Layoffs coming...

walmart changed from a family run business with actual ties to it's employees to a multinational conglomerate run by cost-accountants who only see entries in a ledger, and the entries are either red (bad), or black (good).

this is the same thing we get with centralized washington government, out of touch mandarins making proclamations about every picayune detail of our lives with no concern for the "outcomes" as long as they deem the costs/benefit analysis to be "satisfactory".

but here in the USA the individual is supposed to be able to do shit for themselves, and not be slaves to an all-powerful government in distant washington.

bureaucratic heavy-handedness is as sure a road to serfdom as socialist revolution and stalinist rule ever was.

Or maybe the US goverment thinks of all people as being good and with potential
Yes people are supposed to "do shit" for themselves But that doesnt preclude society from helping them out
I wonder if they called relief societys at the turn of the last century Socialist
"May 2002 - President George W Bush shows unexpected support for the (food stamp/EBT) program by signing a law making significant expansions. The law, championed by the program's top official Eric Bost, restores the eligibility of many immigrants, raises benefits, and gives bonuses to the states that enroll the greatest number of eligible people".

Blows your frigging charge against the Democrats right out of your bathtub, duckie.

because one guy (who is supposed to be a retard as i recall) shows more woollyheaded compassion than sense, and his willingness to accept that maybe some government intervention can be useful or even good means TOTAL SURRENDER!, and mandatory submission to all forms of government intervention.

also i love the "quote" without attribution or source.

"Hotrodharley wears women's underclothes, and engages in fellatio with strangers in truckstop men's rooms, new federal study shows. He is most likely a pederast, experts say."

and it's in quotes so you know it's true!
Or maybe the US goverment thinks of all people as being good and with potential
Yes people are supposed to "do shit" for themselves But that doesnt preclude society from helping them out
I wonder if they called relief societys at the turn of the last century Socialist

releif societies and charities are VOLUNTARY!
you may give volunteer your time, or even leave themyour entire estate when you snuff it, but you are not required to serve, give or bequest.
government brings compulsion into the equation, and being generous with other people's money is not a virtue.

like all things mandated under law or imposed by congress (two VERY different things), the burden should be as light as possible and the benefit should be tailored for maximum benefit for the largest number of those deemed needy, not a silly giveaway free-for-all or a tottering corrupt bureaucracy always on the edge of collapse.
releif societies and charities are VOLUNTARY!
you may give volunteer your time, or even leave themyour entire estate when you snuff it, but you are not required to serve, give or bequest.
government brings compulsion into the equation, and being generous with other people's money is not a virtue.

like all things mandated under law or imposed by congress (two VERY different things), the burden should be as light as possible and the benefit should be tailored for maximum benefit for the largest number of those deemed needy, not a silly giveaway free-for-all or a tottering corrupt bureaucracy always on the edge of collapse.

Taking goverment assistance is voluntary as well

Guess you oppose FEMA as well
because one guy (who is supposed to be a retard as i recall) shows more woollyheaded compassion than sense, and his willingness to accept that maybe some government intervention can be useful or even good means TOTAL SURRENDER!, and mandatory submission to all forms of government intervention.

also i love the "quote" without attribution or source.

"Hotrodharley wears women's underclothes, and engages in fellatio with strangers in truckstop men's rooms, new federal study shows. He is most likely a pederast, experts say."

and it's in quotes so you know it's true!

A NY Times story with time;line on the expansion of food stamp program. "Dr. Kynes sucks cock, not because I said so or it's in quotes but it's inherited from his father." Descended from a long line of stupid cocksuckers.
Dr. Kynes? You ain't any kind of doctor - medical or otherwise. You're too stupid, too narrow minded and too blind to even pass a GRE. Or even know what it is probably.

And the GRE is another "gubmint plot", right? If you can pay you should be able to play, right? Dipshit using the tag "Doctor". Gimme a fucking break.
Dr. Kynes? You ain't any kind of doctor - medical or otherwise. You're too stupid, too narrow minded and too blind to even pass a GRE. Or even know what it is probably.

And the GRE is another "gubmint plot", right? If you can pay you should be able to play, right? Dipshit using the tag "Doctor". Gimme a fucking break.

He is a cynic

Some of his shit is funny as hell. But only when after taking his anti psychotics
Guarantee you if Kynes' dumb fucking ass was in the sea he would gladly accept a Coast Guard rescue. Even though we didn't put his dumb ass out there, we will pay to rescue him. On second thought he would wave a chopper or cutter away and swim to shore. Right, big mouth? Another dumb fuck who talks through his shorts - Dr. Kynes.
Taking goverment assistance is voluntary as well

Guess you oppose FEMA as well

robbery and charity are not the same, the two are entirely different in their character and their morality

a hungry man will accept gifts of food and clothing from anybody, mafiosos (al capone), narcoterorrists(Pablo Escobar), evil foreign imperialist powers (the US), hateful infidel/apostate/heretic/suppressive persons(the catholic church), or the devil himslef (Bill Gates), and ill not fault him for it.

a bandit who gives a small portion of his spoils to the needy does not become a philanthropist by his meager charity with stolen money.

also fema is run by OUR money. and yes i am opposed to it on principle.
if my house gets knocked down by a falling tree in a windstorm, thats my problem, but if the windstorm is big enough it becomes EVERYBODY's probblem. thats retarded. it oonly makes sense in a macro-economic sense, and macroeconomics turns the individual into a ledger entry by design.

fema is designed to help insurance companies not people. insurance companies are gamblers by trade, they stack the cards int their favour but every now and then, they come up with a shit hand. fema is there to help them out with lines of credit so they can cover their markers (which they siphon off a great deal of for themselves) and then off fema goes looking for a new crisis to battle... most actual victims of disasters never see shit from fema once their disaster is out of the newspapers.
most of the actual victims of a disaster wind up getting served by their insurance company, and if you aint got insurance, well, then you should have planned ahead and gone to the insurance casino earlier.
also fema is run by OUR money. and yes i am opposed to it on principle.
if my house gets knocked down by a falling tree in a windstorm, thats my problem, but if the windstorm is big enough it becomes EVERYBODY's probblem. thats retarded. it oonly makes sense in a macro-economic sense, and macroeconomics turns the individual into a ledger entry by design.


