Well-Known Member
walmart changed from a family run business with actual ties to it's employees to a multinational conglomerate run by cost-accountants who only see entries in a ledger, and the entries are either red (bad), or black (good).
this is the same thing we get with centralized washington government, out of touch mandarins making proclamations about every picayune detail of our lives with no concern for the "outcomes" as long as they deem the costs/benefit analysis to be "satisfactory".
but here in the USA the individual is supposed to be able to do shit for themselves, and not be slaves to an all-powerful government in distant washington.
bureaucratic heavy-handedness is as sure a road to serfdom as socialist revolution and stalinist rule ever was.
Or maybe the US goverment thinks of all people as being good and with potential
Yes people are supposed to "do shit" for themselves But that doesnt preclude society from helping them out
I wonder if they called relief societys at the turn of the last century Socialist