups, the cords on your tv, the cords on your phones, vinyl mini blinds, almost all vinyl products(car seats for instance), ect. The state of California is pretty retarded about warning labels, and the rest of us are getting there. It says "caution: may cause drowsiness" on a bottle of sleeping pills. How stupid can people get?
The christmas lights in question are not beyond the safe guidelines set by the government, and are barely over the guidelines set for toys for children. Beyond that, why are your children playing with christmas lights or any other power cords?
The reason they put lead in the cords is for fire safety and for keeping the cord from getting breaks in it and electrocuting you. Arguably, the small amount of lead isn't nearly as dangerous as getting electrocuted in the grand scheme of things. Like as not, you touch products that contain lead every single day and don't even realize it.
So in your mind you could never see kids putting lights on a tree.
And just barely over the limit?![]()