IN your ledger everyone is a liability then? No future potential at all?
So how big was the silver spoon you were born with?
A NY Times story with time;line on the expansion of food stamp program. "Dr. Kynes sucks cock, not because I said so or it's in quotes but it's inherited from his father." Descended from a long line of stupid cocksuckers.

and you still cant perform the simple action of copying and pasting the source for your quote, though obviously your copy/paste technique is otherwise well practiced.

All the Palestinian armed groups carry out rocket and mortar attacks, with varying frequency.[SUP][16][/SUP] The main groups are Hamas, Islamic Jihad,[SUP][23][/SUP] the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine,[SUP][24][/SUP] the Popular Resistance Committees,[SUP][25][/SUP] Fatah,[SUP][26][/SUP] and the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine.[SUP][16][/SUP] Hamas is the de facto governing authority in the Gaza Strip, while Fatah holds the presidency of the Palestinian National Authority.

Islamic Jihad has involved other Palestinians in the activities, running summer camps where children were taught how to hold a Qassam rocket launcher.[SUP][27][/SUP] One Islamic Jihad rocket maker, Awad al-Qiq, was a science teacher and headmaster at a United Nations school. Christopher Gunness, a UNRWA spokesman, said the UN had "zero-tolerance policy towards politics and militant activities in our schools", but that they "cannot police people's minds."[SUP][28][/SUP]
Palestinian security forces say that they do little or nothing to prevent rocket attacks or to hold responsible the militants who launch them, according to a 2007 report by Human Rights Watch[SUP][29][/SUP]
The Israeli Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center estimated that in 2007[SUP][30][/SUP] the proportions of rockets fired from the Gaza Strip were:
34% – Palestinian Islamic Jihad (Al Quds)22% – Hamas (Qassam) 8% – Fatah (Kafah) 6% – Popular Resistance Committees (al Nasser)30% – unknown
~ <---------------------- see how easy that is!

also your butthurt is music to my ears, and your tears are so sweet. as sweet as candy to me.
and you still cant perform the simple action of copying and pasting the source for your quote, though obviously your copy/paste technique is otherwise well practiced.

All the Palestinian armed groups carry out rocket and mortar attacks, with varying frequency.[SUP][16][/SUP] The main groups are Hamas, Islamic Jihad,[SUP][23][/SUP] the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine,[SUP][24][/SUP] the Popular Resistance Committees,[SUP][25][/SUP] Fatah,[SUP][26][/SUP] and the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine.[SUP][16][/SUP] Hamas is the de facto governing authority in the Gaza Strip, while Fatah holds the presidency of the Palestinian National Authority.

Islamic Jihad has involved other Palestinians in the activities, running summer camps where children were taught how to hold a Qassam rocket launcher.[SUP][27][/SUP] One Islamic Jihad rocket maker, Awad al-Qiq, was a science teacher and headmaster at a United Nations school. Christopher Gunness, a UNRWA spokesman, said the UN had "zero-tolerance policy towards politics and militant activities in our schools", but that they "cannot police people's minds."[SUP][28][/SUP]
Palestinian security forces say that they do little or nothing to prevent rocket attacks or to hold responsible the militants who launch them, according to a 2007 report by Human Rights Watch[SUP][29][/SUP]
The Israeli Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center estimated that in 2007[SUP][30][/SUP] the proportions of rockets fired from the Gaza Strip were:
34% &#8211; Palestinian Islamic Jihad (Al Quds)22% &#8211; Hamas (Qassam)&#8194;8% &#8211; Fatah (Kafah)&#8194;6% &#8211; Popular Resistance Committees (al Nasser)30% &#8211; unknown
~ <---------------------- see how easy that is!

also your butthurt is music to my ears, and your tears are so sweet. as sweet as candy to me.

Actually I don't duplicate posts because I'm insane the way you are when it doesn't appear immediately like your dumb fucking ass. I'm not hurt. I simply loathe 2 faced jackasses such as you, Kynes. I love calling out you big mouthed do-nothings.
Look - the dumb cluck figured it out. The manic fool. "Post! Post! Post!" The world awaits his grains of wisdom mixed with heaps of bullshit. Kynes - the Pied Piper that even rats wouldn't follow.
IN your ledger everyone is a liability then? No future potential at all?
So how big was the silver spoon you were born with?

reductio ad retardum.

my unwillingness to weep tears of blood for the jackasses who build their houses in a flood plain and get washed away EVERY OTHER YEAR does not mean i believe we should devolve into some bizzare savage law of the jungle society based on the ruminations of some Anarcho-_______ist beard stroker from the 1880's. likewise i do not desire a nanny state with it's swollen teats shoved forcefully into the mouths of all, willing or not.

our government has, by dint of it's distance from the people it is presumed to serve, become unresponsive, self-perpetuating and uncontrollable. its a tree thats grow too big and too wild for it's location. now it's knocking tiles off the roof, dropping leaves down the neighbor's chimney and it hasnt had a good fruit crop in decades. i propose we prune it, carefully and with measured caution, not that we hack it down and burn the branches and salt the earth so that nothing else may ever grow there.